Rapid metabolizer of Zoloft

Posted by vfrifr @vfrifr, May 25, 2023

Genetically proven, I am a rapid metabolizer of Zoloft. The half-life of Zoloft in my system appears to be 22 hours. (Not the 24 hours or more shown in literature. I have to keep my heart palpation medication at 50mg a day to stay ahead of the heart palpitations caused by the Zoloft. I have already increased my magnesium, sodium, B Vitamins and potassium intake. Any other suggestions?

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Thanks! It has been very helpful. My dr. said the palpitations are from my anxiety and we’ll know in a few days if the Zoloft caused my problems. I’m really struggling in pain and misery. Will be talking to him again on Wednesday. If it’s not the Zoloft then I don’t know what the cause is. Ugh!

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To help ease my withdrawals
symptoms, I increased my magnesium and sodium. Eliminated all source of caffeine. Changed my food intake to eliminate sugars, preservatives and anything I can not pronounce. Also created my own exercise program that works for me. My weight has dropped 28 pounds.
You did not say how much you are tapering. Maybe you are tapering too much. Maybe if you take Zoloft in a liquid form, you can taper smaller amounts.
As I have suggested, please read the book “The Anti-Depressants Solution” by Dr’ Joseph Glenmullen. The book is a god send to me. He has 30 plus years experience helping people taper off Zoloft and other medications. 🤗🤗


Very scary. My dr. wasn’t even concerned. Just said it’s my anxiety but I feel like I’m having a heart attack everyday. I’m on blood pressure medication which doesn’t alleviate the palpitations. I understand completely.

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I feel so lucky for my dr. I ended up in the er last night and they did a lot of nothing. Saw my dr today and they’re referring me to a cardiologist this week just to be safe. I’m sorry yours has been so dismissive.


Heart palpitations are scary! Tapering is exhausting. The body is going through quite a change.
A book that helped me is “The Anti-Depressant Solution” by Dr, Joseph Glenmullen. He has 30 plus years experience helping people taper off Zoloft and other medications.
If you would like me to tell you more of the things I have done to help ease the discomforts of the Zoloft withdrawal, please send me a message. 🤗🤗

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How do you send a private message? I’m very interested in how you’ve dealt with all your issues. The book sounds great and I’ll be sure to look into it. You’ve been most helpful and kind. Most appreciated 😊


How do you send a private message? I’m very interested in how you’ve dealt with all your issues. The book sounds great and I’ll be sure to look into it. You’ve been most helpful and kind. Most appreciated 😊

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To send a private message, please scroll to the top of the page. On my screen, in the upper right hand corner is an envelope. That means private message. Please click on that and follow the instructions. I have not tried to send anyone a private message. Thus I do not know specifically how to send a private message. If that does not work, we can continue to communicate on the forum.
In the book, I did disagree with one suggestion of Dr. Glenmullen. He suggests the first taper be half of your dose. I disagree. I believe starting with a small taper to find out what your withdrawal symptoms are like. Then increase to a larger taper if the withdrawal was very mild. Please keep us informed as to how you are doing!


It’s fine corresponding this way. So my bloodwork came back normal but I feel like crap. How is that possible? Dr. told me stop taking Ambien tonight since that’s the only thing left to try. So I won’t sleep, not that it’s always effective anyway. If you don’t have your health, you have no life.


It’s fine corresponding this way. So my bloodwork came back normal but I feel like crap. How is that possible? Dr. told me stop taking Ambien tonight since that’s the only thing left to try. So I won’t sleep, not that it’s always effective anyway. If you don’t have your health, you have no life.

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My blood work showed everything was normal too. My natural healing practitioner suggested I take a little bit of magnesium l-threonate just a little bit. I did and started feeling much better. Do be careful, start slow. Too much magnesium, causes diarrhea. Please let us if the is helps you.


Hope you are able to lessen one or more of your medications. I have enlisted the help from of a natural healing practitioner. He has been very helpful.

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What is the practioner's name?


My blood work showed everything was normal too. My natural healing practitioner suggested I take a little bit of magnesium l-threonate just a little bit. I did and started feeling much better. Do be careful, start slow. Too much magnesium, causes diarrhea. Please let us if the is helps you.

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My natural healing practitioner is a high school classmate. He spends a lot of time traveling the United States looking for specific plants to create his tinctures. Let me ask him if he is taking on new clients.


My natural healing practitioner is a high school classmate. He spends a lot of time traveling the United States looking for specific plants to create his tinctures. Let me ask him if he is taking on new clients.

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Or you could relay all the knowledge that you have learned from him? Any advice would help me.


Please have genetic testing completed to prove your body does not process Zoloft normally. Insurance will not cover the cost. Once I was able to prove my genetics was the cause of the palpitations, discussion with my doctor changed. Zoloft depletes magnesium and distrupts the flow of sodium. Combine that with genetics and you have the answer to why the palpitations are a problem for you.

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You could use GENOMIND. With a vial of spit they can tell what psyc meds are good for you and which aren't.
They give a comprehensive report.
Meds for anxiety
Meds for depression
Meds for moods
Meds for pain medicine
And others
It looks expensive, your Dr does the swab or tube In the office and sends it in. Your dr will get the results.

When you get the bill, call GENOMIND. Tell them you cannot afford them, they usually lower the bill to $300.

Good luck!!!

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