Sinus pressure after sinus surgery

Posted by Regina D. @reginad, Jan 17, 2024

About two years ago, i had sinus surgery. Soon after i noticed pressure across my sinuses and face. The surgeon checked and said everything was fine. I went on to get a second and third opinion and all the ent's said the same thing. i have recently been seeing a neurologist who is treating me for chronic tension headaches but she cannot explain what causes the pressure. it is very debilitating, painful and seriously affects my quality of life. Does anyone have any ideas or experienced the same thing?

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The same thing happened to me.
Although ENTs say they see sinus inflammation, my pain is disproportionate to what sinus inflammation would cause. If I did have true and real sinus inflammation before surgery, I never felt pain like this, which to me, would mean that I never had true sinus issues to begin with.
I too been referred to Neuro but I have been reluctant to take medication due to the fact that I never had issues pre surgery that required any medication.

I have a few theories as to why this happens.

Why exactly was your surgery?


I had balloon septoplasty in 3/22. I had issues with sinus headaches before surgery but don't recall if i had pressure. I probably did but not like now. Several ENTs say they see no sinus inflammation and that i healed properly. The neurologist i have been referred to is treating me for chronic tension headaches but admits she does not know what is causing the pressure. I have been suffering since 3/22 and would greatly appreciate any insights you may have. Thank you!



I have not had balloon sinuplasty.
I do know that to widen the passages the balloon breaks the underlying bone and scar tissue forms underneath with the tissue which could cause some possible discomfort from newly head tissue and scar (just a guess).

Another guess is that air now gets to tissue that the air never got to before into inflamed areas that were other wise not exposed to air coming in, causing a reaction to the nerves.

It’s just so hard to tell in these small spcaces. You could have some inflammation that you now feel that you didn’t feel before that they can not see.

How is your breathing and overall feeling in that way?


Your insights make sense. I don't breathe deeply. It's like having a painful headcold all the time. My neuro has prescribed Pregabalin for the pain. Also. i don't understand what "newly head tissue" means.



Typo newly healed tissue.

If you inhale too deeply does it feel like air hits tissue to sharp or high?

What were your issues pre-surgery? And for how long?

Have you had a post CT scan? Or is all follow up done based off nasal endoscopy?

Below is a helpful clip;


Thank you for the youtube clip. To answer your questions: when i breathe deeply, the air hits normally; pre-surgery, i had an extended history (10 years more/less) of sinus issues; i have not had a post CT scan, just a MRI; all follow-up has been based off nasal endoscopy (including computer-assisted nasal endoscopy). I am going to run your insights by my neuro and see what she thinks.


maybe you have the same thing I do I have sinusitis problems with my nose and ears and it’s because I have empty nose syndrome causes problems, breathing sleeping


I used to get really bad headaches and it was determined that I had TMJ Syndrome (temporomandibular joint, the joint in your jawbone). Tension can make it worse due to clenching of the jaw, teeth-grinding, etc. Back at that time (the late 70s, early 80s), some people were even having their jawbones broken and re-set but they quit doing that. (IIRC, the surgery didn't really help). Anyway, I learned to relax my jaw which helped to lessen the headaches but due to the shape of my jaw and my thin lips, when my jaw is relaxed, I breathe heavily through my mouth.

So I'm going to consult with a dentist to see if a mouth guard might help to block some of the air going into my mouth.


maybe you have the same thing I do I have sinusitis problems with my nose and ears and it’s because I have empty nose syndrome causes problems, breathing sleeping

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What was your surgery?


i have sinusitis. which is not curable as far as i know. also i had polyps in the whole nasal cavity. two surgeries both nostril. to clear them out. now i'm on Dupixent every two weeks. it's a shot. it's working great for me. try to find out about these things.

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