Seizures for 36 years then they stop. Not on Meds

Posted by kathygardendancer @kathygardendancer, Jun 1 10:22am

Good day from Canada. I started having seizures when I was 30, a year after my second child was born. These seizures always happened in the Months of April and May. 5 to 7 years apart. Only on Sunday. Only in the late morning or early afternoon. I had and eeg and sleep deprived test after the first seizure and it was determined I had Epilepsy. My history was that I had a convulsion at the age of 5 or 6 during measles and with a fever of 106. My aunt had down syndrome and had seizures and my other aunt has epileptic waves without seizure. My Mom was never tested. My last seizure was April 23 2016. This is the same date as the first seizure. So for 36 years I have been on guard during these months. Has this been the experience of anyone else? Thanks Kathy

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Hi @kathygardendancer
This is great news, I am very happy for you!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Are you taking any medication for epilepsy?
Have a lovely evening,
Chris (@santosha)

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