Living with metastic prostate cancer: Any positive stories to share?
Diagnosed with metastic prostrate cancer Nov17,2022, the cancer had already spread to my pelvic bone, lymph nodes , thoracic spine and throughout my bones fracturing 11 ribs, and to top it off 3 tumors in my head 1 of them behind my right eye causing vision problems. I started chemo Nov 28 ish , I’m on casodex and get the Lupron injection! My symptoms were back pain and I had seen multiple doctors through middle summer/fall! These doctors had me on physical therapy , accupuncture, 2 specialist stated I needed surgery on my back, they filled me with pain meds..not one doctor did series of blood test! Only test was an X-ray! My wife took me to mercy hospital Nov 11 in Buffalo because I was in so much pain and could barely walk. Within 4 hours in the ER the doctor told us they were quite sure I had cancer and would need to admit me run a lot of tests along with getting me healthy enough to go home.Sure shit I was admitted for 13 days,, then the day after my first chemo I ended up back in the hospital for 7 more days, I have had so many blood transfusion due to my counts being so low, a Foley catheter was put in me as well because I couldn’t urinate! I still have my catheter in and am doing my chemo! Does anyone have anything positive they can share with similarity!!! I am having my wife write this due to my vision
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Hey Bruins, You say you are having your prostate removed and they are going to look around. Not sure I’m following you; you said that it was already in your spine and pelvis.
I’m not a surgeon but I respectfully ask what the point of surgery is when the cancer has already spread to your bones? It’s usually considered Stage 4 and not amenable by surgery.
Was it found in your bones with a PSMA PET scan? Were other soft tissue areas involved? Usually someone is put on ADT immediately to stop the spread in it’s tracks before more definitive treatment is initiated.
So can you please explain the treatment rationale? Thanks
Can't give you a direct answer. Find out after surgery. Let you know
Ok…well I thought for your own sake you might want to know before….good luck
Thanks Steve,
Looks like we are the same age and were both metastasis at diagnosis. My cancer spread to lymp nodes, bones, and spot on lung that has been clearing up on my last recent CT scan. I am hoping to be able to get radiation but wondering if a guy who has more than 5 spots can have radiation. All the best Steve
Hi Phil removed my prostate and scrape my bladder. Just have to keep an eye on things with my bladder. Take care phil
Great news….let us know how you’re doing and your path results. Get some rest!
Ths alot
Keep the faith. I have been living with an aggressive prostate cancer, stage 3 since biopsies in December 2013. Prostate removed Feb 2014, Cancer was back the summer of 2014. Fall of 2014 started ADT prior to 8 weeks, five days a week of radiation. Feb 2015 PSA every 3 months, watching the return. PSMA PET scan lit up in prostate bed and maybe in a couple lymph nodes. Started on Orgovyx in May 2022 and have been taken daily since then. Leading a good life, minimal side effects, PSA checked every three months. Multiple heart issues seems to be resolved. Enjoying every day, grandchildren. Participated in Reel Recovery program, great experience. Cannot rid myself of the cancer yet, but have it in control. Grateful to be active and see each new day. Has not been easy, but have a positive attitude all the way. 75 birthday coming in July.
Thank you for this very encouraging comment.
My urologist said that I am "for staging." I didn't ask what that meant, I suppose it is yet to be determined if I am stage 3 or stage 4, after the results of my nuclear medicine bone scan (done yesterday) and my pelvic, abdomen CT scan is done next week, Friday, Feb 28. The urologist's note in my chart indicates that he is referring me to an oncologist for my treatment regime to be decided based on the two scans' results whether my PC has or has not yet spread to other parts of my body. I hope that things will move fast starting in March (I am concerned about the implication of my rising PSA). But as you advised, I am keeping the faith.
Per my biopsy last Feb 14, my Gleason score was 7. Per my urologist, I am for staging. I was not able to ask for clarification, but I think this meant it is not yet know whether I am stage 3 or stage 4. My nuclear medicine bone scan was done yesterday, CT scan of my pelvis and abdomen will be next Friday, Feb 28. From reading my chart, I understand that after my NM bone scan and CT scan results are in, my urologist is referring me to an oncologist who will recommend what treatment regime I will have. I hope that starting March, things will move fast; I am concerned about my rising PSA that made my primary care provider refer me to the urologist.