Positive ANA: What might be the cause?

Posted by FreedomWarrior @freedomwarrior, Apr 28, 2021

I am reaching out to anyone who has had a positive ANA blood test result. I aced Rheumatology testing and I believe that Mercury toxicity is the cause. Does anyone have a similar case or know somebody who does..? TY..!

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I guess the most important thing I have learned is to listen to my body not to well meaning family and friends. They want to understand and to help but they cannot know how you feel. Only you and people like you can really understand. They see you out and about one day and the next day you're flat on your back. There is no way they can really understand it. The best thing to do is to explain that you have good days and bad days. Also, a positive attitude of "I can do this" and a smile on your face helps you and your loved ones. It is not good for you to lament on your condition. Remember, it is a condition, not you. You are still who you always were as long as you stay positive. Best of luck to all and keep smiling.

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@mctd43years Beautiful!!! I think you were talking to me. I’ve been working hard to take care of myself on bad days and do what I can with good days. Thank you for joining MayoClinicConnect!


I just asked my rheum about ANA and he said once positive always positive and cannot be lowered. If you find out more about mercury please let me know. Best, J.


Have you been checked for autoimmune hepatitis? That’s what I have and it many years to figure it out.

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No, never did. I guess I should look into it as well.


Have you had a blood test for HLA-B27? Research spondyloarthritis. Took me 14 years, 2 neurosurgeons, and my 4th rheumatologist to get accurate diagnosis. http://www.spondylitis.org

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Hi there..... Thankyou so much for this comment. I am positive for this to which my surgeon explained is the marker for the Gene for Lupus .
my grandma had lupus, i have every single symptom but my test came up negative.
Am i better to have a blood test when i am in a flare, have been following it might come up as a positive then. But honestly at the end of the day all we can do is treat the symptoms.
I would love to learn from your experience if that is ok.
I am 52, one of doctors was worried i had spondylitis but that also come up negative.
Wishing you a lovely day


When I stopped eating wheat my ANA went down to "0". Doctor was surprised.


Doctors are more concerned about positive ANA with high titers and of course the pattern type. It is not a diagnosis but can be a tool for looking into autoimmune disorders.

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