Prednisone to Kevzara
I am 69 and very active. I loved to play golf but have been unable since onset of PmR. My PMR was diagnosed a year ago after suffering joint pain that started 1-2 weeks after Covid vaccination (booster). Sudden onset. 2 Rheumatologists later, I took Prednisone 20mg for a nasty sinus infection and pain went away, so PMR diagnosis. Started on 20 mg and have tried for a year to taper off. Unsuccessful. Now Dr says I have to get off Prednisone and wants me to try Kevzara. While waiting for Rx approval. I cut Prednisone to 15 and so far have had less pain. Plan to drop again and see what happens. I have a couple of questions for you guys. 1. Does anyone else suffer with bowel incontinence as well (sudden uncontrollable poops-). 2. Is Kevzara a good idea. Trying to retire and concerned about cost and duration. Would appreciate any input.
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As I posted earlier, I'm on Pred and was literally afraid to leave my house d/t diarrhea that struck with no warning and no control. Started taking a probiotic about a month ago and it's gone, thank goodness! My PMR came on within weeks of the second Pfizer vaccine.