Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autism (ASD) Support Group.


August 1, 2019. Today I will be ordering my copy of The Autism Discussion Page On Stress, Anxiety, Shutdowns and Meltdowns. Proactive Strategies for Minimizing Sensory, Social and Emotional Overload. And how are you this morning?

Many of us are on vacation, getting ready for back to school, and tidying up the last bits of summer before we begin another season with its own special challenges.

My own household received some disconcerting news yesterday. My husband of 45 years needs a hip replacement. But he cannot presently have one, due to half his heart bring enlarged, Humera treatment for Chrohns disease (Which may have caused his enlarged heart to begin with), Diabetes, and the need to lose a substantial amount of weight.

Where to begin? First, we start with the ortho doctor. An appointment is waiting in the wings for him. Second, we connect with his GI doctor to determine if indeed Humera is the correct choice for him. We want to prevent further damage to his heart if at all possible. Third, we set about getting the excess weight off, even though nothing has seemed to work before.

Daunting prospects. But we will do anything we can to hold together these ripped up remnants of the tents we live in here on earth.

We have so much to be thankful for, in spite of this recent news. We will do the best we can. One of our Nashville church elders, a distinguished gentleman of eighty-something years ,relayed this account of the Night of the Tornados some years ago.

"Houses were destroyed left and right, everything was pitch black, and the winds howled around me. Entire homes were being lifted into the air and tossed around as easily as if they had been children's toys. I prayed to God....'Lord, you know where I am. I ask for your protection for me and my family. ' Though the damage was great all around him, not one stick of wood was harmed, not one brick even had a single scratch on it. Elder Ross's prayers were answered that night.

Our lives are like a tapestry. Beautifully designed and pleasing to the eye on one side. When turned over, you can see all the knots, twists, and tangled up strings. Corrie ten Boom (Survivor of the holocaust, author of the Hiding Place) gave this as an example of the lives we live here on earth. Pain and suffering co- exist with joy and happiness. Often we cannot see which way to go. Darkness surrounds, and we feel alone, abandoned.

We don't have to feel that way forever. Faith may express itself in strict forms of worship, a broad spiritual philosophy, or anywhere in between. Each one of us is different. But, as it has been said so many times, we have more in common than that which separates us.

I really believe that the moderators and volunteer mentors who " man the stations" here at Mayo Clinic Connect do indeed understand this principle. That we are all here to help each other and to be that Village.

It feels comforting to be part of a tribe. Varied, different, colorful....beautiful.

Love and light to you all, me lovelies.

Mamacita Jane

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blessings dear Janee and caught with a sore hip and it needs replacement and he may need to be put on heart bypass as well as hip surgery . or they can do spinal block and sedate him and pain block


blessings dear Janee and caught with a sore hip and it needs replacement and he may need to be put on heart bypass as well as hip surgery . or they can do spinal block and sedate him and pain block

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@sirgalahad, it is so weary. Fibro pain is maddeningly painful. Doing all I know to ease it. ALL the things.

And the self care. For him. And for me.

Thanks for everyone's understanding. I won't give up the fight. And I will try hard not to complain

Love and light, dear ones.

Mamacita Jane


@sirgalahad, it is so weary. Fibro pain is maddeningly painful. Doing all I know to ease it. ALL the things.

And the self care. For him. And for me.

Thanks for everyone's understanding. I won't give up the fight. And I will try hard not to complain

Love and light, dear ones.

Mamacita Jane

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You can complain all you want, @mamacita. We have all been in that place at one time or another (or perhaps many times!). Take care of yourself and rest well.


August 1, 2019. Today I will be ordering my copy of The Autism Discussion Page On Stress, Anxiety, Shutdowns and Meltdowns. Proactive Strategies for Minimizing Sensory, Social and Emotional Overload. And how are you this morning?

Many of us are on vacation, getting ready for back to school, and tidying up the last bits of summer before we begin another season with its own special challenges.

My own household received some disconcerting news yesterday. My husband of 45 years needs a hip replacement. But he cannot presently have one, due to half his heart bring enlarged, Humera treatment for Chrohns disease (Which may have caused his enlarged heart to begin with), Diabetes, and the need to lose a substantial amount of weight.

Where to begin? First, we start with the ortho doctor. An appointment is waiting in the wings for him. Second, we connect with his GI doctor to determine if indeed Humera is the correct choice for him. We want to prevent further damage to his heart if at all possible. Third, we set about getting the excess weight off, even though nothing has seemed to work before.

Daunting prospects. But we will do anything we can to hold together these ripped up remnants of the tents we live in here on earth.

We have so much to be thankful for, in spite of this recent news. We will do the best we can. One of our Nashville church elders, a distinguished gentleman of eighty-something years ,relayed this account of the Night of the Tornados some years ago.

"Houses were destroyed left and right, everything was pitch black, and the winds howled around me. Entire homes were being lifted into the air and tossed around as easily as if they had been children's toys. I prayed to God....'Lord, you know where I am. I ask for your protection for me and my family. ' Though the damage was great all around him, not one stick of wood was harmed, not one brick even had a single scratch on it. Elder Ross's prayers were answered that night.

Our lives are like a tapestry. Beautifully designed and pleasing to the eye on one side. When turned over, you can see all the knots, twists, and tangled up strings. Corrie ten Boom (Survivor of the holocaust, author of the Hiding Place) gave this as an example of the lives we live here on earth. Pain and suffering co- exist with joy and happiness. Often we cannot see which way to go. Darkness surrounds, and we feel alone, abandoned.

We don't have to feel that way forever. Faith may express itself in strict forms of worship, a broad spiritual philosophy, or anywhere in between. Each one of us is different. But, as it has been said so many times, we have more in common than that which separates us.

I really believe that the moderators and volunteer mentors who " man the stations" here at Mayo Clinic Connect do indeed understand this principle. That we are all here to help each other and to be that Village.

It feels comforting to be part of a tribe. Varied, different, colorful....beautiful.

Love and light to you all, me lovelies.

Mamacita Jane

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And much love and light right back to you, @mamacita! I'm so glad for your great quotes and stories. They are meaningful!


Teresa not without a lot angst meltdowns screaming and frustrations and easier when I finallylearnt that I was autistic made a heap of difference to me but not to my work colleagues more drama than a barrel of monkeys

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Unfortunately, not everyone has an understanding heart, @sirgalahad. I hope you find kindness in this world and appreciation of all of your good and amazing qualities.


And much love and light right back to you, @mamacita! I'm so glad for your great quotes and stories. They are meaningful!

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Dearest, @teresa, Volunteer Mentor, thank you.
We are going to be ordering groceries online here in a minute. Unsafe to drive. Ouch. Everything hurts.

My stories go over the edge for some of our members. I remember that , after I have already submitted it all.

I try to be real. Inclusive. If I am judged by one single post here and there, how sad is that?

When I refer to "faith" or "God" or to things of a "spiritual" nature, it is because that is a very significant part of who we are as human beings. I believe everyone will think of their own particular interest, and not think of merely my own persuasions.

I guess what I am trying to say is this: We all come from many backgrounds, races, groups, and persuasions. I respect you all. At any given moment I might relate a Native American folk tale. Surely no one would take exception to that, as long as I was making a point.

Those who have no faith whatsoever should feel just as welcome here. Many Auties are atheists, as a matter of fact. One of my dearest friends on here is a combination of many things. We agree on the essentials and love and respect one another.

Here is my point....I don't want to ever hurt anyone with my words. When I worked with the 12 Step Programs years ago, they had an expression that they used...." the higher power of my understanding."

Enough of me. Y'all go get ready for the weekend. Have a good one.
Love and cyberhugs...
Mamacita Jane


Dearest, @teresa, Volunteer Mentor, thank you.
We are going to be ordering groceries online here in a minute. Unsafe to drive. Ouch. Everything hurts.

My stories go over the edge for some of our members. I remember that , after I have already submitted it all.

I try to be real. Inclusive. If I am judged by one single post here and there, how sad is that?

When I refer to "faith" or "God" or to things of a "spiritual" nature, it is because that is a very significant part of who we are as human beings. I believe everyone will think of their own particular interest, and not think of merely my own persuasions.

I guess what I am trying to say is this: We all come from many backgrounds, races, groups, and persuasions. I respect you all. At any given moment I might relate a Native American folk tale. Surely no one would take exception to that, as long as I was making a point.

Those who have no faith whatsoever should feel just as welcome here. Many Auties are atheists, as a matter of fact. One of my dearest friends on here is a combination of many things. We agree on the essentials and love and respect one another.

Here is my point....I don't want to ever hurt anyone with my words. When I worked with the 12 Step Programs years ago, they had an expression that they used...." the higher power of my understanding."

Enough of me. Y'all go get ready for the weekend. Have a good one.
Love and cyberhugs...
Mamacita Jane

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@mamacita We all tend to share in ways which have helped us. I never think of you as trying to change anyone. You are just sharing what has given you comfort and that is a good thing. I know you would be accepting of someone's else's comforts.


@teresa, Volunteer Mentor, thanks. You are an earth angel.
Mamacita Jane


@mamacita We all tend to share in ways which have helped us. I never think of you as trying to change anyone. You are just sharing what has given you comfort and that is a good thing. I know you would be accepting of someone's else's comforts.

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Hi! I’m sorry to say that I’m not feeling well!!!! I’m extremely depressed, angry, frustrated, frightened, anxious, confused, hopeless, emotionally drained and spiritually drained!!!! I’m still in bed. I’m going to try and sleep a little bit more. The best medicine and who cares about time.


@teresa, Volunteer Mentor, thanks. You are an earth angel.
Mamacita Jane

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Those words coming from you are a distinct compliment! Thank you, @mamacita.

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