Rare scalp Autoimmune disease… lichen planopilaris

Posted by patsydell @patsydell, Nov 28, 2022

I have lichen planopilaris where my hair is falling out. From what I understand you lose your hair and it will not grow back. Was diagnosed by having a scalp plug taken out and diagnosed I would like to know if anyone else has this disease and has had any success with any medication’s or shampoos that have helped prevent hair loss. I used to have beautiful thick hair and it’s very depressing I can finding fallen hair everywhere. When I shampoo my hair is the most depressing to see the handful of hair that has come out.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

@twinkle35 Here is the previous discussion on lichen planopilaris. You may want to read through it and then ask any questions you want!


You can purchase Chebe powder online and mix it thoroughly into your hair moisturizer. You can also purchase the Chebe butter with it already included. There is the oil as well that you can to your scalp. The hair fall will stop and your hair will begin to grow back immediately. I had a massive hair fall a year ago and my hair began to grow back the moment I began to use it. My hair is back to it's normal length and fullness. I purchased a large quantity so as not to run out because the containers are not very big. If you can afford it then I would recommend that you do as well. I am so grateful I found this.

I also use the black Jamaican castor oil which helps with the fullness and strength.

I also make my own onion oil and rub it in my scalp the night before I wash my hair or up to 2 hours before a wash. Then rinse it out and continue the process of washing and conditioning. You can find videos on how to make onion oil on Youtube. It's very easy.

I know these will help you. Please keep in touch and let me know the changes. Thanks


This must be so distressing! I have lupus, hair loss and scalp itching but not as much as you describe. There’s a Rx steroid solution/suspension that can be applied to scalp, as it is watery, not oily. It’s Betamethasone and your dermatologist could prescribe it. It may help with the hair loss and certainly helps with the itching. Neutrogena T-sal shampoo has anti inflammatory effects. Biotin, a B vitamin, helps prevent hair loss in doses like 5000 u/ day. Use a wide tooth comb and avoid hair brushes that pull on hair. I hope these things help!
Placquenil and Methotrexate, often used in AI diseases, can cause hair loss as side effects.


I am in my 70s and have Hypo thyroid too…no thyroid now…..and other issues too like EDS and MCAS. Hair is for sure thinner but no one know bec I cut it shorter and it has a lot more body and after i use the hair dye I have root spray for touch ups and Topisil powder as well…fills it in and covers up problems.


I’m so sorry. I have the same problems it has not yet been diagnosed as yet. I’m a patient at Mayo Clinic having many tests now and seeing many doctors. My hair drops on the floor daily worried it will end up in my little dogs bowl and our food so wearing a cap most of the time. It’s awful. I haven’t found anything that helped yet. I’m so sorry you have this also. They haven’t mentioned the scalp test. I’m getting it cut very short next week. What ever I’ve tried soft pony tail holders any thing is covered with hair.


I was diagnosed with Lichen planopilorus over ten years ago. It was very painful. Felt like my scalp was on fire and itched terribly. I was using Clobetasol daily and took an immune suppressant for about 3 years. It finally went into remission but I have bald spots all over my head. Luckily I have thick hair so it isn’t really noticeable. Lately I have had a lot of hair loss around my hairline. I don’t believe it has come back I just think it is male pattern balding. I’m a hairdresser and I had never heard of this before in my 40 years of doing hair.


I was diagnosed with Lichen planopilorus over ten years ago. It was very painful. Felt like my scalp was on fire and itched terribly. I was using Clobetasol daily and took an immune suppressant for about 3 years. It finally went into remission but I have bald spots all over my head. Luckily I have thick hair so it isn’t really noticeable. Lately I have had a lot of hair loss around my hairline. I don’t believe it has come back I just think it is male pattern balding. I’m a hairdresser and I had never heard of this before in my 40 years of doing hair.

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@bren0718 I’m so sorry about the re-emergence of lichen planopilaris. And have you started using clobetasol again? Here is a link to The Cleveland Clinic’s info on LPP.
You’ve probably never heard of it because it’s considered ‘rare.’ But, then again, most autoimmune diseases are considered rare and not too well researched.
Are you going to see the same rheumatologist as before? If you need help finding a rheumatologist who has experience in LPP, you can contact NORD, the National Organization for Rare Diseases. https://rarediseases.org/
What questions would you like to ask them this time?

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