Sciatica, it's crippling me: Who to turn to?

Posted by denman55 @denman55, Oct 10, 2023

I have just recently been hit with sided sciatica. The pain down my butt and leg are making it impossible to sit, stand or walk. It's come on quite suddenly. Normally my sciatica is on my side - that has calmed down. What can I do at home to relieve the horrible symptoms?

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Boy do I feel your pain!!!! I have the same and more. Everything with an S I have, I had lower laminectomy with fusions L3,4,5 ?? not sure but think he should have done more, and a lot of arthritis removed. I was OK , for a bit. I am thin so my spine sticks out of my back and has shifted to the right side with a huge curve. Not attractive and can even be seen through a shirt , I can not sit back on anything without a cushion,, standing , sitting all will trigger the sciatic nerve from the back, a major spot that is a large bulge , which is the major source of pain, my Dr still has never told me what it is, scans just show major anatomical changes. I had a choice from Ortho Drs, to do a full on spinal surgery with rods, poles, cages etc,, I said no and my neurosurgeon agreed to do what he did that would be the least invasive.. He is a great Dr, and I did feel like a real person again,, but now I am much worse, I used to be able to walk 20 miles a day, hike up mountains, walk through an airport for hours,. I refuse to let this get me so I still do my treadmill 2 hours a night. granted not the speed I used to or incline,, I walk through the sciatica pain , if it gets bad, I stop , take the right leg and pick it uo with the left hand and stretch it all the way over to the other side,. it feels good and will break the cycle,, until the next time.. I started to do on the floor PT .. laying flat on my back, lifting one leg at a time and stretching,, then knee bends,, then crossovers,. If I can make a habit of this it helps.. On a normal day I work I am on my feet all day and I still have to smile through the pain,, there are times I have to just sit at my desk and put my legs up,. have a roller device I now use to roll on the thigh ,, it helps... What made me respond to you was your desire for the stimulaor. Please seriously think about this,,. My Mom had 2 failed back surgeries plus I am sure she never did much for PT, as she is lazy... so she opted for the St. Jude one when it first came out, the thing never worked,, eventually they removed it. We all begged her not to get another but she opted for that quick fix,,, well that quick fix ended up nearly costing her her life and it has sucked the life out of me.. after about 5 years with that in her, again never really worked as she was always whining about her back pain and on pain relievers , and then spending more and more time in bed.. One day her back was wet.. I looked and she had a gaping hole in her spine the size of a quarter, that was beyond anything I have seen,, I had my dad take her to the Dr right away,, very poor medical here, she was being treated for wound care but it wasnt until the right Dr, looked at her , which was my spinal surgeon,. said the box was visible in the hole and full of bacteria and he did the surgery to remove it,, Dr,. stated the leads were loose or disconnected , those are wires in your body,, foreign substances... he said the box became contaminated , who knows for how long , inside or her that eventually it ate away through her skin,, there is much more to this story but I gave you enough,,, I do not know have statistics to say how many people it has helped or what the infection rate is.. but please ask. My back is severe and I would never put one in,, I have looked into these belts you can wear that have the stimulator on the outside on the back.. ask your Dr about that , a cousin of mine got one,, a company neuro med makes a pad you affix to your spine I am researching,, I am sched, for another MRI to find out what happened , You are not alone,, . and about the neck,, yes the neck is part of the spine, But i do not believe it controls the part that causes sciatica .. I had cervical 3 levels 3 years ago,, horrible surgery, still have pain at night, but I do exercises before bed to loosen them up and wear a collar at night,, I will tell you stress is the #1 reason on top of all of the other life issues that rears its ugly head when we least expect it,, I am a stage 4 metastatic double cancer survivor with 15 months of chemo,,that was hell but I will tell you living with chronic pain on a daily basis has been a lot harder and it can really get you down,I wish you well and to receive some relief from this way under researched phenomena of spinal pain,, Carry on!! Jacquie

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I have the awful pain from. bulging disc and two friends had band aid surgery. minimal invasive surgery , which can be outpatient. Immediate pain relief! calling dr today. Dr Mioni in Dayton ohio


Thank you @jenniferhunter and @JustinMcClanahan
I am located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and have a private HMO. I could potentially switch to BCBS, but I would have to look into it. It is made so hard for the recipients to get responses and answers, because i personally feel that they think we are making up the pain. It is not just an ache and pain, it is a neurological pain which is TOTALLY different.
I share my story and pain with everyone I know, hopeful to find an answer. This BLOG site has been the best thing so far..... I wish I had the personal funds to come to MAYO, or I would have been there yesterday...

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@justclintdavis I had Blue Cross when I had my spine surgery at Mayo. The problem with HMO insurance is you are so limited in who you can see. I encourage you to call the Mayo billing insurance office listed on the website and ask them which of the Blue Cross insurance offerings they accept. That may be your answer and you could get an appointment next year in a couple months. You would wait that long anyway for a consultation with a good surgeon. My surgeon, Jeremy Fogelson, at the Mayo Rochester campus understands funicular pain. Dr. Fogelson also did not wait for more damage to happen before operating which is why I had great results. I think BCBS as a PPO plan is a much better option. Spine surgery is so expensive, you need to be in network.
What do you think?



I know you are not a doctor, but I hope that someone can give there opinion on this report

This is the report that interprets my MRI :

* At C3-4 there is mild, broad-based posterior disc bulging and bilateral uncinate proliferation.
This results in severe bilateral foraminal stenosis, right greater than left.
* At C4-5 there is minor left-sided uncinate proliferation with mild left foraminal stenosis.
* At C6-7 there is right-sided uncinate proliferation with mild to moderate foraminal stenosis.
* No other significant extradural defects or stenosis.
* The cervical spinal cord is unremarkable with no evidence of flattening, enlargement, or abnormal
signal intensity.
* No abnormal enhancement is demonstrated.
* The bony structures are within normal limits.

1. Posterior disc bulging and spondylosis at C3-4, with severe bilateral foraminal stenosis, right
greater than left.
2. Mild left foraminal stenosis at C4-5.
3. Mild/moderate right foraminal stenosis at C6-7.


I know you are not a doctor, but I hope that someone can give there opinion on this report

This is the report that interprets my MRI :

* At C3-4 there is mild, broad-based posterior disc bulging and bilateral uncinate proliferation.
This results in severe bilateral foraminal stenosis, right greater than left.
* At C4-5 there is minor left-sided uncinate proliferation with mild left foraminal stenosis.
* At C6-7 there is right-sided uncinate proliferation with mild to moderate foraminal stenosis.
* No other significant extradural defects or stenosis.
* The cervical spinal cord is unremarkable with no evidence of flattening, enlargement, or abnormal
signal intensity.
* No abnormal enhancement is demonstrated.
* The bony structures are within normal limits.

1. Posterior disc bulging and spondylosis at C3-4, with severe bilateral foraminal stenosis, right
greater than left.
2. Mild left foraminal stenosis at C4-5.
3. Mild/moderate right foraminal stenosis at C6-7.

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@justclintdavis Your report says there is no spinal cord compression, but it does indicate that at C3-C4 there can be slipping of the vertebrae because the disc isn’t holding the vertebrae in line. Do you know how much it slips? That might be measured on x-ray with flexion and extension images. There is a posterior disc bulge at that level and it potentially may be able to slip and touch the spinal cord. A doctor needs to answer on if that is happening. I was working with a physical therapist before spine surgery and when my vertebrae slipped, I had an uneven gait and some bladder symptoms; those resolved completely when my physical therapist was getting my vertebrae realigned again until the next muscle spasm threw it out again. My movement was about 2 mm. You may have some instability at that level that could cause intermittent pressure on the spinal cord. Your report also indicates issues at nerve roots. Those are very predictable as to where you’ll feel pain which you can look up on a dermatome map. Touching or compressing the spinal cord can cause various symptoms that can change with different neck positions. If I bent my neck forward, I could send an electric shock down my entire body. It may be hard to tell if the cervical spine or lumbar spine is causing your leg symptoms. Of course the fusion at C5/C6 resolved it all for me.



@marieltha Decompression is just taking the pressure off and many spine procedures fit the description. In my case, may spinal cord was getting squeezed.

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So, what did the surgeon do on your spine to relieve the pressure?
We all learn from the sharing of such details, but I understand if you don’t want to share specifics.


So, what did the surgeon do on your spine to relieve the pressure?
We all learn from the sharing of such details, but I understand if you don’t want to share specifics.

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@marieltha My spinal cord compression was caused by a disc that had herniated and collapsed into the central spinal canal and it grew bone spurs next to it because of the inflammation. That is called a disc osteophyte complex. When the bad disc was removed during surgery, it took the pressure off the spinal cord, that space where the disc was got a bone disc spacer. The vertebrae bone above and below that fuses as it all grows together.

Do you have a spine condition that is being diagnosed?


Thank you very much. I have compression caused by the narrowing of the canal due to osteoarthritis (spinal stenosis). Knock on wood/Hail Mary’s, I do not have any disc damage at present. Every couple of years, if in cold/rainy weather, I experience a flareup; otherwise, I have a stiff lower spine which makes my gait less fluid than I’d like. Possibly because I take real Celebrex (generic did not work for me), I thankfully do not have back or sciatic pain. But my OS and I monitor the condition for change/acceleration. Because I do not like surprises or emergencies, I do my research ahead of time, so knowing the actual experiences of others is a very useful part of my plan for the future. Thanks again for sharing.
PS Beautiful horse, by the way


@denman55 My spinal cord stimulator has completely removed my sciatica. It is not perfect and does not remove every bit of my pain elsewhere however, but my sciatica is gone.


I have the awful pain from. bulging disc and two friends had band aid surgery. minimal invasive surgery , which can be outpatient. Immediate pain relief! calling dr today. Dr Mioni in Dayton ohio

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I had the band aide surgery with a very good Neurologist. All Orthopedic Drs. I had consulted with told me I needed to have poles, nuts , bolts, a cage etc, I have severe stenosis, scoliosis, spondylosis .herniated and bulging disks, my spine has shifted so much as well as my rib cage, I have a huge painful bulge in my back, as well as my spine protrudes though my back and is very visible looks like it will pop through my very thin skin.. . and horrific stenosis.. which is now worse a year after my least invasive band aide surgery. What my Surgeon did I really do not know, he did a 3 level laminectomy and a lot of arthritis. The band aide surgery was not out patient for me. I was there 3 days in the hospital . When I awoke the pain was horrific, the Dr gave me Demerol shot, and I asked for an ice pack.. during my time there I used all of their ice and ice packs,, it was my only relief .. The next day PT came to get me up . I refused the day before, which is not normally me, but I couldn't move,. After my walk on the walker I told PT I could do more.. then the nerve pain in my leg became intolerable. at that time my Dr, ordered morphine shot, then a pump. then the Pharmacist overruled the Dr and gave me a shot every 30 min, I finally must have been knocked out as I dont remember anyone after `10 pm.. I went home the next day,, I live alone , had the dog at a place. But by that weekend I was up and shopping which was literally 5 or 6 days later.. I did my Pt faithfully and was back on my treadmill slowly for 2 hours a night, I was good... Somewhere about 5 ot 6 months ago the sciatica came back, and with a vengeance. as well as the pain in my back,,. I trudge through it, try to stretch it out but I can feel something went really wrong inside,, I am having an MRi next week to find out, I will have surgery again of thats what I need.. I wish you well , Band aide may work for some but it all depends on the severity of your issues.. Mine were and are very bad, I am 62 and 5 years ago I was told I had the spine of an 85 year old woman. and the Ortho showed me the pics of one. I have survived Stage 4 metastatic lung to colon "terminal cancer" and a year plus of intense chemo,. which I believe has damaged my bones and joints. and my spine,,, I remain active,, but geez when my heating pad is my best friend it becomes a depressing thought. I can;t even walk in a store with out a basket with out severe pain. Living with chronic pain like this it too much,,, This time I will py much more attention to what my Dr is doing and suggests because I am more educated now and I come first,, before I was helping my Mother with my Surgeon and I was dismissed as I have been consumed with her care.. I have had to take a step back from the all consuming job of caring for elderly parents who didn;t plan.. when that is the case it is easy to add anger and so much stress which makes ones own health take a toll.. I wish you relief ,, none of us should have to wake up every day to this. best to you. J


Try stretches for piriformis syndrome. I did go to PT where I learned the stretches. Amazing relief. I used to go get a shot from the Orthopedic, but the stretches I've learned pretty much eliminated that need. I like Dr Jo on youtube, as well. Ice and heat can help, as topical CBD might.

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