Recurring Occipital Neuralgia

Posted by anniebrook @anniebrook, Jul 21, 2022

Hi my name is anne. I have talked bout my chronic pain on here before,the list is to long to repeat but this is a relatively new one for me since 2017. I have to be my own advocate and give my GP my own diagnosis. I started with pain in my scalp behind my ears,worse on the right,in July 2017. It comes back for weeks on end every 6-12mths. It is so debilitating and NON STOP. I have had antibiotics a few time for what I thought was Occipital sinusitis but the last few times it didn't work so Neuralgia is MY new diagnosis. I do have some auto immune stuff going on along with OA everywhere.I'm an almost 69yr young Grannie/Great Grannie who feels with all my pain I am just sitting waiting to die. Has anyone tried Biologics or Bio-similars for OA of the spine ? Thanks guys.

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I’ve recently been to neurosurgeon for occipital headaches. I was told they could do injections behind ears for pain there. I have a fusion in my neck, with stenosis and arthritis.


I receive steroid nerve block for my occipital neuralgia. They relieve my pain for about 3 months. I’ve been doing these for a couple years.
It’s now been four months since my last injection. I’ve found that now at the earliest time of onset if I take XS Tylenol that will stop the pain.


Hi, I’m JoJo. I’ve had that pain and same diagnosis. I did get a shot in the occipital nerve on right side which has helped me a lot. It does come back at times. I’ve not tried any biological but interested to know more


I’ve recently been to neurosurgeon for occipital headaches. I was told they could do injections behind ears for pain there. I have a fusion in my neck, with stenosis and arthritis.

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Thank you for your reply. I will certainly talk to my Dr at the pain clinic. Of all pain this and lower back nerve pain is the worst of all my aches and pain I have had over the last 39yrs. Thanks again @retirement75.


I receive steroid nerve block for my occipital neuralgia. They relieve my pain for about 3 months. I’ve been doing these for a couple years.
It’s now been four months since my last injection. I’ve found that now at the earliest time of onset if I take XS Tylenol that will stop the pain.

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do they do this at the pain clinic. I live in BC,Canada where family Dr's are not pro active at all so I have to be my own advocate,he has no idea.


do they do this at the pain clinic. I live in BC,Canada where family Dr's are not pro active at all so I have to be my own advocate,he has no idea.

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Yes at the pain clinic . I live in MN and go to the Mayo Clinic. My primary care doc at home has recommended a doctor in a closer small town that has been trained to do these so I’m trying to get an appointment there.


Thank you for the reply.I wonder if the US ones are different to ours. We get ours free so maybe not as many choices as you guys get. Our Pain clinics do their best but it seems they only work on low back and neck problems.I have OA all over my body with 'erosive OA in my hands, and a host of other aches and pains but Rheumatologists say " we can't do anything for you our Rheumatoid patients need us" ,GP's have no idea. I'm a brit living in BC,Canada for the last 17yrs and we have a saying "jack of all trades master of none' that's my GP,lovely man Sh*t Dr,SO, I just have to do my own research and demand where I need to to be referred to by my GP.Thanks for you reply I appreciate any help I can get


Thank you for the reply.I wonder if the US ones are different to ours. We get ours free so maybe not as many choices as you guys get. Our Pain clinics do their best but it seems they only work on low back and neck problems.I have OA all over my body with 'erosive OA in my hands, and a host of other aches and pains but Rheumatologists say " we can't do anything for you our Rheumatoid patients need us" ,GP's have no idea. I'm a brit living in BC,Canada for the last 17yrs and we have a saying "jack of all trades master of none' that's my GP,lovely man Sh*t Dr,SO, I just have to do my own research and demand where I need to to be referred to by my GP.Thanks for you reply I appreciate any help I can get

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In reply to @anniebrook….. I have just completed testing on my foot (X-rays, MRI) and have severe osteoarthritis of my mid foot. There is basically nothing that can be done. I have a number of other invisible, chronic pain concerns and this really caused me to feel quite down (unusual for me). I typically keep pushing and thinking about the things I’m grateful for. Anyway, my options are a soft brace right now and the doc is looking into a special orthotic (if it is possible); but if no relief can be gained, then move onto a hard brace. I believe this doc tried his best and is trying to help me find relief but there isn’t much he can do. I don’t go to a pain clinic but this doc did not recommend any injections given the severity of the arthritis. I’m in the USA and our experiences do not sound much different. Osteoarthritis doesn’t seem to be very solvable to doctors. I had a rheumatologist at one point tell me exactly what you were told so I have not seen one since. I would have to find one that actually was interested in working with osteoarthritis and then I would have to travel a long distance to see a provider. I believed it is a neglected disease in many respects, given my experiences, although this last doctor has been so kind and is trying to help me alleviate some of the pain. Take care and May you find peace along your path.


Thank you for your reply. If the Rheumatologists are not interested in us then why the hell does everything I read that asks 'if you have this symptom or that symptom get referred to a Rheumatologist as soon as you can to slow the progression and alleviate some of the pain" ? This is in everything I have read so where are those people that are supposed to help people like us ? Where are these people that could help our children because I know this is hereditary in my family.My Gran,My mum,Me and now My 2 oldest daughters are struggling with pain issues and My son has issues with pain in his neck and shoulder than he puts down he is heavy job.My youngest daughter who is 39 is starting with thumb and big toe pain.I worry for my 6 Granddaughters and now my GREAT-Grandchildren if there is no research into this disease.


Occipital headaches are also called cervicogenic headaches. If they are of cervical disc origin there is tenderness when the lower cervical spine is gently palpated. I say gently, because too firm pressure may aggravate the headache. See:

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