Prednisone to Kevzara back to Prednisone. ( Hope not )

Posted by tadatada1 @tadatada1, Jun 13 3:08pm

PMR diagnosed High SED Rate I have been on prednisone for about two years starting at 15 mg and eventually figured out that my break even was 10 mg. I tried lowering my dose a few times and my pain severely increased especially below 7 mg : I have gained weight ( 20 lbs ) I started on Kevzara three months ago I complained to the doctor that my legs are very weak before I started kevzara . My thighs are very weak I need support to get up from the floor . She said I had prednisone myalgia . I am now down to 1 1/2 mg prednisone. I have pain in my knees ( never ever had knee pain ) weakness in my legs and neck pain ( I previously had neck pain and don’t know if it is related to being off prednisone and not related to PMR )
My sed rate is still one but my WBC is now 2.5 Down from 5.7 before Kevzara. It was 3.4 After 6 weeks on kevzara Doctor wants me to skip my next dose of Kevzara and take a blood test before the due date next Friday and one a week after the due date. My big fear is without prednisone and Kevzara I might have very severe pain.
It took a long time to lower my prednisone
What should I do next. Don’t want severe pain
By the way I have noticed anal leakage due to prednisone as commented on other summaries and think my slight incontinence has increased

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Funny. I have been trying to avoid anything that makes me old. I just turned 72. I really need to install handle bars. I just keep thinking I'm not old. But I have been off steroids for a couple years and still left with soreness in my knees and hips. I go to gym every day. I actually have the chair. I dont have the cushion. Thank you.

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My husband replaced our two standard size toilets with two ADA certified toilets. Makes a big difference and its just a normal looking toilet. Guess I wasn’t ready to look old either! I’m 74…


My husband replaced our two standard size toilets with two ADA certified toilets. Makes a big difference and its just a normal looking toilet. Guess I wasn’t ready to look old either! I’m 74…

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I bought this house i completely remodeled. My wife had me take out the 2 toilets from the previous owner that were elderly. They had the taller toilets. My wife is 5'2" and hated that she could barely touch the floor. She now uses the portable. I guess I should have left them.


After I got PMR and before I started prednisone I had a scary moment when I could not get off my low toilet. Now I have no problem so I'm keeping it! Same with my low Honda Civic. I would hope no one was watching when I pulled into a parking lot and took 5 minutes to get out. I don't have to go to the gym. I do yard work, have active hobbies and don't make things easier until I have to.


I bought this house i completely remodeled. My wife had me take out the 2 toilets from the previous owner that were elderly. They had the taller toilets. My wife is 5'2" and hated that she could barely touch the floor. She now uses the portable. I guess I should have left them.

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Oh no, what a shame!!
I know how your wife feels (I have shrunk from 5 ft. To 4 ft 10 inches!). But it is still a lot better for me because of my arthritis in my hips. I really know the difference if I’m at someone’s house or a public restroom with a standard toilet. I almost have to fall into the seat, lol!!

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