Post Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Cancer Follow up

Posted by raj @rajeeravikumar, Oct 16, 2023

Myself Raj had undergone Total Thyroidectomy 2021 and followed by Radioiodine Therapy (80 mcg) for Follicular and Papillary variant carcinoma in the same year -( Right lob had 1.5 cm of classic variant and left lob about 4 cm of encapsulated variant). The follow up Radioiodine scan (3mcg) was completed in June 2022. I do have every 3 months consultation with my endocrinologists and completed by Ultrasound on June 2023 (Report was clear with level 1 and 2 nodes which was not suspicious). Thyroglobulin levels measured without stopping the Thyroid medications is < 0.1 ng/mL
Wanted to clarify if Thyroglobulin hormone is measured by stopping Thyroid medication and also what is a generally recommended follow up care on the 2nd year - 3 year for such a case.

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Hi @rajeeravikumar, this sounds like a question you would want to ask your doctor. You usually don't need any special preparations for a thyroglobulin test. But you need to avoid taking certain vitamins or supplements so tell your provider about everything you take. This information about the thyroglobulin test may help:
- Thyroglobulin Test

Fellow members like @jack1516 @koh @colorado73 @lbrockme may be able to help by sharing the follow-up schedule they follow with their cancer team.

Raj, when is your next follow up appointment?


Hi @rajeeravikumar, this sounds like a question you would want to ask your doctor. You usually don't need any special preparations for a thyroglobulin test. But you need to avoid taking certain vitamins or supplements so tell your provider about everything you take. This information about the thyroglobulin test may help:
- Thyroglobulin Test

Fellow members like @jack1516 @koh @colorado73 @lbrockme may be able to help by sharing the follow-up schedule they follow with their cancer team.

Raj, when is your next follow up appointment?

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I've found that usually the followup is dependent on you and your ongoing levels. It can change . You goal is to surpress your natural thyroid cells desire to make more cells by "tricking" it into thinking there are plenty of cells . I had blood tests monthly (not stopping medication) , the first year. Then did a uptake scan (during that stopping the thyroid hormone/medication ) and specific foods that could affect the test. Unfortunately in my case, i had to have another strong I131 treatment and I went right back on a suppressant dose. We opted to do another scan 1 yr later, and things were pretty stable. We discussed my options , as we were concerned about radiation levels, low red blood cell function and going off the surpressant dose was concerning , so we just monitored my blood levels for the next two years before a scan. Again, after that was somewhat similar and showing reduced uptake, I just monitored blood levels every 6 months after that. Thats my schedule for almost 30 yrs now! I'm now on a lower dose and things seem stable still!
It's all about balance. They have learned so much more in last years. I treasure each day... appreciate the time I have and do my blood tests consistently... make sure I schedule a reminder in my calendar so if Dr office doesn't order them ... I call them to get it scheduled. I also use pill holders that show me each day that I've taken meds, just to be certain I dont forget. I take throid in am, 2 hrs before food or coffee.
Good luck, hope all settles down for you .


Hi (@rajeeravikumar,
I had lobectomy July 2022. I am having a hard time getting regulated on Synthroid and still have pain and symptoms, so I don’t know what a typical schedule would be.
I am having blood work every 2-3 months and have had several ultrasounds. I just had a PET scan to rule out cancer to figure out what is causing some of my symptoms. I tend to think that as things improve, the time between blood tests and scans will be longer. Good luck!


I've found that usually the followup is dependent on you and your ongoing levels. It can change . You goal is to surpress your natural thyroid cells desire to make more cells by "tricking" it into thinking there are plenty of cells . I had blood tests monthly (not stopping medication) , the first year. Then did a uptake scan (during that stopping the thyroid hormone/medication ) and specific foods that could affect the test. Unfortunately in my case, i had to have another strong I131 treatment and I went right back on a suppressant dose. We opted to do another scan 1 yr later, and things were pretty stable. We discussed my options , as we were concerned about radiation levels, low red blood cell function and going off the surpressant dose was concerning , so we just monitored my blood levels for the next two years before a scan. Again, after that was somewhat similar and showing reduced uptake, I just monitored blood levels every 6 months after that. Thats my schedule for almost 30 yrs now! I'm now on a lower dose and things seem stable still!
It's all about balance. They have learned so much more in last years. I treasure each day... appreciate the time I have and do my blood tests consistently... make sure I schedule a reminder in my calendar so if Dr office doesn't order them ... I call them to get it scheduled. I also use pill holders that show me each day that I've taken meds, just to be certain I dont forget. I take throid in am, 2 hrs before food or coffee.
Good luck, hope all settles down for you .

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Thanks @lbrockme I do have a follow up every 4 months at this point. I had 80mc radio iodine therapy 1.5 years back and follow up 3mc radio iodine scan after 6 months of the therapy and it was ok. And recently had a ultrasound scan which did show mildly thickened lymph nodes with no suspicious masses in the neck. so now following the regular 4 months checkup with Thyroglobulin measured every twice a year without stopping medicine. Is it mandatory to do a radio iodine scan every year for such cases.


Thanks @lbrockme I do have a follow up every 4 months at this point. I had 80mc radio iodine therapy 1.5 years back and follow up 3mc radio iodine scan after 6 months of the therapy and it was ok. And recently had a ultrasound scan which did show mildly thickened lymph nodes with no suspicious masses in the neck. so now following the regular 4 months checkup with Thyroglobulin measured every twice a year without stopping medicine. Is it mandatory to do a radio iodine scan every year for such cases.

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It really depends on all the factors together... your original cell type how aggressive does it usually respond... what your success is at suppressing new thyroid growth and how your other levels are showing how active the thyroid is. If they are all stable then your doctor may opt to just monitor, do a pet scan etc. Whatever they suggest, ask them what factors made them recommend that so you can have input on the decision. It's important early on to watch closely to see how things are reacting... I know a scan is disruptive to quality of life for a month or two... but if indicators are showing your cell activity is increasing, it is worth it to me to know for sure. Hopefully you feel confidant in your medical team to work with you. I Find Drs really try to follow your lead on how involved you want to be. Some people, Like myself
want to learn as much as possible... good ,or bad, and be part of the decision making. For others its too stressful and the prefer finding a doctor they trust and allowing them to lead, guide and handle the tough decisions. I get more stressed if im not involved and frankly I refuse to be stressed all the time. Certainly write your questions down as they come up and ask them at your next appt. Suggest that you keep doing things that make you happy, that you enjoy. That builds your health and resilience. Hoping this helps and your day is absolutely joyful and blessed.

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