Prednisone and Pain

Posted by keelin @keelin, Oct 29, 2022

Am I the only one that found the prednisone did NOTHING for the pain? I am 6 months into this nightmare and am slowly taking myself OFF prednisone entirely. I had horrible side effects, and it seems that everyone e else I read about has total relief from pain while on the prednisone. ?
The only thing that helps slightly is an anti inflammatory. But of course I am warned about stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems taking it long term.

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Look up What is LDN? They have the latest research on this amazing drug. It is not yet FDA approved for the small doses we are using, just 50+ mg for opiate overdose. But its safety has been proven and FDA approval is just a matter of time. Right now, you need a script and a compounding pharmacy to get it. I've been on 2 mg since May 2019 and it has done amazing things for me. Stopped my non-moving pain in two days and healed my ulcerated small intestine in two months. Not for everyone but worth a try if you have a hyperactive immune system.

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Here is a 22-minute video about the power of LDN from Norway. It is certainly worth watching, and I wish doctors could see it.

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