Soft tissue rheumatism syndrome?

Posted by momof2gems @momof2gems, Dec 21, 2018

First of all I wasn’t sure where to put this story, since I am not sure in which group it belongs.
Since the early nineties I have had trouble with what I thought were my joints but now I think it have been the tissues around it. My wrist started to get pain full first. Physiotherapy and injections didn’t help. I was diagnosed with DeQuervain tendinitis. Since I worked in healthcare at the time my wrist kept bothering me and after many times complaining to my doctor, I finally had surgery. About two years later my shoulder started hurting and it felt like it was on fire. I had several visits to an orthopedic specialist and he told me it was a rotator cuff tendinitis. I had surgery and they removed a little piece from my clavicle. Over the years I had carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, ischial bursitis, a cyst at the back of my knee and bursitis on the inside of my other knee. Many of these painful episodes come and go. But I suspect that in the beginning it was caused by repetitive movements. Now I don’t have to do much repetitive movements to get the tissues irritated. I go to the gym but have to be careful what I do, because I don’t want to irritate anything. I know many people get the same complaints like tennis elbows etc. I just seem to get it a lot faster then the regular person. But I wonder what I could do to avoid these pains? There is a huge shortage of doctors where I live, and for orthopedic appointments you have to wait almost two years. The doctors for rheumatism don’t accept any new patients at this moment. I don’t have much help from that side. So I hope there might be people here with the same challenges and we can give each other advice?

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Very and sounds like me
I am going to a new rheumatologist next month. Hope I get answers


I have had similar problems since I was 40 and they are still ongoing and worsening as I age. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia years ago and also sjogren's syndrome. I'm not sure if the fibromyalgia syndrome is correct as I can stand deep massage fairly well. The massage is very painful but I find it helps, also ART therapy is a huge help. They have a web page if you want to find one in your area but look for the amount of courses and training the therapist has taken. You want one that is up to date with all the latest techniques and one who has covered the whole body and not just areas.
I also feel that my pain started when I was a fitness instructor and over used my body with repetative movements. I still like to go to the gym but right now I am in too much pain. I do walk a lot. I also have had a course of prednisone this week to take down the inflammation and I had one half hour visit with the Active Release Technique therapist. He tried a latest piece of training that he learned recently and he helped tremendously with the pain going into my groin and down my leg from my back. My hip x-ray shows only mild degeneration in my hip but I have various degeneration in my back. I am now 78 but not at all overweight.. I have also been told that I have tendonitis in my shoulder and groin etc etc.
I will give the oregano oil a try. Do you drink it or rub it on the skin?

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Hello. Your story sounds like mine. Would you mind sharing what you were diagnosed with ? We can’t seem to find out why I am having issues and have sero negative test results

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