RA severe pain, what helps?

Posted by ead @ead, Dec 21, 2023

I am diagnosed in the last 4 months with rheumatoid arthritis. We are still trying to find the right treatment to help. Azathoiprine made me sick. I can’t take methotrexate because of my lungs (RA lung disease). I am on humira but have only had 3 doses. My joints are so painful I can hardly walk, my wrists and hands have major trouble trying to hold anything. I don’t think I have ever had pain like this. The=Dr. put me on prednisone for 2 weeks. It helped but he does not want me on it long term. Right now I take 2 ibuprofens when I wake, 3 hours later 2 extra strength Tylenol. I repeat that alternating throughout the day. By late afternoon I can move around better but the pain is never really gone. Sitting down and standing up is a major challenge. A am grateful for any tips, suggestions, or feedback. I am at my wits end and Christmas with family is only 5 days away.

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Check out the thread about CBD. Many people have found it to be helpful. I'm using a high quality CBD oil three times a day and it has made a major difference in the amount of pain in my hands and feet. I was skeptical because I had tried it in the past, but the product I had used wasn't effective due to the quality.


Check out the thread about CBD. Many people have found it to be helpful. I'm using a high quality CBD oil three times a day and it has made a major difference in the amount of pain in my hands and feet. I was skeptical because I had tried it in the past, but the product I had used wasn't effective due to the quality.

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Thanks for the suggestion. My kids keep telling me I should try it. Can I ask what brand you use? Do you know if it can be used when on humira?


I could go for happy, productive, and pain free! I started with 10mg prednisone this morning. Fingers crossed.


Thanks for the suggestion. My kids keep telling me I should try it. Can I ask what brand you use? Do you know if it can be used when on humira?

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My Rheumy told me it probably couldn’t hurt. But I haven’t tried it. My children are after me to do so.


Thanks for the suggestion. My kids keep telling me I should try it. Can I ask what brand you use? Do you know if it can be used when on humira?

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I use Neurogan. They offer a free trial bottle and you just pay shipping costs.
I started with half a dropper 3x day and was totally surprised when the redness and swelling almost disappeared in a few days.
I'm not sure about drug interactions,but I feel like it would not interfere since it works a different way. I only take hydroxychloroquine. I'm going to stop using the cbd after the holidays to see how many symptoms return. My next doctor appointment is January 17. Then the doctor can evaluate whether or not the Hydroxy is doing anything.


I could go for happy, productive, and pain free! I started with 10mg prednisone this morning. Fingers crossed.

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I will cross my fingers that 10mg does the trick for you. You’re an anti-inflammatory neophyte so I expect it will 🙂 it takes 15-20 to move me into overdrive but my joints are telling me “you’re gonna have to do better than that girl” 🙄


I was diagnosed about 18 months ago. After a reaction to Plaquenil - a full body rash, my rheumatologist put me on Actemra infusions once a month. I am doing great on them.


Be careful taking a lot of ibuprofen because it can cause stomach problems. I took too much over a few month span and developed gastritis. Also too much Tylenol can hurt your liver.


I sometimes use diclofenac gel topically directly on the painful joints. One brand name is Voltaren gel.

It is an NSAID, like ibuprofen so it can help with inflammation that causes pain. Tylenol only addresses pain.

Perhaps keep a diary of your symptoms to bring in to your doctor. For me there is general pain and the pain of individual joints. I try to note these different types of pain.


So sorry your in so much pain. I've been on Humira, Enbrel and now recently started
Simponia Aria infusions.
When I'm in a flare, I can get a Prednisone injection. My RA Doc keeps at a minimum as I have Osteoporosis.
I also use Arnicare, Aspercream, Diclofenac.
Wishing you the best.

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