Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

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My experience is constant pain, I have had a bit of a reprieve from time to time , but recently have had a horrible flare. My doctor wants to put me back on steroids, due to the long term side effects and that it really didn’t help with pain my doctor agreed. I feel my doctor is no longer a good fit for me so I am seeking someone new
I am riddled with pain, and very discouraged

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The pain is really terrible; I feel for you.

This is from a medical textbook on PMR and GCA (I am paraphrasing): There should be an immediate improvement in PMR and GCA within 1-3 days of taking steroids. If there isn't improvement after 5-7 days, an alternate diagnosis (infection, malignancy, hypothyroidism, etc.) should be considered. GCA (Giant Cell Arteritis) requires a higher dose of steroids than PMR so if the lower dosage of the steroid, usually prednisone, doesn't take away all the pain, a higher dose is needed to manage GCA.
Do you have pains or strange sensations near your temples, on your face, scalp, neck or have difficulty chewing? Any issues with your eyes, times when you can't see out of an eye? Any dry non-productive cough? The test for GCA is a biopsy of the temporal artery. It sounds scary, but it's not the worst procedure I ever went through.
Do you have current blood tests of your inflammation markers (sed rate and CRP)?
If there is a suspicion of GCA, it's important to act on it fast, as there's danger of stroke or blindness. Articles I've read suggest the physician not wait for the lab tests or results of the temporal artery biopsy and start the higher dosage of the steroid immediately, if GCA is suspected.

I hope that helps.


The pain is really terrible; I feel for you.

This is from a medical textbook on PMR and GCA (I am paraphrasing): There should be an immediate improvement in PMR and GCA within 1-3 days of taking steroids. If there isn't improvement after 5-7 days, an alternate diagnosis (infection, malignancy, hypothyroidism, etc.) should be considered. GCA (Giant Cell Arteritis) requires a higher dose of steroids than PMR so if the lower dosage of the steroid, usually prednisone, doesn't take away all the pain, a higher dose is needed to manage GCA.
Do you have pains or strange sensations near your temples, on your face, scalp, neck or have difficulty chewing? Any issues with your eyes, times when you can't see out of an eye? Any dry non-productive cough? The test for GCA is a biopsy of the temporal artery. It sounds scary, but it's not the worst procedure I ever went through.
Do you have current blood tests of your inflammation markers (sed rate and CRP)?
If there is a suspicion of GCA, it's important to act on it fast, as there's danger of stroke or blindness. Articles I've read suggest the physician not wait for the lab tests or results of the temporal artery biopsy and start the higher dosage of the steroid immediately, if GCA is suspected.

I hope that helps.

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Thank you


Hi GCAP, PMR is an autoimmune disorder and there are warnings on all products that contain melatonin not to take if you have an autoimmune disorder. There were some previous posts about this you may want to check out.

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This was the first I heard about melatonin. I’ve been taking it for long time now off and on but, now have been diagnosed with PMR and GCA. Thanks for info which I’ll have to do more research on.


The pain is really terrible; I feel for you.

This is from a medical textbook on PMR and GCA (I am paraphrasing): There should be an immediate improvement in PMR and GCA within 1-3 days of taking steroids. If there isn't improvement after 5-7 days, an alternate diagnosis (infection, malignancy, hypothyroidism, etc.) should be considered. GCA (Giant Cell Arteritis) requires a higher dose of steroids than PMR so if the lower dosage of the steroid, usually prednisone, doesn't take away all the pain, a higher dose is needed to manage GCA.
Do you have pains or strange sensations near your temples, on your face, scalp, neck or have difficulty chewing? Any issues with your eyes, times when you can't see out of an eye? Any dry non-productive cough? The test for GCA is a biopsy of the temporal artery. It sounds scary, but it's not the worst procedure I ever went through.
Do you have current blood tests of your inflammation markers (sed rate and CRP)?
If there is a suspicion of GCA, it's important to act on it fast, as there's danger of stroke or blindness. Articles I've read suggest the physician not wait for the lab tests or results of the temporal artery biopsy and start the higher dosage of the steroid immediately, if GCA is suspected.

I hope that helps.

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Finally got to see rheumatologist yesterday after 3 months of increasing joint pain and exhaustion. I’m alarmed by the dosage (40 mg) of prednisone he put me on but already feel better this a.m. I’m waiting to schedule my Biopsy of temporal area (suspects I have GCA) due to my increasing sed rate, scalp tenderness and high C-RP rate. If it is GCA, then he says he increases prednisone to 60 mg. These amounts sound so high compared to everyone else’s amount of 10-20. Anyone else just get started on these high mg? I have osteopenia so concerned primarily with bone health.


I had a bout of PMR 5 years ago and tapered prednisone for 15 months and then quite a stretch of remission or whatever. In December of 2020 it flared and an abbreviated taper of 3 months seemed to put it to rest. Since you second shot of Pfizer vaccine, about 3 weeks ago, I have been experiencing all of the symptoms. Currently awaiting my doctor’s decision based on a send rate test. Wondering if anyone else had a flare that seemed related to Covid vaccine.


Finally got to see rheumatologist yesterday after 3 months of increasing joint pain and exhaustion. I’m alarmed by the dosage (40 mg) of prednisone he put me on but already feel better this a.m. I’m waiting to schedule my Biopsy of temporal area (suspects I have GCA) due to my increasing sed rate, scalp tenderness and high C-RP rate. If it is GCA, then he says he increases prednisone to 60 mg. These amounts sound so high compared to everyone else’s amount of 10-20. Anyone else just get started on these high mg? I have osteopenia so concerned primarily with bone health.

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Hi zaa, A higher dosage of prednisone is needed to manage GCA. I wqas put up to 40 mg, when the rheumatologist suspected GCA. He took my height and weight into account, 4'11" and 95 lbs. Thirty years ago, my mother-in-law was put on 50 mg for GCA. I think she was on it a long time, and lived to be nearly 100. I'm on a tapering schedule - down 5 mg every two weeks if symptoms don't come back. I'm down to 25 mg now and will go down to 20 mg on Thursday. So far, everything is good. I had a dexa scan a couple of weeks ago and it's consistent for osteoporosis - so I'm now working on that. I've exercised consistently for the last 25 years, but have a strong family history of osteoporosis.
The consequences of GCA can be stroke or blindness so I'm grateful for the higher dosage of the prednisone, despite its side effects. Best to you..


Hi zaa, A higher dosage of prednisone is needed to manage GCA. I wqas put up to 40 mg, when the rheumatologist suspected GCA. He took my height and weight into account, 4'11" and 95 lbs. Thirty years ago, my mother-in-law was put on 50 mg for GCA. I think she was on it a long time, and lived to be nearly 100. I'm on a tapering schedule - down 5 mg every two weeks if symptoms don't come back. I'm down to 25 mg now and will go down to 20 mg on Thursday. So far, everything is good. I had a dexa scan a couple of weeks ago and it's consistent for osteoporosis - so I'm now working on that. I've exercised consistently for the last 25 years, but have a strong family history of osteoporosis.
The consequences of GCA can be stroke or blindness so I'm grateful for the higher dosage of the prednisone, despite its side effects. Best to you..

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I appreciate your feedback. Wish you best of luck in scaling down the prednisone and working on staying strong for your bones. Are you taking calcium or other medications for warding off osteoporosis? My doc just said we’ll check on plan for that in future.


I appreciate your feedback. Wish you best of luck in scaling down the prednisone and working on staying strong for your bones. Are you taking calcium or other medications for warding off osteoporosis? My doc just said we’ll check on plan for that in future.

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I take Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium. I saw the Rheumatologist this morning and he prescribed alendronate sodium for the osteoporosis. My dexa scan score was -3.1. He said it would be worse if I hadn't exercised. I've done Pilates through the years, but a lot of the spine flexion exercises risk spinal compression fractures so I'm going to see the Physical therapist for appropriate exercises. The National Osteoporosis Foundation has many videos posted about proper lifting techniques and some handouts on safe exercises and Yoga poses as well, if you're interested.
Also, Bob and Brad, the physical therapists, have podcasts posted on YouTube with Sara Meeks, a physical therapist renowned for her work on osteoporosis. Glad you're feeling better!


I had a bout of PMR 5 years ago and tapered prednisone for 15 months and then quite a stretch of remission or whatever. In December of 2020 it flared and an abbreviated taper of 3 months seemed to put it to rest. Since you second shot of Pfizer vaccine, about 3 weeks ago, I have been experiencing all of the symptoms. Currently awaiting my doctor’s decision based on a send rate test. Wondering if anyone else had a flare that seemed related to Covid vaccine.

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my PMR started 3 days after second covid shot


Finally got to see rheumatologist yesterday after 3 months of increasing joint pain and exhaustion. I’m alarmed by the dosage (40 mg) of prednisone he put me on but already feel better this a.m. I’m waiting to schedule my Biopsy of temporal area (suspects I have GCA) due to my increasing sed rate, scalp tenderness and high C-RP rate. If it is GCA, then he says he increases prednisone to 60 mg. These amounts sound so high compared to everyone else’s amount of 10-20. Anyone else just get started on these high mg? I have osteopenia so concerned primarily with bone health.

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I went through this same procedure. I've been as high as 60, and as low as 7 in this whole process, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep my eyesight. Even now I still have concerns about losing it. I just take one day at a time, and I fully trust my doc. He seems to be right on top of this. Well as on top as you can get with such an elusive kind of disease.I did have the biopsy, but even that is uncertain. What I was told was that unless there is a Giant Cell present, they still don't know for sure. My biopsy did not show a Giant Cell. I have all of the signs, but so far haven't cured it, and don't know if it's getting worse. I do worry about it, but just try to be as productive as I can be each day, and pray for more days. I started at 40 mg and felt immediately better, but there were times that I was moved up to 60. I never staled that high. It's hard to live with this, but for me it's been 5 years, and I still have my eyesight. I'm grateful every day for what I am able to hold onto. Best wishes to you.

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