Reactive Hypoglycemia & Chronic Sinusitis

Posted by danny95 @danny95, Feb 25, 2018

Can anyone offer any advice or information?
Everyday is constant struggle, After I eat any food with the slightest bit of sugar i gain all of the below symptoms;
-Lightheadness (almost like a dream state)
-Sinus Pressure
-Heart palpitations
-Increased Phlegm (Post nasal drip)
-Gritty/itchy eyes
-Blurred Vision
If I keep consuming sugar I will get a sinus infection ive had 3 in the space of 5 months in which ive had antibotics and steroid drops to treat each time but the only difference is it turns my green phlegm back to thick white. I still get the puffy checks, sinus pressure, fatigue and so on.
I began the Keto diet to try and cut out sugar but then i get symptoms of hypoglycemia from lack of sugar.
It might be worth mentioning that i also keep getting thrush and have had antheltes foot in the 5 months this has been happening. Ive also had a few instances of random shooting pains down my legs and in my knees and 2 or 3 times an intense stabbing pain under my left rib which lasted a few minutes. (Im not sure if any of that is related)
Im desperate its effecting every aspect of my life relationships, work performance/Attendence and motivation.

Male, 23 years old. No instances of any other illness before September 2017

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Danny95 have you been tested for fungal infection which may need different medication than antibiotics?

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@katydid77, what tests would you need to test for a fungal infection?


@crogvic Hi, I stopped following this thread for a while as I suddenly got better for a number of years. But now im back in the same situation. Sinus Symptoms creeping back in, fatigue and neuropathy shooting pains down torso & limbs. Pain in mid back, doctors are doing some more tests then sending me to a neurologist. Resurgence in the illness is suggestive, at least to me, of an autoimmune illness.

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Welcome back @danny95. I'm sorry to hear your symptoms returned. I hope both you and @crogvic can keep providing updates with your progress and hopefully you will find answers.


@crogvic Hi, I stopped following this thread for a while as I suddenly got better for a number of years. But now im back in the same situation. Sinus Symptoms creeping back in, fatigue and neuropathy shooting pains down torso & limbs. Pain in mid back, doctors are doing some more tests then sending me to a neurologist. Resurgence in the illness is suggestive, at least to me, of an autoimmune illness.

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To crogvic.... Just curious. Did your symptoms suddenly appear after you got a covid vaccine. I got shooting pains neck and low back. Then 1leg, then ribs, now upper ribs ( chest area). Tons of tests with no findings. Just a few aging bones which shouldn't be a problem. ( Which is what Mayo said when they turned me down for a visit. )Pain continues every day. Seems to be a little better when standing and walking. But sitting or lying down is bad . When I got my booster, they all intensified.
Just curious.
Hope you figure it out. I've never had this problem before. Thank you.


@katydid77, what tests would you need to test for a fungal infection?

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@danny95. I am not a medical professional but here is a link you might find interesting. I hope you find some relief.


To @danny95
I cured my acute constant sinusitis accompanied by severe cough 3-8months every year for at least 20 years . I was convinced it was sugar too. I found out in 2017 I had a root canal ( next to a lot canal that was being done) that was infected. The root canal specialist said it had 1root cleared and 2 left undone and it was infected. This was originally done about 20 yes earlier. Went back to my dentist who said it is no problem, infections stay in that area and doesn't travel. As long as no pain, no problem. I believed him. In 2019 the crown fell off. So I thought I should get root canal completed before putting on another crown. My dentist said you can if you want. Went to another root canal Dr who said, yes it is still infected, but you should probably pull it because it may not clear by finishing it. Covid happened and delayed pulling it. In the mean time ( I also had migraines) pain was getting worse. Traveled into neck and back. Not pain in that tooth. Reminder, it's an upper back tooth, next to sinuses. Migraines 22 days in a row. Couldn't wait to get tooth out. Somehow I knew migraine was from tooth.
The day it was pulled, I left the office, my distance vision was immediately clear. I had worn glasses for over 10 yrs to drive. Also, no pain in head, back or neck for 4 days. Pain returned but vision remained clear. My sinuses were clear. No more sinusitis, no more drainage. I have not had my horrid cough in 15 months. Miracle. Migraines are almost gone. Dentists still say sinusitis and cough were not from the tooth. Doctors say infection from tooth does not travel like that. All my CT scans from ENTs over the years never noticed the infection butted up against sinuses. Why?
If you have root canal, you might have it checked. Regular dentist won't see it. I understand only root canal specialist does 3D scan to see infection . You can have tooth infection with no pain. And yes, mine was always triggered when I ate . Sorry, so lengthy . Hopefully, maybe a miracle and you have a hidden tooth infection. That sounds goofy. But worth checking. Good luck .


I’m 65 and have the same things going on:(


I’m 65 and have the same things going on:(

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Hell @genevamae, Welcome to Connect. You mentioned you have the same things going on. Do you mean the symptoms described by @danny95 at the top of the discussion? Have you discussed the symptoms with a doctor?


To @danny95
I cured my acute constant sinusitis accompanied by severe cough 3-8months every year for at least 20 years . I was convinced it was sugar too. I found out in 2017 I had a root canal ( next to a lot canal that was being done) that was infected. The root canal specialist said it had 1root cleared and 2 left undone and it was infected. This was originally done about 20 yes earlier. Went back to my dentist who said it is no problem, infections stay in that area and doesn't travel. As long as no pain, no problem. I believed him. In 2019 the crown fell off. So I thought I should get root canal completed before putting on another crown. My dentist said you can if you want. Went to another root canal Dr who said, yes it is still infected, but you should probably pull it because it may not clear by finishing it. Covid happened and delayed pulling it. In the mean time ( I also had migraines) pain was getting worse. Traveled into neck and back. Not pain in that tooth. Reminder, it's an upper back tooth, next to sinuses. Migraines 22 days in a row. Couldn't wait to get tooth out. Somehow I knew migraine was from tooth.
The day it was pulled, I left the office, my distance vision was immediately clear. I had worn glasses for over 10 yrs to drive. Also, no pain in head, back or neck for 4 days. Pain returned but vision remained clear. My sinuses were clear. No more sinusitis, no more drainage. I have not had my horrid cough in 15 months. Miracle. Migraines are almost gone. Dentists still say sinusitis and cough were not from the tooth. Doctors say infection from tooth does not travel like that. All my CT scans from ENTs over the years never noticed the infection butted up against sinuses. Why?
If you have root canal, you might have it checked. Regular dentist won't see it. I understand only root canal specialist does 3D scan to see infection . You can have tooth infection with no pain. And yes, mine was always triggered when I ate . Sorry, so lengthy . Hopefully, maybe a miracle and you have a hidden tooth infection. That sounds goofy. But worth checking. Good luck .

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Congratulations for being persistent. It sounds like you are in a great space now. Another reason to be proactive even when the situation appears to be “hopeless “. Physicians do not have all the solutions all the time. Hallelujah!


Hey Danny! Sorry to comment on a post from several years ago, but I’m shocked at how similar we are years later- I’m even 23 years old LOL. I have all these issues, to the point where I’ve decided I’m going to start thinking about quitting my job of 5 years. I’ve already had to end my college journey for a bit. I’m a full time caretaker to a parent who is battling cancer so that’s really not ideal for me, but I fear the worst if I stay at my current job. Did you ever find out what the root cause(s) of your issue was or anything that improved your quality of life? Hope you see this and are feeling better!


Hey Danny! Sorry to comment on a post from several years ago, but I’m shocked at how similar we are years later- I’m even 23 years old LOL. I have all these issues, to the point where I’ve decided I’m going to start thinking about quitting my job of 5 years. I’ve already had to end my college journey for a bit. I’m a full time caretaker to a parent who is battling cancer so that’s really not ideal for me, but I fear the worst if I stay at my current job. Did you ever find out what the root cause(s) of your issue was or anything that improved your quality of life? Hope you see this and are feeling better!

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Welcome @samantha98, I know it has to be difficult working full time and also being a full time caretaker for a parent.
It's been awhile since @danny95 has posted but hopefully he's still following this discussion and may be able to share an update with you. @taml, @katydid77 and others may also have some experience or suggestions to share with you.

Have you discussed your symptoms with an ENT specialist?

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