Right mid abdominal and Back Pain

Posted by nmgirl @nmgirl, Nov 8, 2022

Hello, I'm a 47 year old female that has had right mid abdominal and back pain for almost five months now, that started when I had COVID. It started with a dull back pain and then eventually radiated to abdomen and now it is in both locations. It is always present at some level, but is worse after eating and after light exercise. I do feel full quicker than normal after eating too and am tired often. I don't generally get nauseous (but occasionally do a little after light exercise), don't have constipation or diarrhea, and am not losing weight. My pain ranges from 1 to 6 and is mostly dull and achy, but occasionally get quick sharp pains. I have had every test I can think of, CT (2 of them), outer and vaginal ultrasounds, HIDA scan, endoscopy (with biopsy for celiac), colonoscopy, several repeating blood tests, test for catecholamines (my dad has a malignant metastasized pheochromocytoma), and probably more I can't remember. All came back normal. I've been taking prilosec and pepsid both at direction of my Dr. and at times it seems to help a little, but then it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be a pattern with a specific type of food that I eat. I've read everything on the internet that I possibly can and my symptoms just don't fit perfectly into any particular cause/category but it seems like many people have similar symptoms. Any suggestions would be helpful. I can't get the Dr's to respond to my messages anymore and it takes months to get more Dr. Appts.

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@nmgirl I'm curious have you gotten to the bottom of this? I'm going through something very similar and after a year of tears I've made no progress. Right flank pain that is both in the abdomen and lower back. I've had HIDA, 4 CTs (2 with contrast), kidney biopsy, cystoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopy, eg, ultrasound, lumbar MRI, and thoracic MRI. Our cases are a little different since my pain comes from physical movement (example standing for longer than 5 minutes) but other than that it seems like everything else is the same.

So far we have ruled out nutcracker syndrome, celiac, other rare kidney disorders, myofascia pain is about to be ruled out, Lupus, and basically anything organ related. Much like someone else posted I've been curious if it may have something to do with Long Covid but I started getting symptoms 15 months after I had COVID.

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Hi, no unfortunately I still have no idea what is causing it. The latest thing I’ve been trying is an elimination diet called FODMAP to see if it comes from food intolerances,
as well as a medication called dicyclomine, which is for IBS, which I don’t think I have as I have no diarrhea or constipation. I am also seeing an allergist next week. The FODMAP diet actually made me feel somewhat better, but when I started to add things back I got very mixed and confusing results so I am even more clueless now. It sounds like maybe you even had more tests than me as some of those things you ruled out were never even mentioned by my Dr. I didn’t get an MRI or biopsy. I hope you find an answer soon! I know how frustrating it is and how much it can really impact your life. Please let me know if you ever find an answer and I will as well. Good Luck!


IBS can be neither diarrhea or constipation it can be pain . It is a mind gut mis guided connection. See a registered hypnotherapist , get the Nerva app , yoga, excersise it will reduce symptoms greatly.


What activities did you do during Covid and how were they different from pre-covid? Have tried doing mid back mobilization exercises?


Hi, I have for several years suffered on and off with an acute pain in abdomin just right of my navel and into back. I do have adhesions from surgeries, but a kinesiology I was being treated by for some hip problems said there is a valve in the bowel in that area that can stick and it should be massaged regularly. Massaging that area really has helped control the pain for me for over a year now.
Hope it helps you.
Press to right of navel about 3 fingers and down a little toward hipbone.


Off and on for quite a while I have had the same symptoms. It was very unsettling. I usually keep live refrigerated probiotics so I took some recently and all of a sudden I started passing gas. It has helped immensely. I now believe that it has been blocked gas trapped from my colon and intestines being inflamed from these diseases. It is amazing to accidentally figure this out and to get so much relief from the gas being released. Can’t diagnose anyone else this is just one woman’s accidental finding. Hope you get some relief it took years of worry and pain for me to get relief. The symptom that hurt me the most was pain up under my right ribs.


I also get pain right around my right lowest rib in the back, and it feels like all the way through to the front. Various tests showed nothing and removing my gall bladder didn't help. However, I also have Small Fiber (Poly-)Neuropathy probably caused by an autoimmune reaction following a gastrointestinal infection I had seven years ago. I suspect it's related. It's hard to find a doctor who knows about, and tests for, SFN, though.


I suffered with similar symptoms for 8-years. I had severe pain immediately below my xiphoid process and about 1" to the RH side of the midline of my upper abdomen. The symptoms were constant. They were magnified when I laid flat on my back, when I ate a lot, when my stomach was empty and when I exercised vigorously. Unfortunately, even though I had my wife use a magic-marker to identify the area on my back that increased the pain my primary never examined the area nor did he order any scans. Also, despite my repeated requests to refer me to someone/anyone in the Sanford Health system that might help My primary refused to do so. I should have changed Dr.'s after the first 6-months but I trusted him. My primary Dr. had me try various dosages of Prilosec which over many months proved fruitless. Over many months he had me try tapering doses of prednisone which proved fruitless. I visited the ER on 6-occasions. I first visited Mayo in 2015 for this exact issue. Mayo performed gastric emptying tests and tested the strength of the muscle in my anus. Mayo wanted me to stay for 10-days to teach me how to poop. Mayo had a neurologist examine me. The app't took no longer than 20-minutes and I was told that I did not have a nerve problem. At no time did Mayo consider evaluating my spine despite me telling them what aggravated the pain. and was told to go home and take McKormick peppermint that I could pick up at Cub Foods. The peppermint burned my throat badly. Mayo then told me to purchase a OTC product called FD-Gard which contained peppermint extract. It did not help at all. The severe pain was with me every day. I ended up having 5-endoscopies and 1-endoscopic ultrasound which was performed at Abbott-Northwest. Eventually, I found a Dr. Paniotis Panagiotakis at MNGI that diagnosed me in 20-minutes as having AWP (abdominal wall pain). He was the Dr. that ordered the endoscopic ultrasound. That test showed that I had nothing wrong with my digestive tract. Dr. Boetticher's diagnosis was that I had, "a nerve problem" and that I see TC Spine Center which I did. TC Spine performed MRI's of my spine from top to bottom. Based upon those MRI's TC Spine determined that I had nothing wrong with my spine that should cause any pain. A research paper on AWP was written by Mayo's Dr. Seth Sweetser. I encourage you to find Dr. Sweetser's research paper on-line. In it, Dr. Sweetser says that AWP pain is very often overlooked and is very present in the population. He describes potential causes being ACNES (anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome). He also says that the symptoms of ACNES may be caused by Thoracic Nerve Radiculopathy. Dr. Sweetser's paper is too lengthy to repeat here. Ironically, I tried to get an app't with Dr. Sweetser but was turned down by Mayo on 9/15/21. saying there nothing more they had to offer. Suffice to say that once TC Spine said I had no issues in my spine I pursued the possibility that I had ACNES. After trips to Phoenix and a battery of diagnostic TPI's I pursued surgery for ACNES. That surgery was performed on 12/15/21 by Dr. Thomas Gillespie of St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix. Sadly, while the surgery can offer relief from the pain of ACNES the pain in my abdomen was not diminished. In 2/22 I contacted a spine surgeon at TC Spine named Dr. James Schwender. I did not meet Dr. Schwender but had a telephone visit. He looked at the EXACT same MRI's that another radiologist and spine specialist at TC Spine had looked at. His words to me were, "Mr. Olson, you have severe thoracic disease." On 5/25/22 Dr. Schwender performed surgery to decompress my RH T8-T9-T10 vertebrae. The pain in my abdomen disappeared after an 8-year long journey. There's more to this story if you are interested to hear more. Sorry for the long letter.


@nmgirl I'm curious have you gotten to the bottom of this? I'm going through something very similar and after a year of tears I've made no progress. Right flank pain that is both in the abdomen and lower back. I've had HIDA, 4 CTs (2 with contrast), kidney biopsy, cystoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopy, eg, ultrasound, lumbar MRI, and thoracic MRI. Our cases are a little different since my pain comes from physical movement (example standing for longer than 5 minutes) but other than that it seems like everything else is the same.

So far we have ruled out nutcracker syndrome, celiac, other rare kidney disorders, myofascia pain is about to be ruled out, Lupus, and basically anything organ related. Much like someone else posted I've been curious if it may have something to do with Long Covid but I started getting symptoms 15 months after I had COVID.

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Hi, I'm wondering if you ever figured things out? I'm still having this pain, its been a year and 3 months. I finally gave up and stopped going to dr. After all the tests I've done, which i think is less than yours, but still covers most of them (CTs, HIDA, ultrasounds, blood test, colonoscopy, endoscopy, xrays, etc.). it seemed to go away for a few months last winter, but started coming back in spring and now its as bad as it ever was. I'm worried about going to the Dr. again as they are probably just going to make me do all the same tests again, then will find nothing, and I'm at same place again thousands of dollars later with people thinking that I'm making this up. Its really depressing and and annoying. I've only told my husband as I don't want my family to worry. Sometimes I think my husband thinks I'm exaggerating or making things up, although he doesn't say that. It still really only happens after I eat or drink something. I'm not losing weight (in fact gaining some - although that partially has to do with my age and lack of exercise). Any way just so frustrated and curious if you have found out what was wrong with you if you are willing to share. Thanks!


Hi, I'm wondering if you ever figured things out? I'm still having this pain, its been a year and 3 months. I finally gave up and stopped going to dr. After all the tests I've done, which i think is less than yours, but still covers most of them (CTs, HIDA, ultrasounds, blood test, colonoscopy, endoscopy, xrays, etc.). it seemed to go away for a few months last winter, but started coming back in spring and now its as bad as it ever was. I'm worried about going to the Dr. again as they are probably just going to make me do all the same tests again, then will find nothing, and I'm at same place again thousands of dollars later with people thinking that I'm making this up. Its really depressing and and annoying. I've only told my husband as I don't want my family to worry. Sometimes I think my husband thinks I'm exaggerating or making things up, although he doesn't say that. It still really only happens after I eat or drink something. I'm not losing weight (in fact gaining some - although that partially has to do with my age and lack of exercise). Any way just so frustrated and curious if you have found out what was wrong with you if you are willing to share. Thanks!

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It sounds like you may be suffering from ACNES (abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome). You need to google this and also the Carnett test. If so next step is to get a trigger point injection into that area to temporarily numb the pain. I had an outpatient procedure which cured me. I’d be happy to discuss by email or phone so you’d have to private message me on this site. I have helped get quite a few sufferers get cured. Jeff in AZ


It sounds like you may be suffering from ACNES (abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome). You need to google this and also the Carnett test. If so next step is to get a trigger point injection into that area to temporarily numb the pain. I had an outpatient procedure which cured me. I’d be happy to discuss by email or phone so you’d have to private message me on this site. I have helped get quite a few sufferers get cured. Jeff in AZ

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Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. I have looked into this, and although I agree it does fit some, but the reasons I don't think it fits is because it only happens after I eat, and it isn't super localized. Descriptions I've read state it is a pinpoint type of pain, and mine is larger area than that. I've also had Dr. pressing down in areas of by abdomen and it doesn't seem to hurt anywhere when they do this. If I go see a Dr. again I will definitely mention this though to him/her. Thanks for the reply!

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