Skin itch and pain yet no rash

Posted by rastapoppa @rastapoppa, Apr 1, 2023

I'm having intermittent skin pain and itching with no rash or hives. I feel it in different areas at different times as it comes and goes. From itching to light pin prick sensations, feels like a light sunburn or windburn with no heat and then dissipates. It s more noticeable in the afternoon and evening time.

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Good evening @rastapoppa. Welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing some of your symptoms. In order to help you and/or refer you to another mentor, a little more information would be very helpful. For example, the light pinprick sensations could be related to SFN (small fiber neuropathy). But then you may have itching from an exterior allergen as in Atopic Dermatitis and I would send you off in another direction. So how about this, please tell me if you feel like the itch is on the outside of your body or originating from inside your body. Is this a new symptom or has it been increasing for some time?

You mention that internal or external? Does it just hurt when you also have the itch? I'm also wondering if you have tried any topicals for the pain and the itching as well as medications or injections. And finally, at least for this evening, have you visited your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or a Dermatologist?

And to help you understand my questions, I will let you know that I have just gone through two years of pain and itch on the way to finding out what it was and what helped me get rid of it. That seemed like forever, especially when I learned that I was also reacting to fumes from some construction materials. That one landed me in the ER. However, I have found a solution and the itching stopped the day I started the treatment.

We're all about sharing on this forum. That is a very good way to learn......from others who have been on the same road. Knowledge is power and can help you become your own best advocate.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Good evening @rastapoppa. Welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing some of your symptoms. In order to help you and/or refer you to another mentor, a little more information would be very helpful. For example, the light pinprick sensations could be related to SFN (small fiber neuropathy). But then you may have itching from an exterior allergen as in Atopic Dermatitis and I would send you off in another direction. So how about this, please tell me if you feel like the itch is on the outside of your body or originating from inside your body. Is this a new symptom or has it been increasing for some time?

You mention that internal or external? Does it just hurt when you also have the itch? I'm also wondering if you have tried any topicals for the pain and the itching as well as medications or injections. And finally, at least for this evening, have you visited your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or a Dermatologist?

And to help you understand my questions, I will let you know that I have just gone through two years of pain and itch on the way to finding out what it was and what helped me get rid of it. That seemed like forever, especially when I learned that I was also reacting to fumes from some construction materials. That one landed me in the ER. However, I have found a solution and the itching stopped the day I started the treatment.

We're all about sharing on this forum. That is a very good way to learn......from others who have been on the same road. Knowledge is power and can help you become your own best advocate.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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Thanks for reaching out Chris, it feels as if it's on the outside and it's a condition that has been on and off for some time ever since my shoulder replacement 15 months ago. The very mild pain is also external, it feels a if my skin is chaffed like an almost healed sunburn but doesn't hurt if I scratch it. No injections or medications yet just topical cortisone cream that helps a little but the feeling comes and goes as often as it is felt all over. Always in sporadic spots, knuckle, edge of foot, shoulder blade, rib area, etc. I have an appointment with my primary care this week and hopefully with my Dermatologist shortly thereafter. I'm thinking I may have developed an allergic reaction to what I don't know or that it is something neurological. Thanks again and I do look forward to continuing this discussion.


I was having terrible neuropathic itch. It was so bad I had broken the skin and was bleeding sometimes and areas of round dark, red patches which have gone away after a week or so. Read up on R-ALA and saw that some people have skin irritation… pain, just severe itch. Stopped taking it and am much better. I’m also trying to drink more water throughout the day to see if that helps. My main symptom is swollen feet and warmth that literally wakes me up after about 6 hours of sleep.


I have something similar. Look up brachioradial pruritis and see if it sounds like what you have. Mine has a rash, stinging, burning, very itchy and a burning sensation.

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