Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Bloated abdomen--the expansion is now at my waist. The bloat never diminishes [it is not air], just increases. It is good that yours is amenable to beano.

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Yes, it is good that I get some reduction in my swollen belly with the Beano.
Keep searching for answers and share them with us - we all need encouragement.


I have been doing so well on the low-fiber diet. Then, two weeks ago, we drove to Virginia to visit our son and his family who just had a new baby, our sixth grandchild! From June of last year into January of this year, I had almost constant pain in my left side. Numerous ER visits, X-rays, C/T’s, never any real answers. Then my GI does colonoscopy and determines tortuous colon reason for pain and constipation. Thing is, the pain had already gone away the month before. I just woke up one day and it was gone. Well, I woke up the day after we got to my son’s and the pain is back. I’ve not done anything different. I am in misery. Nothing helps. It doesn’t matter if I go to the bathroom or not. My gi called orders in for an X-ray but when I went out yesterday they didn’t have them so I have to wait until tomorrow to call and have them resent. But if it’s like before it won’t show anything anyway. It is gorgeous outside and I’m lying here on the couch in too much pain to do anything.


I have been diagnosed with torturous colon. Several digestive tests were negative; I tried the fodmap diet for a month with no change. My only symptom is an enlarging stomach that I first felt about 2 years ago. It is still expanding, and now up to the waist. The gastroenterologist reported there is nothing that can be done.

I am puzzled about why a torturous colon results in an expanding stomach. I don't have much gas, nor bowel or digestive problems. There is no pain, but increasing discomfort.
Has anyone had this problem and gotten help for it?

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No, but still searching. I had a colongraphy done at Duke and even though I presented with dumping syndrome for 6 weeks and then constipation, and of course the dreaded bloated stomach, the good radiologist noted that my tortuous large intestine was unremarkable. How do they expect us to get help when they are not providing accurate direction?
I hate looking like I am 9 mos pregnant and continuing to gain weight when I am barely eating. My SIBO came back negative but hopefully, I will have better advice and direction from UVA. Good luck and am praying for everyone who is suffering.


it's dang difficult, and amazing that the colon and digestive system is so complicated, I never knew before. fiber, healthy fiber, if metamucil, small amounts, cut out broccoli, beans, taters, yeah, I know, think Japanese diet, which isn't bad, rice, fish, white meat, smaller amounts, more rice, oatmeal in small doses, suggest cutting out wheat until ya figure it out, olive oil, fresh olives (healthy probiotics in fresh olives), yogurt/small amounts, pre probiotics, lots of water, fluid, stay hydrated, electrolytes, magnesium and potassium, stay hydrated, fluid, and I found that a very small doses daily of Linzess, a very expensive medication, I take the caps, open them, tip of the finger and a "little dab" of the white, maybe 50 mcgs, daily seems to help the spasms, constipation in the bowel, any more than that, 145 mcg, gives me "the trots" as my dad used to call them, ya know, trot to the can, if I get a flareup, irritation, a little bit of pepto bismo, and also benadryl, occasionally, it's a histamine, but that's not medical advice, there are other antispasmodics that your doctor or pharmacist might recommend. sometimes the pharmacist knows more about the doctor, cause they deal with it day in day out, about meds. breathe, try to relax, yoga, hot soaks, hot tub, hot shower, maybe tai chi, and other folks just don't get it, "well you don't look sick" and ya wanna give them a big fat btch slap or SOCK in the nose for that dumb comment.


My bucket looks most similar to Ansino International enema bucket. There is also Gentle -L-Care and Pure Joy Planet that look like they have a blue comfort tip. The idea is not to try to clean out your entire colon, just to clean out and rehydrate the area of the sigmoid/rectum where the notorious kink is. Of all the posters, I thought that you might be interested because of your frustration with laxatives. A lot of people are squeamish about enemas. This can be done sitting upright on the commode with the bucket sitting on the tank. I am so glad a friend told me about this and the gastro doc cleared its use as harmless. The worst that could happen is that you could be impatient and injure your rectum. KY Jelly and experience will solve that. I am for what works with the least amount of side effects. Laxatives interfere with our digestion, especially fat soluble vitamins such as A, E, D and K.
I have to say that I also take one Pancreatin capsule from Allergy Research Group with each meal for better digestion. I also take 400 mg of magnesium citrate and one capsule of Life extension Daily Bowel maintenance (Bifidus probiotic) at bedtime with a glass of rice milk. Hope you get some benefit.

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wow, that's a good idea, rice milk, and for enemas, I found that about the best was that thing that they sell for cleaning your ears, comes in a kit sometimes, with ear wax things, fill it up with luke warm water, maybe once, maybe twice, but that's actually a lot of water, easy to clean, easy to use and works quite well, and saves a ton of money...


Yes, it is good that I get some reduction in my swollen belly with the Beano.
Keep searching for answers and share them with us - we all need encouragement.

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I'll try the beano, that's a good idea, I've cut beans out, but they are a good source of fiber...and now that fatty red meat is pretty much out, I still can eat that, but gotta cut back, and wheat is out out out, at least for now, corn chips, etc. is in, might try to re-introduce beans, say refried beans, to my diet...but beano be a dang bean good idea!


Hi Jayne,
Thank goodness you’ve been able to avoid surgery. For me, after a cloudy colonoscopy several years ago, I was diagnosed with a redundant/ tortured colon, as well. After a few years of daily doses of milk of magnesia, my gastroenterologist switched me to a daily dose of Mirlax (I use an off brand). Altogether, I’ve been using laxatives for years, now.
In addition, I maintain a strict diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken and whole wheat. I drink large amounts of water every day, too. All of which works pretty well, leading to a BM most days with the exception of an occasional 2-3 day stretch w/o one.
I’m very religious in following this strict regiment. My only worry has been the continuous use of a laxative, but my doctor reassures me that it’s okay. —Bill


My bucket looks most similar to Ansino International enema bucket. There is also Gentle -L-Care and Pure Joy Planet that look like they have a blue comfort tip. The idea is not to try to clean out your entire colon, just to clean out and rehydrate the area of the sigmoid/rectum where the notorious kink is. Of all the posters, I thought that you might be interested because of your frustration with laxatives. A lot of people are squeamish about enemas. This can be done sitting upright on the commode with the bucket sitting on the tank. I am so glad a friend told me about this and the gastro doc cleared its use as harmless. The worst that could happen is that you could be impatient and injure your rectum. KY Jelly and experience will solve that. I am for what works with the least amount of side effects. Laxatives interfere with our digestion, especially fat soluble vitamins such as A, E, D and K.
I have to say that I also take one Pancreatin capsule from Allergy Research Group with each meal for better digestion. I also take 400 mg of magnesium citrate and one capsule of Life extension Daily Bowel maintenance (Bifidus probiotic) at bedtime with a glass of rice milk. Hope you get some benefit.

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Thank you for your help.


Hi Jayne,
Thank goodness you’ve been able to avoid surgery. For me, after a cloudy colonoscopy several years ago, I was diagnosed with a redundant/ tortured colon, as well. After a few years of daily doses of milk of magnesia, my gastroenterologist switched me to a daily dose of Mirlax (I use an off brand). Altogether, I’ve been using laxatives for years, now.
In addition, I maintain a strict diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken and whole wheat. I drink large amounts of water every day, too. All of which works pretty well, leading to a BM most days with the exception of an occasional 2-3 day stretch w/o one.
I’m very religious in following this strict regiment. My only worry has been the continuous use of a laxative, but my doctor reassures me that it’s okay. —Bill

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So thankful that the place that you got your colonoscopy diagnosed you with the redundant/tortuous colon. Dr G with Duke told me that mine is like that bc I am post menopausal! When I asked for some kind of documentation to learn more about it relating to the large intestine, she said that she doesn’t have any literature about this to quote from! Well, how can you tell patients this? Post menopausal drop pertains to the small intestine not the large. Plus the radiologist said that my large bowels were “unremarkable” even though they looked like a drunk M and twisted at the bottom. Would love to know where you get intelligent radiologist who tell the truth instead of blowing off patients with their “unremarkable” comments when it couldn’t be further from the truth!


I have had issues since I was in my early twenties (48 now). I went in many many times for help. I was told I had the flu, was too thin, maybe the edge of my liver was getting pinched? I was made to do an upper GI scope (never lower), HIDA scan, and obviously ultrasound. I was never diagnosed. I even had a two week period where I couldn't eat, was vomiting and could get no provider to listen to me. It wasn't until I went in for my first colonoscopy last month that my surgeon told me I had tortuous bowel. That explains EVERY intestinal issue I had. I wish more doctors considered this being a possible diagnosis and checked for it. Mine is bad enough, she could not complete my colonoscopy, so now I must go in for a CT colonoscopy. Still trying to figure out how to get my guts to work properly, but at least I have a direction to move now!

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