How do You Manage Side Effects Of Hydrea or Hydroxyurea for ET?

Posted by pearly @pearly, Apr 9, 2017

I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia last November and am on Hydroxyurea 1500mg daily in an effort to reduce my platelet count, still in 9000s. Developed peripheral neuropathy & pain left leg, hip to foot. Oncologist thinks due to arthritis back per X-ray, wondered if others have this also, maybe due to the disease or meds?. Dr. says rare disease so difficult to predict outcome/symptoms. Anyone know of support group in Seattle area for this? Have called the local hospitals, cancer lifeline, etc.; no positive results.

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I have MDS with Thrombocytosis. My platelets were in the millions. Started Hydroxyurea at 1000 mg a day, then when my platelets quickly went down to the 200,000s I went to 500 mg every other day. Platelets are back up to 600 so I'm on 500mg daily. I have noticed edema in my left foot only. I'm glad you mentioned brain fog, because mine is pretty bad! (I'm 62).


3 years CALR, platelets have been over a million a couple times, began 500 hydroxy daily, progressed to 1,000, now starting 1,500 daily with platelets pushing 900. Started mild edema in feet 3 months ago, (I bike vigorously 5+ hours weekly, no circulation issues) I haven't mentioned it to my Hema since I wasn't aware of the side effect. My GP ordered a thoracic MRI: normal for mid 70's. I see edema is a rare side effect of hydroxy, anyone else? I get the typical fatigue and brain fog. I get draws monthly, my Hema mentioned possibly switching to another drug, possibly hydroxy has the least side effects?


I also have arthritis and degenerative disc disease. Chronic pain from my neck down most days. I had never heard ET described as a rare blood cancer until recently either! Well good luck to all of you... keep us updated with anything new!


There seems to be a correlation with chromosome mutation(s) one of which is referred to as JAK2. (I think i'm saying that right). I'm 78 and started noticing lab work issues with WBC, RBC, platelets, and hemo, think i know i'm seeing an oncologist - what a rodeo.

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Yep I know the feeling... nteresting...I just had them take some blood for genetic testing so I guess I will find out when it comes back.


I don't know what is in the anagrelide but it seems to have major side effects.
I know the instruction say to be careful handling the Drea but I have always just used my fingers to put it in my mouth with no issues. I'm glad it's bringing your numbers down.
One day you're body is producing normal platelets then suddenly its over producing . No one seems to know why...

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There seems to be a correlation with chromosome mutation(s) one of which is referred to as JAK2. (I think i'm saying that right). I'm 78 and started noticing lab work issues with WBC, RBC, platelets, and hemo, think i know i'm seeing an oncologist - what a rodeo.


I have PV but was resistant to taking Hydrea because you are not suppose to touch it with your bare hands, so my hematologist scripted me Anagrelide. It almost killed me, 1 pill and I almost died! So over 1 year later I started taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg every other night. My plt count has come down from 2024 in Aug. to 1520 as of yesterday with no obvious side effects. Of all the research I've done and all the medical professionals I've asked have no answers as to what causes these rare blood disorders but it was suggested it might be radiation?!?

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I take one capusle 500 mg hydrea MWF to keep WBC RBC and platlets in balance - 14 months now. No side effects that i recognize as of yet tolerating the med. Good to hear someone else is benefiting from hydrea. I've not heard touching the med being dangerous - interesting. Thanks for sharing and good luck way forward. Hang in there.......... 🙂


I’ve seen many who get there numbers down in the 500’s and are ok with that. I just found out I have Jak2 any my platelets are at 521. Should I wait to see if my numbers keep going up before I start Hydrea? Thanks

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I have ET, CAL-R gene mutation but the added disadvantage of Acquired Von Willebrand Disease. My platelets were at 2,800. Severe. With aVWD I'm at risk of bleeding out if injured. After my bone marrow biopsy I bled for three days. So after 2 ER visits I finally had to have the site (which keep in mind is not large) sutured closed. Also had to have another small puncture sutured closed bc it would not stop bleeding. I am no longer allowed to take aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. Tylenol is ok. I have been taking 1500mg of Hydrea daily which dropped my platelets down under 1000 but also has dropped my wbc too low. We are readjusting my meds due to the drop in white blood cells. Two rare chronic cards but thankfully aVWD is actually acquired so I didn't pass it to my kids. If anyone hears of someone with ET and aVWD please send them my way. I'd love to know there's someone else out there. take care all


I have PV but was resistant to taking Hydrea because you are not suppose to touch it with your bare hands, so my hematologist scripted me Anagrelide. It almost killed me, 1 pill and I almost died! So over 1 year later I started taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg every other night. My plt count has come down from 2024 in Aug. to 1520 as of yesterday with no obvious side effects. Of all the research I've done and all the medical professionals I've asked have no answers as to what causes these rare blood disorders but it was suggested it might be radiation?!?

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I don't know what is in the anagrelide but it seems to have major side effects.
I know the instruction say to be careful handling the Drea but I have always just used my fingers to put it in my mouth with no issues. I'm glad it's bringing your numbers down.
One day you're body is producing normal platelets then suddenly its over producing . No one seems to know why...


I have been on hydrea since 2016. I have tolerated it well on 500 mg per day. Then my counts started going up now I take it every day and 2 on Monday and Thursday with a baby asprin. They tried to give me anagrelide at the beginning but that caused really bad headaches for me. Has anyone tried that drug? It might be an alternative??? If you have problems with hydrea. I was really frustrated by the fact that no one knows what causes ET and that it is actually a rare blood cancer! I was never told that by any of the oncologists I have seen...

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I have PV but was resistant to taking Hydrea because you are not suppose to touch it with your bare hands, so my hematologist scripted me Anagrelide. It almost killed me, 1 pill and I almost died! So over 1 year later I started taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg every other night. My plt count has come down from 2024 in Aug. to 1520 as of yesterday with no obvious side effects. Of all the research I've done and all the medical professionals I've asked have no answers as to what causes these rare blood disorders but it was suggested it might be radiation?!?


I have been on hydrea since 2016. I have tolerated it well on 500 mg per day. Then my counts started going up now I take it every day and 2 on Monday and Thursday with a baby asprin. They tried to give me anagrelide at the beginning but that caused really bad headaches for me. Has anyone tried that drug? It might be an alternative??? If you have problems with hydrea. I was really frustrated by the fact that no one knows what causes ET and that it is actually a rare blood cancer! I was never told that by any of the oncologists I have seen...

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