SOS! How to protect scars/prevent painful rubbing! TKR

Posted by babette @babette, Nov 3, 2018

Ever since my knee replacement 3 months ago my scar drives me nuts. It wasn't bad in the summer when I could wear shorts or dresses but pants or tights are driving me and my raised scar nuts! Am I missing something great at the pharmacy? Some kind of bandage (an ace is way too rough) Help! And many thanks.

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I am having the same problem!! I can't stand it! I am about 6 weeks out from surgery. It keeps me up at night. The only thing that helps it so I can get some sleep is an ice pack (which doesn't stay cold long enough!) PT just started doing massage therapy on the scar and the surrounding area. I am now 3 days back to work which is a desk job, but unfortunately I have to wear pants. The only thing I can get a way with is wearing yoga pants that are a bit loose - but not loose enough! I normally would wear jeans to work. I tried that once and it was absolutely horrible!!! The knee itself is fine!!! I need to start trying difference items as noted on other peoples replies.


I have the exact same issue! Fortunately I can now wear shorts as the weather has warmed. I usually have to roll up the left leg cuff.
Haven’t come up with a dress plan for dining out.
Wish you the best.


I used silicone scar tape over my incision after there were no more scabs. It definitely helped flatten it, protected it from rubbing, and any sun exposure. It is available on Amazon, comes in a roll, pieces can be rinsed and reused a few times, and is skin tone in color. If you try it, don’t have your knee completely extended when putting it on because when you bend it the tape won’t stretch enough.


@swimmergirl Thanks so very much. I looked on Amazon and there are several types of /brands. Do you recall which you used?


I am having the same problem!! I can't stand it! I am about 6 weeks out from surgery. It keeps me up at night. The only thing that helps it so I can get some sleep is an ice pack (which doesn't stay cold long enough!) PT just started doing massage therapy on the scar and the surrounding area. I am now 3 days back to work which is a desk job, but unfortunately I have to wear pants. The only thing I can get a way with is wearing yoga pants that are a bit loose - but not loose enough! I normally would wear jeans to work. I tried that once and it was absolutely horrible!!! The knee itself is fine!!! I need to start trying difference items as noted on other peoples replies.

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I fortunately had both my surgeries done in warmer months …. I could not have anything on my leg for months … i too slept with ice but I had berg ice cooler which rotated the ice water so water stayed just right through the night ….mfr helped to desensitize the scar but did take a while … but I am sure you can do yourself also ….but that is key massage …good luck it gets better


@swimmergirl Thanks so very much. I looked on Amazon and there are several types of /brands. Do you recall which you used?

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There many brands of scar tape (recommended by many on this forum) on Amazon and it does get overwhelming. I tried to find one made in the US, but finally settled for a well-known, but rather expensive brand. Tiny writing on the box states it was made in China. The good news, though is it works well in protecting the TKR knee scar and greatly helps with the sensitivity. I cut mine in half length-wise and it stays on for about a week before I replace it.

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