Post PMR safety?

Posted by deejayc @deejayc, Oct 30, 2023

I had PMR for 11 months and have been off prednisone for 9 months. I believe one of my Covid shots started the ball rolling with PMR but have had 5 shots all together - the last 2 while on Prednisone. I’m very scared of getting a flare or even another full-blown case of PMR. I’d really like to protect myself from Covid, Flu and RSV but can’t get an opinion from a reliable source as to what my chances of getting another case of PMR. The prednisone worked very well for me but I have shoulder damage from it and don’t want to chance having to go on it again. Anyone have more info?

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I'm not a doctor, but I also am confident I developed PMR after my 4th Covid-19 vaccine (I was 55 years old and very healthy, strong, active). It took over 10 months for my diagnosis and I have been on a tapering dose of prednisone to treat it, which worked right away. After 4 months of the tapering down from 20mg I was able to get down to 4mg daily, but not any lower as the severe pain returned if I dropped below 4mg. My rheumy now prescribed Kevzara injections for me, which I just started 2 weeks ago, with the plan to stay on that and taper off the prednisone for good (hopefully). In the meantime, I asked my rheumy if he thought I should ever get another Covid-19 vaccination and he said ABSOLUTELY NOT. I also asked my PCP, and he agreed, DO NOT GET ANOTHER COVID-19 VACCINE if you suspect your PMR was induced by it.


Thanks! Pretty sure it was the Covid shot or the flu shot. My understanding is that any foreign substance can bring on PMR. Now I’m afraid to get any shot - eventually I’ll give it a try but not yet.


Thanks! Pretty sure it was the Covid shot or the flu shot. My understanding is that any foreign substance can bring on PMR. Now I’m afraid to get any shot - eventually I’ll give it a try but not yet.

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My rheumatologist says that no one knows what causes PMR. I'm reading too many posts from people nominating reasons - and taking evasive measures because if this is what did it, well, it's not going to happen again, not if I can avoid it by doing/not doing whatever. We humans really, really want explanations. It doesn't seem logical that a physical condition could impact so many people so suddenly and with such force, and no one knows why. And yet this is what we must accept because our assumptions (and resulting decisions) can do us real harm.


My Dr. told me not to get any more covid shots. She believes that the shot is what caused me to get PMR.
Fortunately the more recent kinds of covid are not as virulent as the initial ones


My husband has recently been diagnosed with PMR and is currently on Prednisone. Has anyone heard of Glutathione Drip available to boost immune system? If so, approximately how soon would results be experienced?


My husband has recently been diagnosed with PMR and is currently on Prednisone. Has anyone heard of Glutathione Drip available to boost immune system? If so, approximately how soon would results be experienced?

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Welcome @nancygood, Sorry to hear your husband has been diagnosed with PMR. I don't have any experience with Glutathione Drip but have had two occurrences of PMR six years apart. I have learned that there are a lot of things you can do to hopefully keep the PMR in remission after you taper off of prednisone. Here's more information:

--- Polymyalgia Rheumatica Diet: Do's and Don'ts:

Is the prednisone controlling the PMR pain for your husband?


My Dr. told me not to get any more covid shots. She believes that the shot is what caused me to get PMR.
Fortunately the more recent kinds of covid are not as virulent as the initial ones

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I wish more Rheumatologists would state that. I agree but my Dr says PMR has been around long before Covid except I believe Covid vaccine is what sets it off!! Too many cases in such a short amount of time!


Agree! I just wish I could even talk to a rheumy! I’d have to wait 6 month for an appt!


My rheumatologist says that no one knows what causes PMR. I'm reading too many posts from people nominating reasons - and taking evasive measures because if this is what did it, well, it's not going to happen again, not if I can avoid it by doing/not doing whatever. We humans really, really want explanations. It doesn't seem logical that a physical condition could impact so many people so suddenly and with such force, and no one knows why. And yet this is what we must accept because our assumptions (and resulting decisions) can do us real harm.

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It isn't just PMR that no one knows what causes it. It is practically all autoimmune disorders.

I have moved past wanting to know the cause although it would be nice to know. I'm more inclined to want to know about more effective treatments or at least how to achieve remission quickly. Being able to achieve remission quickly is where PMR lags behind many other autoimmune conditions. I took prednisone for more than 12 years waiting for PMR to go into remission.

The idea that we take prednisone and "wait for PMR to burn itself out" is absurd to me. Long term prednisone does harm to people.

PMR supposedly doesn't do long term harm but it sure is painful. Prednisone does the long term harm in my opinion. Short term prednisone to quickly relieve the pain seems like a good idea though. Achieving remission quickly should be the foremost concern after the pain is controlled.


I understood that even if you decide not to take prednisone, PMR would go away within 2 years. 12 years is a long time! I worry about flares by so far so good!

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