Radiation destroyed my bladder.
Failed prostate radiation treatment caused urine bag to fill up with blood etc. and reduced bladder capacity to just two ounces.
Urethra irreparably blocked and damaged.
Is this considered bladder cancer?
How long can I subsist on a Cystostomy tube and bag?
Asymptomatic antibiotic resistant UTI which is not treated by antibiotics will remain present.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
Those contemplating Stereotactic beam radiation therapy (SBRT) should obtain a genetic test called PROSTOX. It costs $500. Insurance does not pay yet. 10-15% are predisposed genetically for delayed urinary tract symptoms.
[RTOG greater than Grade 2 ?] The test determines if you are in the 10-15% HIGH risk group or LOW 5% average. SBRT can also be given once weekly times 5 weeks. This should further reduce that 5% incidence? The total dose is the operative issue not the interval for the treatment. Th spacer is important and the experience of the team too. Consult the PCRI.org You Tube videos created by a medical oncologist who has no conflict of interest.
I forgot to add that it will be 5 years this September with no problems with bladder, colon, etc.
Proton radiation therapy at Loma Linda Hospital in 2010. 2.5 months of mornings. Never a problem..never any after effects from proton radiation therapy. From reading all these years, it appears a low dose, but it is the best option over a long period. Strong radiation often appears to cause "burning" of tissue over a short period.
Loma Linda was the pioneer in proton radiation therapy initially "invented" for targeted cancer in children with brain cancer. As such, the reason why small doses of radiation were the standard.
My husband has an open and close valve on his supra pubic. It doesn't sound like you have one. Maybe check into that to stop leakage. Then you can open it and pee. Best of luck!!
That makes a lot more sense now.
I had the Supra Pubic for 10 months, the bladder spasms would bring me to my knees, but I kept it long enough to allow my urethra to heal somewhat.
Thanks for the reply