Risk of vaccine for Autoimmune compromised?

Posted by dbamos1945 @dbamos1945, Sep 27, 2023

About 2 weeks after RSV vaccine my left hand was extremely painful (red, stabbing pains, unable to use left hand) in the pads of the fingers. This condition has very slowly resolved over the last 6 weeks in that only my thumb and index finger pads are sensitive and tingly. Doc’s lab results showed WBC +, other labs showed inflammation, but negative for Lupus, etc.
I am considering NOT getting the new Covid Booster injection nor the new Flu shot. My concern is that I am afraid I might have the same or worse autoimmune reaction from the above vaccines.
All opinions and research will be appreciated. Please help.

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I have Graves (hyperthyroid) and CIDP (chronic Guillain-Barré Syndrome) which usually shows up on consent forms for immunizations like flu and Covid.

Initially, I got two Moderna jabs plus the booster. I never got symptomatic Covid but I’ve also been taking NAC for the last few years and it is a natural anti-viral.

My doctor advised getting the RSV, Covid, flu and the new pneumonia vaccines. Regarding Covid, I looked at data showing vaccine injuries and excess deaths in countries with high levels of vaccination vs low levels; and at how quickly the level of protection wanes. I decided the risks outweighed the benefits.

I chose not to get the RSV shot because a-fib as well as GBS are rare but significant side effects.

I have gotten the flu shot annually for probably 30 years even though I have GBS because my neurologist felt the benefit outweighed the risk. At first, he opposed it but decided the flu season at that time was severe so he changed his mind.
But since clinical trials have demonstrated the benefit of NAC against the flu, I wish that I hadn’t taken it since I haven’t felt well since then).

Bottom line, I came to these conclusions after my own research and don’t fault anyone who decides to get any of these vaccinations.


Thank you Bjbates53!
I really appreciate you sharing your vaccine experiences. You truly are your best healthcare advocate. I agree with your vaccine decision. I’ll continue my research ‘til I feel confident in my vaccine decision. Thank you for your kindness.


Thank you Bjbates53!
I really appreciate you sharing your vaccine experiences. You truly are your best healthcare advocate. I agree with your vaccine decision. I’ll continue my research ‘til I feel confident in my vaccine decision. Thank you for your kindness.

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You’re welcome! You may want to look into NAC and discuss it with your doctor. Since I have nerve damage, I take a prescription that includes methyl folate and B12 as well as the NAC. But you can get it over the counter. You may be interested in this study. I try to stick with controlled, verifiable studies as much as possible. I know that NAC shows up in some protocols for natural treatments for Covid.


Sympathies for what you went through after the RSV vaccine. However strongly suggest discussing this with your PCP.
I always get a quadrivalent flu shot, and I’ve had 7 Modernas as of this week. All with no ill side effects. However after researching RSV I will discuss it with my PCP before getting it.
Wishing you the very best!


Yes, call shot every year always OK. Have several autoimmune diseases. Got shingles shot and woke up with sciatica. Really painful. After several shots in my spine. It finally went away. I’m not in favor of getting anything other than flu vaccine. . People that are immune compromised Need to be very careful we react differently to vaccines


I agree. Vaccines can cause trouble.


I have Graves (hyperthyroid) and CIDP (chronic Guillain-Barré Syndrome) which usually shows up on consent forms for immunizations like flu and Covid.

Initially, I got two Moderna jabs plus the booster. I never got symptomatic Covid but I’ve also been taking NAC for the last few years and it is a natural anti-viral.

My doctor advised getting the RSV, Covid, flu and the new pneumonia vaccines. Regarding Covid, I looked at data showing vaccine injuries and excess deaths in countries with high levels of vaccination vs low levels; and at how quickly the level of protection wanes. I decided the risks outweighed the benefits.

I chose not to get the RSV shot because a-fib as well as GBS are rare but significant side effects.

I have gotten the flu shot annually for probably 30 years even though I have GBS because my neurologist felt the benefit outweighed the risk. At first, he opposed it but decided the flu season at that time was severe so he changed his mind.
But since clinical trials have demonstrated the benefit of NAC against the flu, I wish that I hadn’t taken it since I haven’t felt well since then).

Bottom line, I came to these conclusions after my own research and don’t fault anyone who decides to get any of these vaccinations.

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Hi BJ bates,
What is NAC?
What tests are done to diagnose Cipd?

Thank you! (And your "don't fault" comment is really nice 🙂


Hi BJ bates,
What is NAC?
What tests are done to diagnose Cipd?

Thank you! (And your "don't fault" comment is really nice 🙂

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Hi folks,

My rheumatologist suggests that the time we get the vaccine matters. I get a shot of immune medicine every 2 months. Doc suggests that I get vaxxed 2 weeks or so before my scheduled med shot. That is when the medicine to slow down my immune system is lowest and so it's when my immune system can work best with the vaccine to generate a good response with the vaccine.

Good luck, everybody! This is tough decision time for us.


I have Graves (hyperthyroid) and CIDP (chronic Guillain-Barré Syndrome) which usually shows up on consent forms for immunizations like flu and Covid.

Initially, I got two Moderna jabs plus the booster. I never got symptomatic Covid but I’ve also been taking NAC for the last few years and it is a natural anti-viral.

My doctor advised getting the RSV, Covid, flu and the new pneumonia vaccines. Regarding Covid, I looked at data showing vaccine injuries and excess deaths in countries with high levels of vaccination vs low levels; and at how quickly the level of protection wanes. I decided the risks outweighed the benefits.

I chose not to get the RSV shot because a-fib as well as GBS are rare but significant side effects.

I have gotten the flu shot annually for probably 30 years even though I have GBS because my neurologist felt the benefit outweighed the risk. At first, he opposed it but decided the flu season at that time was severe so he changed his mind.
But since clinical trials have demonstrated the benefit of NAC against the flu, I wish that I hadn’t taken it since I haven’t felt well since then).

Bottom line, I came to these conclusions after my own research and don’t fault anyone who decides to get any of these vaccinations.

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Thanks for your helpful post. I got polymyalgia within two weeks of a flu shot and a four month reaction to my Moderna. Now have MS, celiac, polymyalgia and PCOS. Strong family history of autoimmune disease. Please could you direct me to your research on countries with high and low rates f vaccinations. Also what is NAC? Good luck and thanks for sharing. Jane


I’m definitely less enthusiastic about MORE VACCINES.

So many more people are ill than before covid, although we have aged and life happens and who knows.

I also have side effects from most vaccines. Due to kidney disease and anemia, feeling EVEN WORSE is not exactly enticing.

All to avoid getting covid, which is not likely a deadly virus for most of us, like it once was.

Definitely on the fence about vaccines..

3 Moderna’s, a tetanus shot and shingles vaccines so far….

Thank you for the post/thread

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