Prepping for the worst...
Hi Everyone,
I hope all is well with everyone.
I am here because a smudge on my routine liver ultrasound has me over thinking. So...I believe all should be Okay. AFP was good so that should help. No lumps. But I have a few other symptoms but the only one that doesn't match my cirrhosis is a dull/tight right side pain I've had for months. My MRI is next week for over a total of 3 weeks of anxiously waiting, add more time for results and potential additional testing. Either way... me being me, ultimately I end up with the C word or I don't, but if I do. Has anyone - when they found out just go out of town for a week or so? I'm just curious because I'd rather enjoy that time and rest up for the fight ahead.
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I recently went through a similar situation. The hardest part is waiting for test results, blood work, Biopsy results, MRI and CT feedback and the like. I wish I had a solution for you but the only suggestion I can give is to see if you can find the "on/off switch" to your brains "worry mode" and turn it off or pause it for awhile so you can think straight. All the worrying in the world didn't stop my "C" tests from coming back positive but it did make me realize that I can live through it. The more you go through the stronger you get as you learn to deal with whatever situation you have to face. I look at my earlier "waiting" sessions and training ground for the more serious stuff later.
But yes, when I got the cancer diagnosis my family rented a VRBO, and we had a nice weekend with the daughters and four grandkids. We told stories and hugged and cried a lot which might sound anti productive but for me it showed me I was not alone and I had their total support and got strength from my loved ones. It helped me find whatever peace I could to deal with what was to come. Facing it head on with confidence, strength, positivity and optimism is your best weapon. Good luck
Sounds like a good plan to me. Some time you just need to get away and keep your mind occupied on something else. What ever you find out just stay positive and don't let it get you down. You will make it through this and I am wishing the best for you.
Thank you. I am glad you were able to spend that time with family.
Any update, @klm3?
Thanks for asking. Unfortunately, my MRI was on Friday but had to be rescheduled for 03/01 because it broke. Plus for some reason, there have been a lot of MRI's scheduled recently so at best I'll know my result around the 8th.
I finally got my MRI done. I got the images and have been looking through those. I was hoping to have some peace of mind with the images but it has probably only exacerbated my anxiety. Weirdly, my anxiety is mainly towards my lack of knowing what I'm looking at. I keep trying to research it but my MRI images are labeled differently than the examples I come across (T1's, T2's, lava flex, pre/post...Don't match up). Whelp...I just going to pretend everything is perfectly normal the few days or so until I hear back from my Doctor. I definitely have a new respect for radiologists.
I haven't talked to the doctor yet but I was able to view the radiology report. It said - 15 mm arterial enhancing lesion anteriorly in segment II. LR-3 (intermediate probability for HCC) - follow up MRI in 3 - 6 months.
I feel like I know what this means but at the same time I don't. So...I guess I can just take it that more tests will be required.
I had Y90 in November to treat two 6+cm tumors. The results were excellent after three months. The recovery was long and difficult, 11 weeks, with some unusual complications, but I got through it and I feel really wonderful today. I go back in for another treatment of Y90 for a much smaller tumor in about a month. I don't expect as difficult a recovery due to the much smaller size of the spot.
For those thinking about Y90, all I can say is it worked in my situation. Radiation usually doesn't have the lasting side effect I had but remember, tissue is being destroyed from within and that can take a toll on you. All in all, I'm happy with the procedure.
I'm glad you are feeling good. I hope the next treatment also works out.
Yesterday, my Doctor said that from my January ultrasound to my March MRI that my spot only grew 1 mm to 15mm (1.5cm) total. They still don't know what I'm dealing with and my next MRI in June may provide clarity. I know it's a good thing to catch stuff early but the wait is the worst for me.
Thank you @dave1952 for the info.
I totally understand the wait issue. The Drs are in a hurry to get all the info they can, drop the bad news in your lap and then tell you you have to wait. Meanwhile you are living with the thought that you have this "thing" inside you that is not good and growing. For me it's what I call the "what if" wait/worry factor. What if it spreads? What if it can't be treated? What if more tumors form in the meantime? What if , what if, what if? It never ends. Once the "what if seed" is planted it's hard to quiet those thoughts that sprout.
For me the Dr's were very positive and provided several options starting with the most promising and then described the other choices. The hope and belief that I had options was comforting.
Good luck finding the "what if" switch. If you can turn that off or at least turn down the dimmer so it isn't so loud and you can make it through the wait. Good luck.