Chris Gautier OR Santosha | @santosha | Jul 13, 2024
Hi @motobee
I know very well how frustrating this can be,
I have not taken Keppra, but other AEDs and some did not control my seizures, though it has worked for others. This medicine testing is very particular. Some might get good results with one drug, others not.
How long have you be taking Keppra? It takes some time for the medication to make its full effects. Are you having any side-effects on Keppra? Did you already try other medications before Keppra?
Curiosity, do you know your type of epilepsy? Do you have tonic clonic seizures or just focal/partial seizures (the ones you just get absence and does not have convulsions)?
Take care,
Chris (@santosha)
Hi Chris @santosha, finally had video visit with neuro and he increased my lacosimide to highest mg to see how that works. My kids were there. My daughter who lives next door cried the entire time as finding me “out of it” from seizure is more than her anxiety can handle. Do I stress about her as she is stressing about me and vicious circle! Dr suggested we might live too close to each other. A lot to think about. Hope all is well with you and again, I always enjoy hearing from you and your thoughtful insight you have for others!
Chris Gautier OR Santosha | @santosha | Jul 15, 2024
Hi @baa
I really do hope that this new dosage of Lamictal works well for you. Lamictal was the AED I tried that had the fewest side effects.
Have you considered having some support from a neuropsychologist? I am with mine since 2019 when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. She has helped me a lot and continues to help me. I can well remember the first two years of epilepsy treatment and how stressed I was and also stressed my husband. Now well this vicious circle. My neuropsychologist also did some private sessions with my husband at the beginning. Have a thought about it!
Wishing you all the best!
Chris (@santosha)
Hi @baa
I really do hope that this new dosage of Lamictal works well for you. Lamictal was the AED I tried that had the fewest side effects.
Have you considered having some support from a neuropsychologist? I am with mine since 2019 when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. She has helped me a lot and continues to help me. I can well remember the first two years of epilepsy treatment and how stressed I was and also stressed my husband. Now well this vicious circle. My neuropsychologist also did some private sessions with my husband at the beginning. Have a thought about it!
Wishing you all the best!
Chris (@santosha)
Thank you Chris, @santosha, I have heard some positives from Lamictal, and if this high dose of lacosimide doesn’t seem to improve will talk to neurologist to see what he thinks. I am seeing the psychiatrist again tomorrow that neurologist recommended. Don’t know if there are any specifically trained neuropsychologists in this area but will check that out. As always I appreciate your knowledge and experience. Hope you are doing well and bless you🙏🏻
Chris Gautier OR Santosha | @santosha | Jul 15, 2024
Hi @baa
Many people do adapt well to Lamictal and I hope you will be one of them. Let's think positively and one day at a time! If I remember well, the testing time of a new AED is around 3 months, but do please confirm this information with your neurologist.
Since Covid times, I have done all my sessions via Zoom with my neuropsychologist. As it has worked out so well, I have kept them online instead of in person, which makes things much easier for me as I do not drive anymore. Her office is about 1 hour from my home, considering the traffic here in this huge city. If you do not find a neuropsychologist in your area, doing your session online could be an option to you perhaps?
Stay well and all the best!
Chris (@santosha)
Chris @santosha, did see psychiatrist today and we decided to give the higher dose of lacosimide time before adding antidepressant. I’m going to see him every teo weeks for a while so we’ll see how that goes. We do seem to communicate well so hoping that will continue. I am sleeping much better so sure praying that doesn’t change! Best to you and hoping you are well-
Chris Gautier OR Santosha | @santosha | Jul 17, 2024
Excellent @baa and wise said from your psychiatrist! Keppra is well known to affect some people emotionally. As far as I remember, Lamictal does not have such kind of side-effect.
Crossing my fingers for you!
Have a beautiful day!
Chris (@santosha)
I've been on Lamictal and Trileptal for about 20 years with no side effects. I went through a period of depression early on which is a possible side effect of Lamictal but so is being diagnosed with epilepsy. It went away after 6 months. I was put on an Prozac for about a month back then and my seizures increased. My neurologist told me antidepressants can lower the effectiveness of seizure medication in some people.
My seizures came back after a bad fall in October 2023, generic Keppra was added to my seizure meds about 4 weeks ago, today I'm experiencing severe leg pain which is one of the possible side effects of Keppra.
I take Keppra for myoclonic seizures and it works great with no side effects. Myoclonic sizures are like you know how when your just drifting off to sleep and suddenly your whole body jerks? My whole body suddenly stiffens and arches backwards and my teeth snap shut and I hold that position for a couple of seconds up to 5 times a minute when I’m tired. And I can feel it coming on, like a spring tightening. Try sleeping when your body keeps doing that over and over again. My neurologist put me on (3) 500mg tablets of Keppra twice a day and now I just get a few toe twitches now and then. It’s been a lifesaver for me.
I've been taking it for 10+ years and have had no issues with anger. Reading comments on other support groups I've seen that it can affect sleep. I have trouble sleeping.
Hi @motobee
I know very well how frustrating this can be,
I have not taken Keppra, but other AEDs and some did not control my seizures, though it has worked for others. This medicine testing is very particular. Some might get good results with one drug, others not.
How long have you be taking Keppra? It takes some time for the medication to make its full effects. Are you having any side-effects on Keppra? Did you already try other medications before Keppra?
Curiosity, do you know your type of epilepsy? Do you have tonic clonic seizures or just focal/partial seizures (the ones you just get absence and does not have convulsions)?
Take care,
Chris (@santosha)
Hi Chris @santosha, finally had video visit with neuro and he increased my lacosimide to highest mg to see how that works. My kids were there. My daughter who lives next door cried the entire time as finding me “out of it” from seizure is more than her anxiety can handle. Do I stress about her as she is stressing about me and vicious circle! Dr suggested we might live too close to each other. A lot to think about. Hope all is well with you and again, I always enjoy hearing from you and your thoughtful insight you have for others!
Hi @baa
I really do hope that this new dosage of Lamictal works well for you. Lamictal was the AED I tried that had the fewest side effects.
Have you considered having some support from a neuropsychologist? I am with mine since 2019 when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. She has helped me a lot and continues to help me. I can well remember the first two years of epilepsy treatment and how stressed I was and also stressed my husband. Now well this vicious circle. My neuropsychologist also did some private sessions with my husband at the beginning. Have a thought about it!
Wishing you all the best!
Chris (@santosha)
Thank you Chris, @santosha, I have heard some positives from Lamictal, and if this high dose of lacosimide doesn’t seem to improve will talk to neurologist to see what he thinks. I am seeing the psychiatrist again tomorrow that neurologist recommended. Don’t know if there are any specifically trained neuropsychologists in this area but will check that out. As always I appreciate your knowledge and experience. Hope you are doing well and bless you🙏🏻
Hi @baa
Many people do adapt well to Lamictal and I hope you will be one of them. Let's think positively and one day at a time! If I remember well, the testing time of a new AED is around 3 months, but do please confirm this information with your neurologist.
Since Covid times, I have done all my sessions via Zoom with my neuropsychologist. As it has worked out so well, I have kept them online instead of in person, which makes things much easier for me as I do not drive anymore. Her office is about 1 hour from my home, considering the traffic here in this huge city. If you do not find a neuropsychologist in your area, doing your session online could be an option to you perhaps?
Stay well and all the best!
Chris (@santosha)
Chris @santosha, did see psychiatrist today and we decided to give the higher dose of lacosimide time before adding antidepressant. I’m going to see him every teo weeks for a while so we’ll see how that goes. We do seem to communicate well so hoping that will continue. I am sleeping much better so sure praying that doesn’t change! Best to you and hoping you are well-
Excellent @baa and wise said from your psychiatrist! Keppra is well known to affect some people emotionally. As far as I remember, Lamictal does not have such kind of side-effect.
Crossing my fingers for you!
Have a beautiful day!
Chris (@santosha)
I've been on Lamictal and Trileptal for about 20 years with no side effects. I went through a period of depression early on which is a possible side effect of Lamictal but so is being diagnosed with epilepsy. It went away after 6 months. I was put on an Prozac for about a month back then and my seizures increased. My neurologist told me antidepressants can lower the effectiveness of seizure medication in some people.
My seizures came back after a bad fall in October 2023, generic Keppra was added to my seizure meds about 4 weeks ago, today I'm experiencing severe leg pain which is one of the possible side effects of Keppra.
Time to try something new.
I take Keppra for myoclonic seizures and it works great with no side effects. Myoclonic sizures are like you know how when your just drifting off to sleep and suddenly your whole body jerks? My whole body suddenly stiffens and arches backwards and my teeth snap shut and I hold that position for a couple of seconds up to 5 times a minute when I’m tired. And I can feel it coming on, like a spring tightening. Try sleeping when your body keeps doing that over and over again. My neurologist put me on (3) 500mg tablets of Keppra twice a day and now I just get a few toe twitches now and then. It’s been a lifesaver for me.
I've been taking it for 10+ years and have had no issues with anger. Reading comments on other support groups I've seen that it can affect sleep. I have trouble sleeping.