Spinal stenosis and ablations

Posted by kris27 @kris27, Aug 15, 2023

Hello, I have been having ablations for years with good luck but lately they are not lasting as long and they are not relieving as much pain. Have any of you experienced this? If so, what else have you tried besides surgery?
Thank you

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What exactly is an ablation in regard to spinal stenosis? I had some nerves "burned" at L5-S1 a few years ago without any positive effect. Is this what you are referring to?
Appreciate any insight you can provide.


What you had was an ablation.


Hi @kris27. Sorry to hear of your diminished relief from your ablations. I'd like to invite @bebop, @jmweissler, and @barbara94 to share their experiences with ablation as well.

@kris27, Have you and your provider discussed any next steps in consideration of your lack of relief from your most recent ablation?


Hi Justin,
Thank you for answering. I have been afraid to tell my doctor that the ablations are not as effective because I dont want to take heavy pills (kidneys iffy) or have surgery. Is there anything else I could do? I know I sound whiny. Just feel caught between rock and hard place.


@kris27 Hi Kris I too have spinal stenosis and just use a brace everyday just had an injection in my L5 it helps for a long time I don't know what ablation is .


Hi Justin,
Thank you for answering. I have been afraid to tell my doctor that the ablations are not as effective because I dont want to take heavy pills (kidneys iffy) or have surgery. Is there anything else I could do? I know I sound whiny. Just feel caught between rock and hard place.

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Ablations are not a cure all as you know. I don’t believe there is a sure fire cure that instantly cures neuropathy. Those of us with disk narrowing, spine issues causing pinched nerves leading to neuropathy, etc. don’t expect any magic bullets but we keep searching like you are. Back injections help but again only temporarily and too many can cause bone destruction. At some point I have found you must come to terms with your physicality and learn to cope as best you can.


Hi Justin,
Thank you for answering. I have been afraid to tell my doctor that the ablations are not as effective because I dont want to take heavy pills (kidneys iffy) or have surgery. Is there anything else I could do? I know I sound whiny. Just feel caught between rock and hard place.

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Justin: I definitely agree with your decision to not get surgery. I’ve had pain in my back, hips, legs, and shoulders for fifteen years and six years ago I had back surgery hoping that I’d be getting some relief from it. After the surgery and post-surgery rehab I got a letter and a phone call from the head of the hospital where the surgery took place. The gentleman informed me that the surgeon who operated on me had made a bad mistake while operating. He apologized profusely and then advised me to hire an attorney and use him. I was stunned but followed that advice which was found in my favor and I received financial recompense. The thing is, money can’t obliterate one’s pain which I still have and it’s more severe than prior to the surgery. I see a pain management doctor once a month and I have been advised to get all sorts of treatments which I have read up on extensively and none of the treatments offered have or proven to be of long lasting benefit to anyone who has had the various treatments (mostly ablation, pain pump etc.). So I’m pretty much resigned to life long pain, taking pain meds that barely work. Sorry to be so negative.


I’m so sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope that you were successful with your attorney against this negligent Dr., although I know that doesn’t do anything to ease your pain.

Take care …


@kris27 Hi Kris I too have spinal stenosis and just use a brace everyday just had an injection in my L5 it helps for a long time I don't know what ablation is .

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@kris27. 😊


I've had foraminal lumbar spinal stenosis for over 10-years. I've had numerous ablations and epidural steroid injections. Nothing helped. Nothing was effective. This past March I had the MILD procedure. It also was not effective. Then I had another Epidural Steroid injection. That didn't help the pain either. Now I've been told the only option for me is the Spinal Cord Stimulator. I've been in pain for well over 10-years and it's getting worse. Now my legs are effected and I can barely walk without pain. I just don't see my life changing and I think I'll be in pain for the rest of my life.

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