Does anybody have experience with SANEXAS for neuropathy?

Posted by knucklehead4352 @knucklehead4352, Jan 6, 2021

Does anybody have experience with SANEXAS. It is touted as Electric Cell Signaling Treatment especially for peripheral neuropathy.

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I've had CHRONIC UNDIAGOSISED Pain with Peripheral Neuropathy just the last 6 years but it was unbearable! So I was desperate and tried Sanexas for the Full 15 treatments and it did nothing UNTIL: the last month after treatments it progressed to my feet now burning and swollen constantly especially during walking. I swear it was the Sanexas because I NEVER had trouble in my feet or anywhere like this and it seemed to PUSH this terrible pain to my feet where now I can barely walk at all anymore. I would NEVER recommend this to anyone after paying $4000 and becoming almost crippled!!
I'm not being demonstrative either because when my feet went my life was over.
Imagine never being able to go anywhere anymore due to this horrible swollen & burning feeling non stop especially when walking!!!
I don't know if I can continue to live anymore it's that bad honestly because I was an outdoors person all my life. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I AM JUST GETTING WORSE EVERY YEAR NOW since 2022!1


I've had CHRONIC UNDIAGOSISED Pain with Peripheral Neuropathy just the last 6 years but it was unbearable! So I was desperate and tried Sanexas for the Full 15 treatments and it did nothing UNTIL: the last month after treatments it progressed to my feet now burning and swollen constantly especially during walking. I swear it was the Sanexas because I NEVER had trouble in my feet or anywhere like this and it seemed to PUSH this terrible pain to my feet where now I can barely walk at all anymore. I would NEVER recommend this to anyone after paying $4000 and becoming almost crippled!!
I'm not being demonstrative either because when my feet went my life was over.
Imagine never being able to go anywhere anymore due to this horrible swollen & burning feeling non stop especially when walking!!!
I don't know if I can continue to live anymore it's that bad honestly because I was an outdoors person all my life. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I AM JUST GETTING WORSE EVERY YEAR NOW since 2022!1

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Hello @jzxbb, Welcome to Connect. I know it must be difficult managing the pain. I'm sorry to hear that the Sanexas treatments didn't provide any relief. I'm not sure if you are aware of the Foundation for Peripheral Neropathy but their site may provide some helpful suggestions here -

You mentioned chronic undiagnosed pain with peripheral neuropathy. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?


Hello @jzxbb, Welcome to Connect. I know it must be difficult managing the pain. I'm sorry to hear that the Sanexas treatments didn't provide any relief. I'm not sure if you are aware of the Foundation for Peripheral Neropathy but their site may provide some helpful suggestions here -

You mentioned chronic undiagnosed pain with peripheral neuropathy. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?

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Thanks for your consideration.
I've seen in about 45 years almost 250 Doctors in the NE with no luck including Hopkins, U of MD and Hershey but this is totally weird.
Considering how long it's lasted and how extreme it is I'm sure the Sanexas had no part in it but who knows. Frankly I can barely walk or drive so everything is done for me now. Thanks a lot anyways but my life is over now. 250!!!!!! cmon!


Thanks for your consideration.
I've seen in about 45 years almost 250 Doctors in the NE with no luck including Hopkins, U of MD and Hershey but this is totally weird.
Considering how long it's lasted and how extreme it is I'm sure the Sanexas had no part in it but who knows. Frankly I can barely walk or drive so everything is done for me now. Thanks a lot anyways but my life is over now. 250!!!!!! cmon!

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That is a lot of doctors and still no help. It sounds similar to this persons journey.

What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose TED talk by TED Fellow Jennifer Brea who became progressively ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome.


That is a lot of doctors and still no help. It sounds similar to this persons journey.

What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose TED talk by TED Fellow Jennifer Brea who became progressively ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

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When it becomes way too much like 45 years YOUR LIFE IS OVER and death is the ONLY alternative.
Why would anyone want to continually suffer terribly forever.
Why do people want us to live this way? I know I don't want to and I'd love to see the second life or absolutely nothing. Life's too short to suffer non stop!


I've had CHRONIC UNDIAGOSISED Pain with Peripheral Neuropathy just the last 6 years but it was unbearable! So I was desperate and tried Sanexas for the Full 15 treatments and it did nothing UNTIL: the last month after treatments it progressed to my feet now burning and swollen constantly especially during walking. I swear it was the Sanexas because I NEVER had trouble in my feet or anywhere like this and it seemed to PUSH this terrible pain to my feet where now I can barely walk at all anymore. I would NEVER recommend this to anyone after paying $4000 and becoming almost crippled!!
I'm not being demonstrative either because when my feet went my life was over.
Imagine never being able to go anywhere anymore due to this horrible swollen & burning feeling non stop especially when walking!!!
I don't know if I can continue to live anymore it's that bad honestly because I was an outdoors person all my life. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I AM JUST GETTING WORSE EVERY YEAR NOW since 2022!1

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I am sorry that you stopped receiving the Sanexas treatment up to 15 sessions. It took me a little bit longer than that to finally see positive results. Here is my story.

I hope that you will receive consider restarting your treatments since it really does work


I am sorry that you stopped receiving the Sanexas treatment up to 15 sessions. It took me a little bit longer than that to finally see positive results. Here is my story.

I hope that you will receive consider restarting your treatments since it really does work

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The doctor I saw said that was all that was needed and after the next month I couldn't even walk from this NEW Pain I started having in my feet now. They became so bad from burning and swelling I'd never use this treatment again.
I think the treatment is a hoax since I also had PRP injections and later stem cell Injections to my back where most of the Chronic Pain was and NOT ONE THING HELPED. What am I to think when I did so much and I got worse??


The bottom line in this terrible world is our PHYSCIANS DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT US!
I know this because all mine wants to do is stuff me with Opiods and forget about the CAUSE of the pain!
Also most of them IMO and I've seen about 250, are so STUPID it's scary to let them even work on you.
I HAVE A PERMANENT FULL BODY NEUROPATHIC PAIN SYNDROME that's so terrible most nights I fall asleep praying for death!


That treatment worsened my symptoms. I had 3 months of 3 sessions a week at a Chiropractor’s clinic. About the end of the 2nd month I started developing the cold/burning sensation that I suffer from now. One of the therapists said to me that the neuropathy I suffer from would get worse before it would get better, maybe so that the clinic would continue to receive funds from my insurance. What I don’t understand is what business has a Chiropractor to do with trying to treat a nervous system illness? When one is desperate for relief one tries anything, and it is easy to fall for advertisements that promise that “snake oil” is the answer.!!!


I've had CHRONIC UNDIAGOSISED Pain with Peripheral Neuropathy just the last 6 years but it was unbearable! So I was desperate and tried Sanexas for the Full 15 treatments and it did nothing UNTIL: the last month after treatments it progressed to my feet now burning and swollen constantly especially during walking. I swear it was the Sanexas because I NEVER had trouble in my feet or anywhere like this and it seemed to PUSH this terrible pain to my feet where now I can barely walk at all anymore. I would NEVER recommend this to anyone after paying $4000 and becoming almost crippled!!
I'm not being demonstrative either because when my feet went my life was over.
Imagine never being able to go anywhere anymore due to this horrible swollen & burning feeling non stop especially when walking!!!
I don't know if I can continue to live anymore it's that bad honestly because I was an outdoors person all my life. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I AM JUST GETTING WORSE EVERY YEAR NOW since 2022!1

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I used it an it worked FANTASTIC then Medicare stop paying. 6 months ago I purchased from Novaalab FDA Approved Red Light Therapy 🙌 an it has worked FANTASTIC I ordered directly from Novaalab there on Facebook all the Time

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