Pain after recent Knee Replacement. What is normal? For how long?

Posted by pgcdds @pgcdds, Sep 4, 2021

Does anyone else feel a “ stabbing “ pain in the back of their knee when flexing it with slight resistance ? For example, when trying to rise from a chair and you bring your feet close to the chair’s base to stand up or just even standing and you flex your leg by raising your foot behind yourself ?

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I'm five months post TKR and my issue has always been flexion. I have 115 degrees of knee bend. Have been stuck on this amount of ROM for months. PT released me yesterday and not sure what else to try. Love playing tennis but can't bend enough to run. If anyone has suggestions please reply. Thanks!


I had total knee replacement 14 12 21. Had further corrective manipulation op March 22. I found my recovery is taking much longer than nhs predictions. I am writing this 13.09.22,I am still stiff and sore walking with a limp. I do try to keep as active as possible and walk 3 to 4 miles per day at least 4 or 5 days per week. At the end of my walk I am limping heavy and in a lot of discomfort.The swelling has subsided to near normal proportions. I wondered am I being impatient and if anyone else experiencing a long recovery period.


I had total knee replacement 14 12 21. Had further corrective manipulation op March 22. I found my recovery is taking much longer than nhs predictions. I am writing this 13.09.22,I am still stiff and sore walking with a limp. I do try to keep as active as possible and walk 3 to 4 miles per day at least 4 or 5 days per week. At the end of my walk I am limping heavy and in a lot of discomfort.The swelling has subsided to near normal proportions. I wondered am I being impatient and if anyone else experiencing a long recovery period.

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Welcome Jake! Your question about recovery time "am I being impatient" or does it take this long? is commonly discussed in the group. That's why I moved your post to this discussion that @pgcdds started:
- Pain after recent Knee Replacement. What is normal? For how long

I did this so you can read the previous posts and connect easily with members like @sueinmn @artscaping @grayeagle @rennie @heyjoe415 @flaredhead and many others.


With everyone being different it's hard to say why some people have more pain than others. Me , its been almost 4yrs. since TKR , and my apin is at 8 on a good day, I have been told it's nerve damage that can happen with any surgery. To me it's doctors PRACTICING MEDICINE and they just don;t have answers. I guess on average TKR are pain free, NEVER, but on average 9months to year a half, is when a lot of people say they have complete turned the corner

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I’m now over 5 years out. The pain continues. It’s worse at night and interferes with my sleep. I’m seeing another surgeon about a possible revision in 3 weeks. Last time I spoke with my original surgeon at 2 years- he said there is nothing he can do. I got another opinion and he said he could do a revision- but it would probably be same outcome. Very frustrating. I feel your pain!


I had a revision 1 1/2 after , I have had 17 procedures in the 4yrs and nothing worked. My own meditation has been the best but I will not stop searching , 66yrs old and very active I refuse to live my life out like this, but if this is it MUSIC AND MEDITATION PEACE


With everyone being different it's hard to say why some people have more pain than others. Me , its been almost 4yrs. since TKR , and my apin is at 8 on a good day, I have been told it's nerve damage that can happen with any surgery. To me it's doctors PRACTICING MEDICINE and they just don;t have answers. I guess on average TKR are pain free, NEVER, but on average 9months to year a half, is when a lot of people say they have complete turned the corner

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'm 67, and I worked out faithfully for a year before having TKR. The surgery went well (Mako robotic assistance and a great surgeon) and recovery was fast, like walking unassisted in two/three weeks and swelling way down by two months, great ROM and no pain, none. So it can be done.

But every person is different and every surgery is different. I can only stress getting in shape first, and following PT rigorously post-op, especially that first month or two.


I had total knee replacement 14 12 21. Had further corrective manipulation op March 22. I found my recovery is taking much longer than nhs predictions. I am writing this 13.09.22,I am still stiff and sore walking with a limp. I do try to keep as active as possible and walk 3 to 4 miles per day at least 4 or 5 days per week. At the end of my walk I am limping heavy and in a lot of discomfort.The swelling has subsided to near normal proportions. I wondered am I being impatient and if anyone else experiencing a long recovery period.

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That is a long recovery Jake. One suggestion, substitute stationary biking for walking for a while. I found that is a better exercise and am at the three month post-op mark. (I don't know what corrective manipulation is.)

And keep stretching the knee with the ankle slides and other exercises they showed you. Another one is to sit on a chair with socks on and use your other foot to push your surgical leg back as far as possible. It may be too late if scar tissue has formed, but ask your surgeon, and good luck. I don't think it can hurt to do the stretches.



I'm five months post TKR and my issue has always been flexion. I have 115 degrees of knee bend. Have been stuck on this amount of ROM for months. PT released me yesterday and not sure what else to try. Love playing tennis but can't bend enough to run. If anyone has suggestions please reply. Thanks!

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Tennis involves a lot of impact and probably isn't the best thing to do. Sorry, I used to run. Now I'm happy to be pain free and do other things at the gym.

115 degrees of ROM is almost what the surgeons want, 120 degrees. I'm not sure what you mean by nor being able to bend enough to run. I wouldn't be running anyway. Try the ROM exercises, ankle slides and sitting in a chair with socks on and using your good leg/foot to pull your surgical knee toward and as far under the chair as possible. Best wishes.



Interested in any opinions about ongoing pain, especially after exercise, eg swimming or biking.Pretty much feeLs tight and burning most of time. By nighttime, outside of knee is very warm and pain seems worse. Am 13 months out from surgery. Had bone scan and no infection found. Tried nerve ablation but didn’t do much. Possibly allergic to plastic or metal? Hope not but this doesn’t seem to be a successful surgery.

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I know it's not new, but ice and elevation work. Look up Hurt Skirt on Amazon, an excellent way to ice all around the knee. Best wishes. Joe


Tennis involves a lot of impact and probably isn't the best thing to do. Sorry, I used to run. Now I'm happy to be pain free and do other things at the gym.

115 degrees of ROM is almost what the surgeons want, 120 degrees. I'm not sure what you mean by nor being able to bend enough to run. I wouldn't be running anyway. Try the ROM exercises, ankle slides and sitting in a chair with socks on and using your good leg/foot to pull your surgical knee toward and as far under the chair as possible. Best wishes.


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I've been doing all the exercises for 5 months and PT forever. I have gained strength but nothing helps my knee to bend more. My Dr told me I could play tennis after knee replacement and still contends I can return to the game in time. I still can just bend my knee enough to get in and out of a car. I had surgery on April 11. If I stand, my foot is 7 inches off the ground, not even close to running flexion. If my Dr wants to do a manipulation, I'll go for it. Please don't give this attitude to others, I would rather cash it in than give up on my passion in life.

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