Some days are better than others

Posted by pkalkstein @pkalkstein, Jul 17, 2023

This morning I guess medication, diet, and sleep all aligned, and I had no feeling of polymyalgia at all. So rare and wonderful.

Three PMR Patients under a Tree

"O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
My PMR has gone away!
I can work and I can play!"

"Oh, has it gone away to stay?"

"Alas, good friends, the answer's 'Nay.'
The nasty bug does what it may,
It loves, it loves to make us pay
Whenever from pred's path we stray."

"Then let us take it day by day,
And thus at last perhaps we'll say
It's really gone--at last, HURRAY!"

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Waiting for the day when I feel better. Getting discouraged but trying hard. So many side effects. For 2 months it worked great on 20mg. Then I started to taper. Now back to 20 till August.


Waiting for the day when I feel better. Getting discouraged but trying hard. So many side effects. For 2 months it worked great on 20mg. Then I started to taper. Now back to 20 till August.

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@marymckeith, I am exactly with you. I was prescribed Kevzara but have just learned that I cannot continue so I’m back to a slow taper from 20 mg starting August 1. Praying that our breakthrough is just around the corner!


Love this! So great to bring some humor in.😊😊


@marymckeith, I am exactly with you. I was prescribed Kevzara but have just learned that I cannot continue so I’m back to a slow taper from 20 mg starting August 1. Praying that our breakthrough is just around the corner!

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Hope everything works out for both of us. The tapering is hard.


Hope everything works out for both of us. The tapering is hard.

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Yes I have tried it 3 times in the last year. No success. I’m just getting fat basically.


Yes I have tried it 3 times in the last year. No success. I’m just getting fat basically.

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Me too on the getting fat part—but we are going to get this thing turned around!


Years ago, when I was on long-term dexamethasone, I developed the familiar "moonface" and chubby middle, which went away weeks after the steroids stopped. But this time I am countering the effects of prednisone with berberine and so far (seven months) it has prevented that typical effect of prednisone. You might want to look into berberine.


Years ago, when I was on long-term dexamethasone, I developed the familiar "moonface" and chubby middle, which went away weeks after the steroids stopped. But this time I am countering the effects of prednisone with berberine and so far (seven months) it has prevented that typical effect of prednisone. You might want to look into berberine.

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Love the poem! “Oh frabjous day”has been one of my catchphrases since my children were small. 😁


How many mg per day of Berberine?


How many mg per day of Berberine?

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I try to take 500mg before each meal. Sometimes I forget! In one trial 1500/day was specified.

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