Rectal Prolapse: What are my options?

Posted by baz @baz, Jul 5, 2022

I need to finally address my rectal prolapse. What are my options? Anyone else with this problem?
Thank you.

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thanks so much for your post here. Which type of surgery did you have?

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I had anal prolapse surgery. They found a kink in the bowel and took out a lot of extra intestine to make it more proficient. I have Ehlers Danlos so having tissue let go internally and externally was nothing new to me. I am so very careful to drink Every Day Detox “tea” along w organic Ginger “tea” every morning w Dr Gundry pro biotic in it. Constipation has always been a very bad problem and now it is fine and my diet is a very careful one!


I had rectal prolapse surgery in 2023. Afterwards, I have suffered with chronic constipation, incomplete bowel movements, having to make multiple trips to the bathroom to defecate, and even some incontinence issues. When I am able to relieve myself, I have pain around my anus for hours afterwards. I wish I’d never done this.


I had rectal prolapse surgery in 2023. Afterwards, I have suffered with chronic constipation, incomplete bowel movements, having to make multiple trips to the bathroom to defecate, and even some incontinence issues. When I am able to relieve myself, I have pain around my anus for hours afterwards. I wish I’d never done this.

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Judy I feel so bad for you so I had to reach out. I relate to multiple bathroom trips and pain around anus during and after a visit. I have internal/external hemorrhoids and the blood is so red and bright I am very overwhelmed by this. I hope you can get some relief even though it might seem impossible. I hope we can talk again.


I have a enterocele, rectocele, hemorrhoids and intussusception. Along with this I also have chronic constipation. I too am what wondering what my next step is? One surgeon said too do nothing. Another recommended a repair. I delayed a decision due my husband' s diagnosis of cancer. However, it seems to be getting worse. I also have severe osteoporosis where strength training is needed. I would appreciate your input.

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