Has anyone had an insertable Cardiac Monitor?

Posted by jigglejaws94 @jigglejaws94, Oct 12, 2016

Just curious if anyone else has a Reveal LINQ implant ?? I had one inserted in July of this year to monitor my palpitations. I have had palpitations for years but earlier this year they changed (at least for a while) and I experienced shortness of breath and pain with the palpitations.

I just think this is really cool technology.

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The actual insertion was a piece of cake really. I had mine done at an outpatient surgery although my doc may now be doing then in his office. Local anesthetic to the chest. I tiny cut to insert it. Then glued my skin together. Wasn't scary or painful. It was tender for a few days if bending over or moving my chest around.

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Nope. No IV sedation. Just a local anesthetic injection which worked very well.


@jigglejaws94 You say sometimes it was up ended and moves around. I would think that this would be quite painful. That sounds like it's moving around a lot. How far can it actually move?


The actual insertion was a piece of cake really. I had mine done at an outpatient surgery although my doc may now be doing then in his office. Local anesthetic to the chest. I tiny cut to insert it. Then glued my skin together. Wasn't scary or painful. It was tender for a few days if bending over or moving my chest around.

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So there was no IV sedation required?


The actual insertion was a piece of cake really. I had mine done at an outpatient surgery although my doc may now be doing then in his office. Local anesthetic to the chest. I tiny cut to insert it. Then glued my skin together. Wasn't scary or painful. It was tender for a few days if bending over or moving my chest around.


I'm getting the Reveal Linq put in this upcoming Monday, Dec.18th, and I am starting to get scared. I have read a lot of reviews about the Linq becoming very painful for a long period of time after insertion. Some even say it's unbearable and they can't even sleep. Also, it's painful to move your arm, sleeping position, reaching, etc. Has anyone experienced pain after having it implanted?

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Unfortunately, I have had pain after insertion. One thing that I don't like is that it is just inserted subcutaneously and is not anchored down. So it moves around. Sometimes it is up-ended and sort of poky on the skin, sometimes more over sternum, sometimes deeper in breast. It is sort of odd. My doc said that sometimes folks do get pain but it should improve after a year, for the nerves to heal. It has been a year and a half now. Mine actually didn't bother me in between and now is kind of tender but nothing terrible at all.


Hello, I wanted to let you know I've had my reveal link for almost three years, there was only slight discomfort at first then over a few days time I forgot it was even in my body! Hope your procedure goes well! Take care!

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Thank you so much! Any positive responses will help ease the anxiety. What about the actual insertion? Scary, painful?


Hello, I wanted to let you know I've had my reveal link for almost three years, there was only slight discomfort at first then over a few days time I forgot it was even in my body! Hope your procedure goes well! Take care!


I'm getting the Reveal Linq put in this upcoming Monday, Dec.18th, and I am starting to get scared. I have read a lot of reviews about the Linq becoming very painful for a long period of time after insertion. Some even say it's unbearable and they can't even sleep. Also, it's painful to move your arm, sleeping position, reaching, etc. Has anyone experienced pain after having it implanted?


Recently had a heart monitor implant (11/27). Monitors the heart for up to three years. Much better than wearing a holter monitor every so often.

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Hello again Jiggle. Interesting post. I had a few days back in 1972 when I was being discharged from the Army where I kept having to gasp for breath like I couldn't take any air in. It would come and go and was extremely scary. When I got home my family doctor said it was just anxiety and prescribed valium for me which I took very sparingly. It kept happening off and on for the next few years and finally went away. I think about that often and wonder if any of it relates to any present problems. I have had PVC's for over 40 years. Many times very scary and bothersome but I would have to say that most of the time they were tolerable. Developed the intermittent AFIB 4 years ago and the PVC's and other strange sensations have progressively gotten worse. The last four months things have really hit me hard to the point of being confused about what exactly is going on. Get a little bradycardia when going in and out of AFIB where the heart feels like it's just floundering around not knowing what to do at a slow pace, with some instances of longer pauses and feeling of lightheadedness and feeling like I might faint but never do. I still try and truck on and do normal activities. No rhyme or reason to any of this so I hope I get some answers with the linq implant.


Recently had a heart monitor implant (11/27). Monitors the heart for up to three years. Much better than wearing a holter monitor every so often.

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Larry -- I feel for your situation. It can be so frustrating sometimes. Back in 2013, I went to a Christmas sing and by the fifth song I was gasping for air. My heart started doing some really strong palpitations and I couldn't catch my breath. There were some EKG abnormalities and my doctor ordered a pretty thorough cardiac work-up. The Holter revealed lots of PVCs, PACs and some ventricular tachycardia which was probably the most concerning to them. I had an echocardiogram which was essentially normal. Also a stress test which had ST wave abnormalities but which was apparently a false positive (happens 50% of the time for women). I was sent onto a cardiologist who did a nuclear stress test which came out beautifully. At the cardiology follow-up, the cardiologist told me that I just have a "special" heart. Aw, ain't that sweet....several thousand dollars later. I'm a medical mystery on many accounts and so hey, just add it to the pile. It wasn't until spring of 2016 when I saw the cardiologist again that he tried an event monitor because the palpitations I was having were different, more fluttery, higher up and took my breath away. Of course, the event monitor showed basically nothing besides the usual PVCs, PACs. So he decided to have the Reveal LINQ placed. I wish it had been explained to me a little better though. I thought for around $2,000 my cost that that was a pretty good price to have 24/7 heart monitoring. But what he didn't tell me is that it doesn't really monitor all the PACs, PVCs but is programmed to catch atrial fibrillation, tachycardia or bradycardia. I guess if I hit my Patient Assistant, it will mark the read-out, if I am having symptoms -- and then would show an arrhythmia. So I just find that I'm a little disappointed in what this Reveal LINQ cannot do. I haven't had that weird rhythm return either. Not that I want it to return because it was terribly uncomfortable but I certainly hope that it does while I have this thing in so that maybe it can all be figured out.

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