Risk of vaccine for Autoimmune compromised?

Posted by dbamos1945 @dbamos1945, Sep 27, 2023

About 2 weeks after RSV vaccine my left hand was extremely painful (red, stabbing pains, unable to use left hand) in the pads of the fingers. This condition has very slowly resolved over the last 6 weeks in that only my thumb and index finger pads are sensitive and tingly. Doc’s lab results showed WBC +, other labs showed inflammation, but negative for Lupus, etc.
I am considering NOT getting the new Covid Booster injection nor the new Flu shot. My concern is that I am afraid I might have the same or worse autoimmune reaction from the above vaccines.
All opinions and research will be appreciated. Please help.

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Sympathies for what you went through after the RSV vaccine. However strongly suggest discussing this with your PCP.
I always get a quadrivalent flu shot, and I’ve had 7 Modernas as of this week. All with no ill side effects. However after researching RSV I will discuss it with my PCP before getting it.
Wishing you the very best!

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I also recommend consulting your PCP but unfortunately the days when I can put all my trust in what a PCP tells me are over. I do consult him but I must do my own research as well. Given that Covid vaccine protection wanes significantly at four months and that most PCPs cannot begin to keep up with various autoimmune disorders (I know far more about GBS/CIDP and its risks and treatments) I concluded that the risks outweigh the benefits. Again, it’s a personal decision only.


Hi BJ bates,
What is NAC?
What tests are done to diagnose Cipd?

Thank you! (And your "don't fault" comment is really nice 🙂

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Were you able to follow the link to the study I included? NAC is N-acetyl cysteine which helps produce glutathione and has numerous benefits. It’s even given in the ER to counteract Tylenol overdose. There are lots of interesting studies on it so you may just want to google NAC.

CIDP which is also known as chronic Guillain-Barré Syndrome, is diagnosed through electrical conduction studies. Lumbar puncture is also used to diagnose it but I refused that test. It’s a demyelinating disease in which the nerve fibers are stripped. The best natural thing I ever took for it was alpha lipoic acid which is a super antioxidant often given for diabetic neuropathy. Sadly, I have reflux and couldn’t tolerate it.


Thanks for your helpful post. I got polymyalgia within two weeks of a flu shot and a four month reaction to my Moderna. Now have MS, celiac, polymyalgia and PCOS. Strong family history of autoimmune disease. Please could you direct me to your research on countries with high and low rates f vaccinations. Also what is NAC? Good luck and thanks for sharing. Jane

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Back in 2020, I followed Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube channel from the UK. I appreciated his non-political, evidence-based
approach. In the beginning, he was very much pro Covid vaccine until evidence began to surface regarding vaccine injuries. He’s the one who was showing the charts of rates of vaccination in various countries and the troubling excess deaths statistics. This is just one source of research that has helped me make decisions. As you research, you may come to a different conclusion.

Here is where he is showing the charts. A few days ago, he posted another video with confirming data. You can scroll through his latest videos for that one.


Thanks for your helpful post. I got polymyalgia within two weeks of a flu shot and a four month reaction to my Moderna. Now have MS, celiac, polymyalgia and PCOS. Strong family history of autoimmune disease. Please could you direct me to your research on countries with high and low rates f vaccinations. Also what is NAC? Good luck and thanks for sharing. Jane

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I replied the following to someone else asking about NAC:
Were you able to follow the link to the study I included? NAC is N-acetyl cysteine which helps produce glutathione and has numerous benefits. It’s even given in the ER to counteract Tylenol overdose. There are lots of interesting studies on it so you may just want to google NAC.


Hi folks,

My rheumatologist suggests that the time we get the vaccine matters. I get a shot of immune medicine every 2 months. Doc suggests that I get vaxxed 2 weeks or so before my scheduled med shot. That is when the medicine to slow down my immune system is lowest and so it's when my immune system can work best with the vaccine to generate a good response with the vaccine.

Good luck, everybody! This is tough decision time for us.

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My doctor never offered anything for immune disease.Want me to to specialists like rheumatology doctor to be poked and experiment on,at the cost of more money and time wasted.


Since having Covid in 2021 and 2 Moderna vacs and a Pfizer booster I was diagnosed in Aug of 23 with PMR I have read much on the correlation of COVID and Covid vacs and autoimmune diseases and I will not get anymore Covid vacs. I am a 67 year old female in good health until this PMR happened. I have gotten a flu vac for 30+ years with no issues. I will NOT get an RSV either. I have been on a 20 mg prednisone taper since Aug with good results, hoping to get off by November.


I suffer from Relapsing Polychondritis , I developed the disease at the age of 13 in the distant 2002 during the application of allergen-specific immunotherapy (allergy shots).

Certain types of vaccines can induce or worsen an autoimmune condition.

You should always evaluate the risk benefit in each person, it is my recommendation

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