Sex after Prostatectomy - I'm the wife

Posted by lovinghim @lovinghim, Sep 18, 2023

My husband had a prostatectomy nearly three months ago.
We were positively jubilant about his subsequent pathology report.
He wants to get "back in action", as do I.
I want to know what I can specifically do to help him!

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Hello there,
I am not sure what your surgeon told you and your husband what to expect but I will share what I know from a good deal of research and my own personal experience.
I had a successful, (nerve sparing) RALP procedure done 11 months ago.
Most men are advised that it’s about a 6 to 24 month recovery period regarding one’s level of Incontinence and ED they experience following their surgery.
I’ve read about some men who didn’t experience any or very little Incontinence or ED issues following surgery but they are in a very small minority of patients.
There are a few options available to assist with getting an erection sufficient enough to have successful sexual intercourse.
1. Drugs like CIALIS or VIAGRA
2. A Penile Pump with a Penile Ring.
3. Penile Injections using a drug called TRIMIX.
You can research these to give you more information.
I’ve tried them all and have had the most success with the TRIMIX injections.
The injection process is not very painful. The needle is similar to the one’s that diabetics use to inject their insulin.
Generally, men (in addition to myself), get a very strong erection in about 5-10 minutes which will last about 1 hour.
I can still remain hard after an orgasm, (more often than not).
It’s quick and relatively easy to use and it’s pretty dependable and reliable so it takes away any anxiety about whether your husband is going to get an erection sufficient enough for successful and enjoyable sexual intercourse.
I would start with option 1. I would also recommend getting a good quality Penile Pump to help with general penile rehabilitation in addition to using it as an option to achieve an erection for sexual intercourse.
If the above two options don’t work, the 3rd option utilizing the TRIMIX injections are very reliable.
Everybody is different and men respond differently as they recover in the 6-24 month period following their surgery.
I can achieve about a 60% of a normal erection without using anything. I get just about hard enough to have intercourse but just not quite enough for a reliable sexual experience and my erection isn’t always dependable etc. Personally, when I can achieve and maintain at least a 75% normal erection I could have successful sexual intercourse without using anything. Time will tell!
The best thing to do is consult with your husband’s surgeon and urologist about the above options and have an open mind to try and utilize whatever works best.
I wish you and your husband the very best. My wife and I just turned 69 and we enjoyed a very good sexual relationship before my surgery. As a result, it was very important to me that I could be able to still have and enjoy sexual inter course with my wife.
There are many things to deal with in the recovery process and 3 months is not much time to assess what measure of recovery your husband will have and continue to achieve over the next 3 to 18 months.
The good news is that you both should be able to continue and enjoy your intimacy and sexual relationship with the options available.


yes, he needs to do lots of the work, as the first incremental steps are just getting the tiniest bit of physical reaction (like a 1cm movement) accompanying an orgasm. With this time this will improve. Cialis helped me a bit, but definitely talk with a doctor. Be patient, the tool will come back!

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Here we are - another two months - still patiently waiting for the magic to come back

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