Questions following having a Peritonsillar abcess drained?

Posted by jmccauley2 @jmccauley2, May 10 4:07pm

To provide some background, I got an infection that settled into/above my left tonsil. I went to an ENT on Monday and he made an incision and drained the puss. I feel noticeably better than Monday. No more pain of any kind, however I still feel this feeling of "fullness" in my throat. Almost as if I'm choking. My tonsils are no longer extremely swollen.

My questions are how long does this "fullness" or choking feeling last? Is it psychological at this point? I'm taking the antibiotic Clindamycin for the infection. He also sent a culture of whatever was in the abscess to a lab for analysis, that I'm waiting to hear back on. Furthermore, when do you think I should schedule a followup appointment? Thank you for your time and help.

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