Protocol after Tymlos
I am supposed to start Tymlos in June. I know that after the two years I will need to take something like Fosamax to lock in the gains. How long do people stay on the second medication? Is this a lifetime thing?
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I recently ended two years of Temlos and have th e results of the DEX scan, all done on the same machine.
Comparison between 2019 and 2022
My Tscore of the spine was-3.3 and a Z score of-1.1( representing a 7.7% decrease in bone density.) before I began Temlos.
Scan I just had done.. L1-L4; T score—
-1.9(+21.4% in bone density)
Left hip T score-1.4( +8.7%)
Right hip T score-1.4( up 7.8%))
I’m really in a dilemma about where to go from here. Any other feedback on Reclast? Like a previous contributor, I’m concerned if I have side effects and you only do the infusion once a year, what are the alternatives? If I need dental work done, is that a problem? I currently am under the care of a new primary care doc who has never had a patient treated with these osteoporosis drugs.. what docs are experts on osteoporosis?
I’m grateful for any feedback..
Many people see an endocrinologist to treat osteoporosis. I live near NYC, and I was able to find a few major medical centers that had departments dedicated to bone disease. Sometimes it can be hard to just pick out an individual doctor who is knowledgeable about it..
Thank you so much for this information.
Those are fantastic results! Most here do seem to seek out endocrinologists for osteoporosis. I would agree. Presently being treated by a rheumatologist and I fear he doesn’t understand the nuanced medical approach. Good luck with your next steps!