Prednisone and Opioids

Posted by thomsoncat @thomsoncat, Feb 14 2:55pm

Pred put me into type II diabetes with BPs up to 185/115. I also have Crohn's disease and cannot take NSAIDs. I've had PMR for over a year and after my pred taper it got worse than ever. Is anyone using opioids for pain?

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Hello, 2 plus years of PMR and Prednisone. I tapered to zero and lasted 10 days before going back to 5 mg Prednisone and started a rapid taper of 1 mg reduction a week. I started LDN (can’t remember exactly when) and I am now on 3rd day of zero prednisone and feel ok. I can’t know for sure it’s the LDN that helped me taper, but I will stay on LDN as it helps me sleep and seems to have a positive effect on my mood. I may see if 4.5 mg LDN is tolerated in a few weeks. I was motivated to get off Prednisone as it apparently caused tendinosis in hips, knees and shoulders. I like to hike/bike and want to heal. I plan to stay on LDN at either 3 or 4.5 mg.

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Thank you so much and I did ask another question on the web site
Trying to beat this
Winter has made my exercise level go low....


Im afraid I am traveling in the same direction, My Rheumatologist will not prescribe LDN.
I need to sleep as well.
trying to taper currently at 3mg for two weeks then 2mg for two weeks then 1 mg for two weeks then none.
so you will stay on prednisone as well as LDN?

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Hi, I have been off prednisone for 4 days and feel like maybe I can stay off. I’m not sure. I will continue to take LDN. If your Rheumatologist will not prescribe you can ask your primary care Dr, a naturopath, or contact Ageless RX and they can consult and prescribe.

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