Probiotics for SIBO?
My elderly (90yo) mother is kept up at night by stomach gas and belching. She had a positive lactulose breath test based on an early hydrogen rise at 90 min. She has been offered a rifaximin Rx but prefers to avoid antibiotics. Is there a probiotic regimen that might help?
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Great news!
I am cautiously optimistic about a strange thing I noticed today about a long standing problem. I was on this thread earlier, because I am scheduled for a SIBO test. I was bummed because I had to start on amoxicillin for a dental infection this past Friday. Well….since September 2023, I have had a constant metallic then turned bitter taste in my mouth. I have seen a neurologist, ENT, gastroenterologist, primary, etc. No one is certain what caused it. It was theorized it could be post covid syndrome, as I was diagnosed with that. Or, B12 deficiency, which I also had. No one had any suggestions for treatment, except to give it time………WELL, today is day 4 on the antibiotics and the bitter taste has subsided quite a bit. I am now wondering if I indeed had SIBO and it was causing the constant bitter taste.
I’m not sure what to do. Send the gastroenterologist a message about it? Tell the dentist who prescribed it for me? While I’m taking it, I might as well do the right diet….Please send positive thoughts about this. It was so hard to keep the faith that I might ever be free of that bitter taste. I pray it continues to resolve.
I hope you get through this time and find help and someone that can treat the cause not just the symptoms. I think we have more than one doctor (these days patients mostly see PAs and have never met their doctors) and we don't have that one family doctor with their own private practice who has the experience to diagnosis symptoms that these days you have to go to several other doctors (PAs) to see. If you don't know the right questions to ask we go home wondering exactly what treatment we are being given or what the side effects are since there are pages of fine print and can't pronounce medical terms we are in a wait and see situation as to being hopeful the doc/PA knows what is really going on. I am on my last day of a 10-day amoxicillin clav prescription. Two weeks before that on Cipro for UTI and covid/flu symptoms but was told I had a cold! I feel better today but not "normal", still have no real strength, no appetite and when I do try to think of something I might eat as far as I've been told to not eat or can eat, I can't taste it. I've lost 10 lbs in one month and walk on eggshells trying not to rock the boat and the bad symptoms in my gut and body don't show up again. I'm depressed and sad a lot but know hopefully this too shall pass.
Exactly! Doc said take with meal but on paperwork says eat this, not that then contradicts itself also in paperwork. I even asked pharmacist and she said she never heard of restrictions on amoxicillin clav! To eat whatever and seemed annoyed. Googled amox and got different answers. I guess it's good I have no appetite and taste buds aren't working yet I need protein and other nutrients.
I’m gong to take this Amoxicillin for 7 days and see what happens. The SIBO test that was rescheduled for early April will have to be rescheduled again though….due to these antibiotics.
How long have you all taken antibiotics when treating SIBO before?
Haven't taken them yet but a friend took rifaximin for 2 weeks, waited two weeks after that (it stays in the system that long), had a recurrence of symptoms, took rifaximin for another 2 weeks, and was cured.
Can I ask you what your symptoms are for sibo? I believe I have it but I also have silent reflux. I have been trying to get a test for sibo, but I've been unable to contact the right doctor to give it to me. Gastrointestinal doctors don't seem to know what it even is. It would be helpful to me if I knew what your symptoms are. Thank you in advance, Sonja
I have excessive hydrogen SIBO. I took one round of xifaxin and it helped a little but won't take anymore because I've had a lot of antibiotics in my life.
The atrantil has helped my bowel movements along with FC-Cidal and Dysbiocide by Biotic Research and I'm feeling better with my sensitive gut.
But I am still very bloated for the last 4 months. I'm working with a GI doctor and a naturopath. I'm 78 yrs old active woman - but how do I get rid of this bloating. My naturopath suggested I stop the atrantil but I don't think I can or I will be constipated.
Lots of stomach gas and belching. I get the sense that symptoms vary a lot across people. A GI doc should know about SIBO! Or maybe primary care could order the test? The results are not always cut and dry. Some docs will prescribe rifaximin without the test to see if it helps.