Soy posible donante de riñon | I am a possible kidney donor
Estoy en examenes para donar un riñon a mi padre. Tengo mucha ilusión y deseo de verlo de nuevo sano y feliz pero por momentos me da miedo el procedimiento y las posibles consecuencias. Algún testimonio de donante por aquí?
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Welcome @luna69, we have a few discussions that will interest you giving first-hand experiences from other donors like @ek101085, @danhoe, @mauraacro, @tasher3433, @sameeh123
– Living Donor Process:
- July 13 is the date! I get to donate.
- Kidney transplant – The Journey from the Donor's Side
Luna, are you a match for your father or are you going through the process to find out?
Si somos compatibles, ya hemos hecho la prueba de compatibilidad
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@luna69, I want to add my Welcome to Connect. As a recipient, I want to commend you and send you a virtual hug for taking the first step to potential kidney donation. I can understand your mixture of excitement and concern about the process.
I hope that you will preview the discussions that Colleen has shared and I have found another one that I want to share. I realize that the title is about packing, however if you read thru the comments, you will find many supportive remarks related to living kidney donation.
Luna, I am excited for you and your dad. I know that you will have many questions after you are in the process of evaluation. Will you be a Mayo patient? Do you and your dad live near the transplant center?
Hi Luna,
I donated a kidney to my husband last May and yes the evaluation is a little intimidating but the surgery was an absolute breeze. On the 3rd night after surgery I went out for dinner with a friend and was moving a little slowly but felt great. The only moment I was a little scared was once I got into the operating theatre and realized this is finally it, but I was asleep in no time and woke up feeling a little uncomfortable but they gave me meds and I was resting comfortably for a few more hours. Truly I could have left hospital that night if they would have let me I felt that good. If it meant my husband would continue to do as well as he is now I would go through the whole surgery every month. The difference in his life and outlook has changed so much it was so very worth it.
Good luck to you and your father.
Te agradezco muchísimo tu mensaje, me anima mucho de verdad. Me alegro que todo haya salido tan bien para los dos. Gracias de nuevo
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Quisiera saber si te han recomendado cuidados o restricciones en la alimentación después de donar el riñon?
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Good morning Luna, there are no dietary restrictions post surgery for the donor. They advise against contact sports where you could damage your remaining kidney, but think that was really it. Obviously it's in your best interest to remain as healthy as you can as you don't want to get diabetes or have uncontrolled high blood pressure as both can damage your one remaining kidney.
Hope you and your father are both doing well. Best wishes to you both
Hola, hay muchos mitos que van rodando por Internet sobre la donación de órganos, uno es que una persona tatuada no puede ser donante, alguna opinión o experiencia?
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I recently donated my kidney on 3/31/2022 at Mayo Clinic Rochester. I don't remember being asked if I had a tattoo. I would think you could donate your kidney if you have tatoos.
You should ask your transplant center.