Seizures while sleeping with a CPAP machine
I’ve been experiencing seizures while sleeping with a CPAC machine. I’ve had MRI, EKG and Neck X-Ray due to looking at computer screen as much as 8 hrs a day. All test results are in my favor. I am 66 and a veteran. The doctor has prescribed 500 milligrams of Keppra in morning and 500 milligrams in evening. Does this sound familiar to anyone else. I have a scheduled appointment with a neurologist March 10th does anyone know of any questions I should be sure to ask him? Has anyone experienced these symptoms also while trying to adjust your body to the CPAC machine with sleep apnea. Can anyone help me?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Epilepsy & Seizures Support Group.
I’m not really familiar with CCAP although it usually is helpful in patients with epilepsy or prone to seizures. Was the 10/1/2012 seizure the only one you ever had.
Hello @pd2412, Welcome to Connect. Did your husbands doctor suggest any other treatments to help with the seizures?
My husband recently had seizures at night while he was sleeping with his cpap on
Hello @emat16, Welcome to Connect. I would be frustrated and confused also if the treatment for my sleep apnea made my symptoms worse. Have you discussed the increase of the focal seizures in the morning with your doctor to see if there may be some adjustments needed for the CPAP machine?
I have focal seizures and the doctor diagnosed me with sleep apnea. Every since I been using the cpap machine with the mask, I noticed that my seizures in the morning are increasing. This is very confusing.
Hello, I too have seizures and am on a CPAP. To be clear my seizures are not caused by CPAP. I have been on Keppra while having seizures on a CPAP too. I have been diagnosed with tonic clonic, complex partial seizures and sleep apnea. So far I have only had complex partial seizures while on CPAP. Yes computer screen 8+ hours a day. I'm 65 years old and thank you for your service.
I know I am late to this but I will go anyway. There is a refresh rate on a computer monitor you might check about. An improperly set monitor can flicker. I also have neck problems so I adjust my monitor up and down as well as my chair to get different angles on the monitor. You are probably aware of all of those.
I just found an article which ties sleep(CPAP) and epilepsy together. I am still wading through it but here are some links to posts I have placed on a different thread. The article may give you some ideas. I hope things are going well for you.
Hi, @kennethracey – Like the CPAP users here, I have never heard about seizures related to using a CPAP. I did a little searching and found that there is a lot of information available stating the opposite...the use of a CPAP can reduce seizures and can be a treatment for Epilepsy.
Treating Sleep Apnea in Epilepsy Reduces Seizures --
@kennethracey, @lisalucier- I have no information as it relates to C-Pap use & seizures. This is the 1st I've heard about this problem. Jim@thankful
Hello Ken,
I certainly could never have come up with a more accurate description of a seizure than you did.
Some people become less fatigued after being on the medication for months but others are fatigued the entire time. Most if not all anti-seizure medications cause drowsiness at least in some people.
Below is a link to the Epilepsy Foundation where a few people are talking about the effects of Keppra and exhaustion,
Here’s a link to vitamin D deficiency and people who have epilepsy,
You might ask your Neuro if an Epilepsy Gene Panel would be beneficial and also about drug gene testing (pharmacogenomics.) Remember there are no stupid questions, if you don’t understand the doctors answer there’s nothing wrong in asking it again.
Here’s one more link at Mayo Clinic Connect for CPAP users. You might ask if there are any CPAP users who have seizures.
This really will be the last link. This is the Coping With Epilepsy forum where people are talking about CPAP. Being an epilepsy site I am assuming that most if not all of these people have seizures as well as a sleep disorder. You may want to join and ask your questions here also.
Best of luck to you and I hope you update us on your upcoming appt.
Hi Friends. I've been using CPAP for over 16 years. I've read a number of articles in order to convince myself that this treatment is beneficial to my health. It surprizes me to hear about an apparent association of seizures with the CPAP treatment. None has appeared in anything that I have read. Additionally, the treatment is used to increase your oxygen level in your circulatory system. Does an increase in oxygen level, I presume that that is occurring, trigger seizures? I can't answer that.
At my next sleep center follow up, in three weeks, I will certainly ask my doctor. Perhaps, that is a question to raise with your doctor.
Praying for a clear answer and remedy for the seizures. It must be very frightening.