Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy

Posted by jiahuey @jiahuey, May 8, 2016

Hi, anybody knows about the latest updates on proliferative vitreoretinopathy? my brother has been having this condition and been through a few surgeries, including vitrectomy and silicone gel, yet his vision is still worsening, we were informed about some new drugs such as anti-growth factors but they re still in clinical trials. Is there anything I could do for him now to preven worsening of his vision?

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Hi @jiahuey. Welcome to Connect. I did a quick Google search and it does look like this is a topic that is being researched a lot. Here is an article from Medscape ( and here is one from the NIH ( which you might find interesting. I'm also tagging @bonitav, @angel18, @connieg, @healthy2012 and @khall who have posted about retinal detachments in the past and may have some insight. Hope this helps!


Waw thank you @kelseydm for your quick reply! wondering if i could find out about the latest clinical trials and the results for this condition? btw your articles are indeed helpful:)


I mean it would be great to know if those new drugs being researched for PVR are currently available in the US already?


Hi @jiahuey, I would suggest taking a look on the National Health Institute's clinical trials website


I have PVR and just had surgery membrane peeling (removing g scarring tissue) a sclerle buckle and I had oil out in. The outcome was not positive and they had to remove some of my retina because of scarring tissue. My vision prognosis is poor however in two weeks they want to do a methotrexate injection to help stop the scarring tissue from growing and pulling the last bit of my retina. They say this methotrexate injection is fairly new but there is nothing else out there. If anyone has other information please share. It’s hard to believe it all started with floaters in my right eye in late December 2024 a diagnosed retinal tear, lazik then vitreal hemmorage followed by surgery another detachement and tear. During recovery I had a another retinal detachment with macula off and now I have no vision in my right eye. Wow! PVR is serious and from what I understand nothing I could have done to prevent it.

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