PV Itching Not After Bathing

Posted by trillium @trillium, Mar 16, 2021

There’s so much information out there about PV itching following contact with water. My question is simple—can the PV-related itching happen at other times of the day? I consistently start itching at 7 pm every night. Interestingly, the itching last night started at 8 pm I presume because of daylight saving time change. Does anyone else experience this? Should I look elsewhere for the cause of the itching? I’d be interested to hear anyone’s stories about when they itch, not just what to do about it.

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I use two q tips that I saturate with the oil and apply. I dip the q tips into the bottle of tea tree oil then apply to itchy areas. My legs are especially itchy for me. I hope this helps you


I too experience chronic itching, primarily on my back and in the evening. I understand that in my case this is related to the bile duct dilation. I question the use of full strength tea tree oil, but also know that the warning on the bottle I have says not to use full strength on one's face. I was prescribed a medication for my itching that came in powder form, but my pharmacist told me she did not think I would like it because it takes a long time to start working, and it also causes constipation, so I never tried it. Instead I use the prescribed cortisone ointment on occasion.
I scratch so much that I bleed often. However, the attacks are rather short and then I have to will myself not to scratch. It can be just awful. I may look into the tea tree oil, but perhaps dilute it and make a spray so I can spray my back.


I too experience chronic itching, primarily on my back and in the evening. I understand that in my case this is related to the bile duct dilation. I question the use of full strength tea tree oil, but also know that the warning on the bottle I have says not to use full strength on one's face. I was prescribed a medication for my itching that came in powder form, but my pharmacist told me she did not think I would like it because it takes a long time to start working, and it also causes constipation, so I never tried it. Instead I use the prescribed cortisone ointment on occasion.
I scratch so much that I bleed often. However, the attacks are rather short and then I have to will myself not to scratch. It can be just awful. I may look into the tea tree oil, but perhaps dilute it and make a spray so I can spray my back.

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I never put the tea tree oil on my face. I hope this information helps you.


Do you apply the tea tree oil directly to your skin?

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Hi @eileen11108, Just a quick note while you wait for @victoria01 to answer…When using Tea tree oil it shouldn’t be applied directly to skin as is. It’s important to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil.

The method I learned is that for every 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 12 drops of a carrier oil. Test it first on a small area of skin just to make sure you don’t have a reaction.
My two cents worth. 😉


Hi @eileen11108, Just a quick note while you wait for @victoria01 to answer…When using Tea tree oil it shouldn’t be applied directly to skin as is. It’s important to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil.

The method I learned is that for every 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 12 drops of a carrier oil. Test it first on a small area of skin just to make sure you don’t have a reaction.
My two cents worth. 😉

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Lori,  I greatly appreciate all your replies and your dedication.    


I itch on my left arm all the time it drives me crazy NO creams etc work


Good Morning. I itch intermittently all day. Scalp, hands, legs and feet. I was trying different antihistamines daily. This helps, god forbid I would forget a day. At Christmas time I also started with hives. Legs, arms, hands and feet. When I was stressed, fatigued and hot mostly. I went to the allergist and he did tests and came up with the fact that I had a mild Covid infection which he believes triggered hives as an immune response. He said that infection can cause hives. He has put me on Blexten daily for a month. I have just started it, will keep you posted.


What is polycythemia Vera and what are the other symptoms? Mine is more of a tickling was yours a bad itch? Some people in this thread said the scratched until they bleed!

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Hi everyone
Yes @saucy mine was itchy skin before I was diagnosed with PV. More than 4 years I have such itchiness until bleed. I was struggling and 4 years before I was diagnosed as a diabetic patient and one and a half year before I was informed that I have PV. So PV started with sugar disease, which is one of the factors. My iron level goes low and they inject iron in me so HCT again increases. I feel always hungry and metabolism works excellent. I am not gaining even if I eat a lot.


I get very itchy inside my ears.Does any body have the same.


I get very itchy inside my ears.Does any body have the same.

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Yes I too have had itching inside my ears and they were shedding. My fingers were white when I withdrew them. DermOtic Oil Ear Drops have helped.

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