Primary localized arthritis and Dystonia are wreaking havoc on me.

Posted by Bobbi Dawn Semore @mizbbd, 5 days ago

Swimming pool accident; dove into 3 ft. shallow water, upon impact/hitting head hard, slamming mouth shut, rupturing TMJ disk, & an electric current surged down spine from top of head, all the way down tailbone, leaving me paralyzed for a few seconds. Surgery was recommended but it was left untreated. It’s been 40 years, the primary localized arthritis & Dystonia are wreaking havoc on my body and mind. My face is beginning to deform and other symptoms, as well. Can anyone relate? I need an advocate. I should go in “TedTalk”
The photos I added of myself show how uneven my ears/eyes are. My glasses aren’t crooked, that’s my uneven ears. For years, I thought my glasses were crooked. My chin is pulling top left. My ears are constantly ringing, pinging, & static. I’m dizzy, and I catch myself biting my tongue at times, as if I’m trying to bite it off. My jaw, teeth, and sinuses ache. Can someone point me to a road to wellness?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.

That must be frustrating. I’m not familiar with the injuries you describe, but have you consulted with a neurologist? I would wonder about nerve involvement.


That must be frustrating. I’m not familiar with the injuries you describe, but have you consulted with a neurologist? I would wonder about nerve involvement.

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Finally, I've been referred to a wonderful team of neurologisits at multicore Neuroscience. I've had nerve block injections, been placed on a medication regimen, Botox injections, two different sleep studies, EMG of elbows/hands, and awaiting on Head MRI with & w/o contrast, chronic severe migraines. I'm experiencing relief, but not complete relief.


Finally, I've been referred to a wonderful team of neurologisits at multicore Neuroscience. I've had nerve block injections, been placed on a medication regimen, Botox injections, two different sleep studies, EMG of elbows/hands, and awaiting on Head MRI with & w/o contrast, chronic severe migraines. I'm experiencing relief, but not complete relief.

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That’s a lot of tests, so I hope more relief is available. Ate you seeing anyone to help you deal with the chronic pain?


That’s a lot of tests, so I hope more relief is available. Ate you seeing anyone to help you deal with the chronic pain?

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No, I am smoking cannabis for pain, and now the coughing is dangerous for me; body shakes, feels convulsion like, vision loss, and feels as if top of Head wants to explode, shaky voice. I am constantly researching & advocating for myself. But, most days are really dark for me. Brain fog, severe depression, and each day new symptoms, new diagnoses, and new illnesses.
Thanks for listening! Feeling alone and crazy is not a good place, mentally.


My ears are constantly ringing, pinging, and popping. Ct scan of sinus’. Which also pop randomly, especially on left side. Mucosal thickening on both sides but left side is thicker. Struggling to breathe is no fun. I am going to ask my Primary Care Physician to refer me to ENT. I have never seen one before. I am on “My Road to Wellness”


No, I am smoking cannabis for pain, and now the coughing is dangerous for me; body shakes, feels convulsion like, vision loss, and feels as if top of Head wants to explode, shaky voice. I am constantly researching & advocating for myself. But, most days are really dark for me. Brain fog, severe depression, and each day new symptoms, new diagnoses, and new illnesses.
Thanks for listening! Feeling alone and crazy is not a good place, mentally.

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When I was going through my roughest times, I started talk therapy. It helped me a great deal. I did my sessions online so it easy access.


Hi Bobbi,
What a terrible situation you were in with that swimming pool accident! How awful for you! It's terrible that you have so much pain and discomfort all these years later. It sounds like you are getting some help with the neurologists. By the way, your photos show a few problems but overall you look very nice and attractive. You probably notice your issues more than anyone else. At this point I would suggest that you pray a lot. Just tell God what bothers you and what you would like him to do. He does answer prayers. Sometimes it takes longer than we would like but you will get an answer. It could be that God is already working through your neurologists. It says in the Bible that he knows of all your needs. So say a prayer and remind him that you still have a few needs!
I wish you the best. I'll say a prayer for you.


What kind of test do they do to determine if you have dystonia? I have severe muscle spasms in my legs feet and hands, but not all the time. My PCP doesn't seem concerned about it. I've done some researching about spondylosis and scoliosis which I have both to see if this might be my problem. I've been to my Ortho doctor but he doesn't specialize in these conditions so I'm looking for one that does. Can anyone advise me?


When I was going through my roughest times, I started talk therapy. It helped me a great deal. I did my sessions online so it easy access.

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What's talk therapy? I could google it, of course. However, I'm enjoying a more personal experience of information. Thank you, Mayo & celia16


Hi Bobbi,
What a terrible situation you were in with that swimming pool accident! How awful for you! It's terrible that you have so much pain and discomfort all these years later. It sounds like you are getting some help with the neurologists. By the way, your photos show a few problems but overall you look very nice and attractive. You probably notice your issues more than anyone else. At this point I would suggest that you pray a lot. Just tell God what bothers you and what you would like him to do. He does answer prayers. Sometimes it takes longer than we would like but you will get an answer. It could be that God is already working through your neurologists. It says in the Bible that he knows of all your needs. So say a prayer and remind him that you still have a few needs!
I wish you the best. I'll say a prayer for you.

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Thank you so much! God is so good. I'm learning to build a relationship with Jesus after years of believing the enemies lies. I appreciate your prayers. God bless you.

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