Anyone experience Post-Covid Inflammatory Arthritis?

Posted by leezer @leezer, Apr 7, 2021

Has anyone here experienced an increase in joint pain, elevated sed rate post Covid? I have been told I have a type of inflammatory arthritis post infection. Methyltrexate injections for 4 months has not really brought about a BIG improvement.

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Good Morning

Hoping to gain some insight on treatment and current research....

I have been experiencing joint and muscle pain ever since May 2020. I believe I had Covid at that time but my test came back negative (I had the majority of symptoms). Within a couple months I started having extreme inflammation in my hand, and then over time continued to have ongoing new symptoms such as multiple bursitis throughout body, developed Raynaud’s syndrome, and costochondritis. My muscle and joint pain are continually getting worse. I did not have muscle /joint pain symptoms prior to when I think I had Covid other than some weakness in my left hand (I am a right-hand amputee so suspect that was only due to overuse).

I had a Rheumatology eval and was told I have osteoarthritis versus autoimmune disease as I did not have any blood markers indicating autoimmune disease and the doctor dismissed the possibility it could be related to Covid. Tried to get into the Mayo Covid Long Haul Program but was turned away because I did not have a diagnostic test to verify Covid. So, with all that going on I am looking for some info……

What is the latest research related to onset of autoimmune disease and arthritis after experiencing Covid?

Are you aware of doctors that are willing to talk to patients or entertain the idea about Long Haul Covid related to muscle and joint pain and/or inflammation …… even if there is not a previous positive Covid test?
(I see a lot of Covid Long Haul Clinics posting the symptoms they are addressing but most of them do not include joint and muscle pain as one of these symptoms)?

I also understand that my situation could not at all be related to Covid but the circumstances just seem to fit.

Trying to also figure out best approach for treatment and how to begin – Rheumatologist recommended Physical Therapy and stated there was no further treatment that would help.

Any insight is appreciated!

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Although I never formally tested postive for COVID (because I initially was asymptomatic and only 2 months later developed symptoms), my rheumatologist believes it is certainly possible that the myalgia and nerve pain i was experiencing (that were just recently attributed to a diagnosis of axial spondylitis), were probably triggered by either exposure to COVID or the vaccine itself (which also has the ability to trigger the body's inflammatory response). Even the internist who sees COVID long haulers indicated this was certainly possible. Keep in mind prior to February, 2021, I had never experienced any sort of muscular-skeletal issues. I am presently taking NSAIDs for the pain, and it appears to be helping. The rheumatologist indicated that if we reach a point at which the NSAIDs no longer work, then biologics will be the next step. Hope that doesn't happen! WHATEVER YOU DO, REMAIN PERSISTENT IN YOUR GOAL TO FIND REAL ANSWERS!! For those of you experiencing autoimmune issues, find a rheumatologist who is open minded about all of this!!


Good Morning

Hoping to gain some insight on treatment and current research....

I have been experiencing joint and muscle pain ever since May 2020. I believe I had Covid at that time but my test came back negative (I had the majority of symptoms). Within a couple months I started having extreme inflammation in my hand, and then over time continued to have ongoing new symptoms such as multiple bursitis throughout body, developed Raynaud’s syndrome, and costochondritis. My muscle and joint pain are continually getting worse. I did not have muscle /joint pain symptoms prior to when I think I had Covid other than some weakness in my left hand (I am a right-hand amputee so suspect that was only due to overuse).

I had a Rheumatology eval and was told I have osteoarthritis versus autoimmune disease as I did not have any blood markers indicating autoimmune disease and the doctor dismissed the possibility it could be related to Covid. Tried to get into the Mayo Covid Long Haul Program but was turned away because I did not have a diagnostic test to verify Covid. So, with all that going on I am looking for some info……

What is the latest research related to onset of autoimmune disease and arthritis after experiencing Covid?

Are you aware of doctors that are willing to talk to patients or entertain the idea about Long Haul Covid related to muscle and joint pain and/or inflammation …… even if there is not a previous positive Covid test?
(I see a lot of Covid Long Haul Clinics posting the symptoms they are addressing but most of them do not include joint and muscle pain as one of these symptoms)?

I also understand that my situation could not at all be related to Covid but the circumstances just seem to fit.

Trying to also figure out best approach for treatment and how to begin – Rheumatologist recommended Physical Therapy and stated there was no further treatment that would help.

Any insight is appreciated!

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Sorry to hear you are in the same boat as many. I am ready to put a documentary together that shows the lack of help for Long Haulers of Covid. I was competitive tennis player just prior to covid, and in amazing shape, and Covid hit, and the cytokine storm began and I was treated with Ivermectin and some infusions, and than IV does of high doses of vitamins and glutathione. My body still is inflammed. I have been to multiple doctor's and somehow most are living on a different planet to think Covid has not caused the immune system to attack itself, and why they are not looking at infusions to help calm that part of the body down besides using steroids. I just had RNP antibodies come back positive and I never had those positive, as well as super high histamine plasma. I am sure you had your CRP, CK levels all checked as well? If not, I would check those as well. I will keep my eyes out for anything that might help. Only a few doctor's I see dealing with things that might assist long haulers. Doctor named Bruce Patterson you might want to read about as he is one of only a few I hear talk about calming the inflammatory response responsible for the joint, muscle issues, organ issues, etc.

Possibly also try to look into some good Naturopathic doctors in your area, as they seem to want to also get to the root cause of all the inflammation and may offer advice. I actually had to look up the blood work needed for muscle pains, etc. and have my naturopath run it because my primary care doctor did not believe covid had any long symptoms like muscle pain, etc. So be diligent, look at youtube long covid, as well as articles on gut health dealing with covid, than go to your naturopath or a doctor that might believe Covid exists, and telll them these are the things you need to focus on to get better (gut health, reducing the cytokines in the body, and the best ways to get rid of the remnants of covid in the body)

I am hoping the Mayo Clinic might start opening up virtual long hauler program, where you can meet withh docs that are interested in long covid people like us, run the true blood tests we need using affiliate labs like Labcorp, etc. and than working with us and our local doc to put a plan together to treat long covid organ and muscle issues. We can't just throw a dart at something as we already know certain people have genes that continue to be hit by covid and it is keeping their system on high inflammatory alert, causing the pains, etc.


Thanks to all for your help and insight! I will continue to follow up with the doctors and look at the referrals you have suggested for additional info (Dr Patterson - you tube..) I’m planning to get another opinion from a different Rheumatologist – not sure who yet. Thanks for the insight on Naturopath will look into that as an option also. I do have an appointment with a Physical Therapist but hesitant because don’t think that is truly addressing cause. I will post additional information I come across in hoping it will help !!


I have been sufferin from grout in my toes since more than 15 years. I was hospitalised due to covid-19 exactly one month back. Before that I used to take medicines to control gout, walk quite a lot daily and used to massage my toes daily. Though the flares were under some control, there was not much improvement in the condition as the swelling below the toes went on changing its location but remained there.
After the attack of covid-19, I now find that there is some qualitative change in the condition of my gout.
There is numbness in the toes and the swelling is on the decline. I keep taking medicines and massaging the toes though walking is almost nil now because of physical weakness on account of covid.
I keep watching with the hope that my gout will vanish and not to migrate elsewhere like knees.


Here are a few COVID vaccine and neuropathy related research I've found but haven't thoroughly read yet...

-- Information on COVID-19 and Neuropathy:
-- Coronavirus and the Nervous System:
-- Peripheral Nervous System Manifestations Associated with COVID-19:
-- Guillain-Barre After COVID-19 Vaccine: Case Report — Clinical trial participant recovered after IVIG treatment

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The Peripheral Nervous System article was very helpful. I live in rural Colorado, had an extremely swollen knee on Jan 6, and tested + for Covid on Jan 7, even though I was vaxed and boosted. For two weeks I slept a LOT and was not active as I normally am. I'm 57 and have Hashimoto's and have brain lesions from an extreme case of Valley Fever when I was a teenager. I also have non-alcoholic fatty liver diagnosis. Since that time, I've experienced very painful swelling in my knees, shoulders, ankles, thighs, and hands. My left hand is very swollen as are the valves in my veins. Today my right hand is swelling. I've gone to urgent care and my Orthopedist and I've been instructed to take Ibuprofin and continue moderate exercise (which I do but is painful). My left hand is very painful and feels like I have a ligature around my wrist. There are no injuries, although the valve by my wrist is inflamed and looks like a tiny BB under my skin. Are there tests or treatments that may help me identify the cause of the swelling and treatment? Could this be from a cytokine storm or myopathy due to my Covid case? Thanks a million,


The Peripheral Nervous System article was very helpful. I live in rural Colorado, had an extremely swollen knee on Jan 6, and tested + for Covid on Jan 7, even though I was vaxed and boosted. For two weeks I slept a LOT and was not active as I normally am. I'm 57 and have Hashimoto's and have brain lesions from an extreme case of Valley Fever when I was a teenager. I also have non-alcoholic fatty liver diagnosis. Since that time, I've experienced very painful swelling in my knees, shoulders, ankles, thighs, and hands. My left hand is very swollen as are the valves in my veins. Today my right hand is swelling. I've gone to urgent care and my Orthopedist and I've been instructed to take Ibuprofin and continue moderate exercise (which I do but is painful). My left hand is very painful and feels like I have a ligature around my wrist. There are no injuries, although the valve by my wrist is inflamed and looks like a tiny BB under my skin. Are there tests or treatments that may help me identify the cause of the swelling and treatment? Could this be from a cytokine storm or myopathy due to my Covid case? Thanks a million,

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Hi Bridget, you're asking great questions regarding a possible cytokine storm of myopathy due to COVID. I recommend asking your medical team, who are familiar with your existing conditions as well as the possible exacerbation by COVID. I'm sure others will have thoughts as well.

While more common in children, rarely, some adults develop a new and serious syndrome, called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A). MIS-A occurs in adults who were previously infected with the COVID-19 virus and many didn't even know it. MIS-A seems to occur weeks after COVID-19 infection, though some people have a current infection.


Hi Bridget, you're asking great questions regarding a possible cytokine storm of myopathy due to COVID. I recommend asking your medical team, who are familiar with your existing conditions as well as the possible exacerbation by COVID. I'm sure others will have thoughts as well.

While more common in children, rarely, some adults develop a new and serious syndrome, called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A). MIS-A occurs in adults who were previously infected with the COVID-19 virus and many didn't even know it. MIS-A seems to occur weeks after COVID-19 infection, though some people have a current infection.

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Thank you! I am meeting with my doctor again on Tuesday. I mentioned to her about a test for MIS-A...She added two additional tests for a blood test and I will see what those results are. They have not seen these kinds of responses in our community, which is why I am casting a broader net. Thanks again!


I know this is in the wrong area, but anyone who is reading: Has anyone had brain fog, buzzing in ears, continued taste and smell problems after covid.? I had Covid almost 2 years ago and still have these reactions as well as body temperature varying between very warm and chilly when there was no reason for either.


I know this is in the wrong area, but anyone who is reading: Has anyone had brain fog, buzzing in ears, continued taste and smell problems after covid.? I had Covid almost 2 years ago and still have these reactions as well as body temperature varying between very warm and chilly when there was no reason for either.

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yes yes yes! It first started after emergency gall bladder surgery and serious infection the latter part of 2020. Then totally vaccinated my cousin who lived with me but had other health issues developed covid from touching in the restroom of someone who had covid before anyone knew the end of July. She was hospitalized with covid pneumonia mid August and passed away after having seizures September 6, 2021. I got it from taking care of her but was never hospitalized and fortunately slight coughing and very tired. My symptoms come and go and so I try to deal with them as needed. Take Melatonin at bedtime the strength depends on what else you take at that time. My doctor recommended it and definitely get more rest. I take a mild B complex at lunch time about 3 or 4 times a week. Don't take it if you take a multi vitamin too. Too much and it causes numbing in your hands, arms and feet. Make sure you drink enough water and fluids. Don't over do coffee because you can't taste it. I was making it too strong and raised my blood pressure way high. Alternate tea and coffee in the mornings. I also had to cut back on sweets anyway because of pre diabetes. I have very good days and just the opposite. My feet easily cramp or get cold no matter how hot it is. Melatonin, dark chocolate, B vitamins and foods, lots of veggies and fruit. you'd be surprised all help. Family outings even if only once a week or two sure help too. Good luck


I am just finding this mayo connect area to find out if others have incredible muscle pains post covid. I see you mention post arthritis like feeling post covid. I was competitive tennis player 2 weeks prior to me getting covid, and now 2.5 months later I can barely do any sort of slight exercise without huge muscle pain everywhere. I am hoping I can find some people on the forum to tell me maybe what type of blood tests to get post covid to find out why such bad muscle pain. My doctor's pass it off as if this is something normal, but it is not, especially for super active, in shape person pre-covid. If you know of any posts about what blood work to get to check muscle issues I am all ears, as my doctor's basically are doing nothing even after I tell them how painful this is. I keep telling them maybe it is Necrosis, or mytosis, etc. or whatever stuff happens after covid to muscle tissue and inflammation. Stay safe and well.

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I am the same. I did a 14 mile hike two Days before I got COVID (in great shape) and now am bed ridden with terrible muscle and joint pain but inflammatory markers and blood tests are all normal. Are you the same still?

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