Possible third neck dissection: Very scared

Posted by jenjenmn @jenjenmn, Apr 12, 2023

had my original TT and neck dissection in July 2017. Then a second central compartment dissection in March 2021. I had a PET scan last October and it showed a couple of lymph nodes in the thyroid bed and my endo referred me to Mayo In Rochester, MN to see about an alcohol ablation. The doctor there said I am probably not a candidate for that procedure due to there being too many lymph nodes. He said I would likely need a third neck dissection. He also said he was not recommending RAI post surgery. My pathology report say I have papillary thyroid cancer with tall cell features. I am very worried about having a third neck dissection with all the scar tissue from the first two surgeries! So far I have not had any post-op complications except some voice issues after the initial surgery and that resolved on its own. My thyroglobulin is at 37. Also, my chest CT showed new lung nodules they are concerned about and want to watch closely. Has anyone had thycan with tall cell features actually achieved remission for longer than 5 years?? It says in all the journal articles tall cell is associated with poor clinical outcomes. I’m very scared this is going to invade my trachea or other soft neck tissue.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Thyroid Cancer Support Group.

I have my first appt. with my surgeon today via telehealth! I will know a lot more after I meet with him (Dr. Hughes at University of Michigan). I heard that is one of the best! I am hoping that you have a great outcome (I will be hoping and praying for you and your family) ...I am very scared for today as I really don't know much other than what my bloodwork and biopsy stated.
My mom just passed away two weeks ago from brain cancer...she fought hard for 13+ years...always positive and never complained about her surgeries, chemo, radiation AND she also had breast cancer ! I am going to be as strong as her because I know that is what she would have wanted:)
Good Luck with your surgeries and I am hoping for the best for you!


I have my first appt. with my surgeon today via telehealth! I will know a lot more after I meet with him (Dr. Hughes at University of Michigan). I heard that is one of the best! I am hoping that you have a great outcome (I will be hoping and praying for you and your family) ...I am very scared for today as I really don't know much other than what my bloodwork and biopsy stated.
My mom just passed away two weeks ago from brain cancer...she fought hard for 13+ years...always positive and never complained about her surgeries, chemo, radiation AND she also had breast cancer ! I am going to be as strong as her because I know that is what she would have wanted:)
Good Luck with your surgeries and I am hoping for the best for you!

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So sorry for the losss of your beloved Mom! You are VERY strong- going through so much, and still staying positive!! Best to you, Hugs,


So sorry you are going through this. I am only a year out from TT, with diagnosis of tall cell papillary, and going in for a biopsy of some suspicious lymph nodes in January. Very bummed also. Keep us posted- I share your fear- it is very scary, and so uncertain. You are stronger than you feel right now!


Thank you! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

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