Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Yes. I went back to 3mg of prednisone a day and some of the pain and stiffness did disappear. Although the pain is nothing as bad as it was, I still have no wish to feel even a little stiffness and sore muscles. But what can you do? It is what it is. One thing my Rheumatologist did stress, don't try and tough the pain out, that will only make it worse. My salvation is reading and pc computer games. It takes away the pan for a little while. I have improved enough over the past year that I really feel like all this will come to an end, but at 78 I feel like the clock is ticking.

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I too am 78 years old so I appreciate all that you are going through. Do you experience muscle and joint aches in the knees and inner thighs? What exercises help you? Take care


I too have the majority of pain in my thighs and legs in general, not in upper body. Very stiff. Have been reducing (very slowly) my pred and am down to 4 mg of prenissalone. Don't want to go up on pred as I have glaucoma and experiencing vision loss as it is. I will be seeing rheumy in a couple of weeks and don't think he will much to add. Already had EMG which was negative and can't imagine what else it could be. Have trouble walking so need some kind of fix. About shots of cortisone- remember, you might get a systemic effect which will make you feel better for awhile. Cymbalta made me experience anhedonia, didn't care about anything, no good. Did help slightly with pain, 'though. Might be different for you.

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Your story is like mine ! Pain and stiffness in both legs. The rheumatologist in Rochester recommended Cymbalta but I said “no” to that. I will be getting a nerve function test on March 2nd. Who knows what that will or will not show up. I am on hydrocodone for pain but can’t be on that forever. Gradually getting off the prednisone ( at. 6 mg right now) will take 11 more weeks to get completely off. See the originally said my pain was from osteoarthritis in my hips. Then after 18 months of suffering I could no longer walk easily and the diagnosed me with PMR. Now after seven months of prednisone ( the pain came back after I was reduced to 20 mg) now they say they misdiagnosed me again. They think it may be fibromyalgia but I totally disagree as my pain is not all over, just in my legs and hips. That is where they offered me the Cymbalta. No thank you.
I have been seeing a nurse practitioner in a holistic clinic in Burnsville Minnesota. She has been really on top of everything and I think I might be making some headway. She has me on a no sugar, no gluten diet. I am still on dairy for the time being as due to the prednisone I now have substantial thinning of the bone plus osteoarthritis where 18 months ago I only had osteopenia. She changed my thyroid medication from levothyroxine ( T4) to a combination medication of both T4 and T3. I feel a bit more energized. She also gave me a list of supplements which I am slowly incorporating in my diet. Let me know your thoughts about our situation as there must be an answer somewhere for us.


I would definitely get to the rheumatologist. When I went with a headache to the ER they had no idea what to do with me. At that time my blood work was ok. You could go to your primary for blood work ( especially CRP and Sedimentation levels). A couple of weeks later, my blood levels were not good. It took 4 months to diagnose GCA. If anything else changes dramatically, definitely get to the ER. My best to you.

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Thank you
I did go to the ER and by the grace of G-D I got a very informed and kind Dr.
He admitted me for a temporal biopsy today and raised my prednisone from 10 mg to 40 mg until
I see my rheumatologist on March 3
( I came to ER mainly because impossible to get an appointment soon with the doctor- so I was afraid to wait) Thanks for your response… I am so grateful and means so much to me


Hi @claude67, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @aaroncush. I thought I would respond to you in this PMR discussion so that you can learn what other members have shared.
--- Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story:

Both times I had PMR, I was started on 20 mg prednisone which took away the pain shortly after taking my morning dose and kept me pretty much pain free until the next days dose. There is also another discussion which you might find helpful for getting along with PMR.
--- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pmr-dosages/.

Do you mind sharing how much prednisone you were started on?


Hey John, Thanks for the info, I’m taking 40 mg of prednisone a day, they give me five day allotment. I’m glad getting blood work done tomorrow and a wellness check February 28 but I can’t do without the meds too much pain.


I remember, when first diagnosed and not willing to take Pred., one night when the pain was so severe it felt like my entire body was on fire. That is when I gave in and started Pred. Can you imagine having this disease before Pred? I don't know how anyone could survive it. I'm not a pill-taker but this situation forced me to change my mind.

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Hi @christi48, It must have been unbearable for people before steroids. Prednisone was invented in the 1950s.
PMR and GCA are self limiting diseases. They eventually burn themselves out. With untreated GCA though, one runs the risk of going blind or having a stroke so those of us who have it are truly lucky to be living when prednisone can calm our overactive immune systems.
I had the pain of PMR for a year without being diagnosed and took turmeric, SAME, saffron, etc. I didn't even try Ibuprophen. An infrared heating pad eased the pain when I used it.
My mother in law had GCA and didn't want to take prednisone, but was advised of the consequences of not taking it. When I was finally diagnosed, I knew the drill.
I hope you get off the prednisone as soon as you reasonably can!


Hi everyone
I just posted this message and can’t find it so sending it again. Forgive me if it is a duplicate. ( I’m new here)
I was diagnosed with PMR on February 1 started a med pack for 6 days( until PMR confirmed ) and since Feb 9 I’ve been on 10 mg of prednisone.
I’m doing very very well with almost all symptoms gone .
HOWEVER, I have had headache for last three nights.. back of head and top as well, only on the right side ( no temple pain) , no jaw pain, and no vision issues. No scalp tenderness. Sort of burning sensation and aches…. Not severe and comes and goes.
I have my first rheumatologist appointment March 3.
I was considering going to the emergency room for these head aches, but I don’t know what to do.
Any suggestions?
Thank you so much for any help

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Hi @issyb, Can you get a message to the rheumatologist or primary care physician to advise of your new symptoms quickly? A medical textbook I have advises that prednisone be increased in a person exhibiting symptoms of GCA even before a biopsy of the temporal artery is done. When I was first diagnosed with GCA a doctor told me if I had any pain in my eyes or trouble seeing to immediately go to the emergency room.
My mother-in-law had GCA as well and her symptoms were different from mine, so I never imagined I had GCA. I had short stabbing pains on the right side of my face, from the ear to the nose that came and went, a constant stiff neck, and a tender scalp, for a couple of weeks. Also I had some vision problems in my right eye that came and went a couple of times a few months before I was diagnosed.
If you can't get a hold of your doctors, it's probably best with your symptoms to err on the side of caution and go to the emergency room because the consequences of untreated GCA are stroke or blindness. Good luck!


Thank you
I did go to the ER and by the grace of G-D I got a very informed and kind Dr.
He admitted me for a temporal biopsy today and raised my prednisone from 10 mg to 40 mg until
I see my rheumatologist on March 3
( I came to ER mainly because impossible to get an appointment soon with the doctor- so I was afraid to wait) Thanks for your response… I am so grateful and means so much to me

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I am thrilled for you that things are working out. If you have any problems with your eyes, get to your Ophthalmalogist immediately. My best to you.


Your story is like mine ! Pain and stiffness in both legs. The rheumatologist in Rochester recommended Cymbalta but I said “no” to that. I will be getting a nerve function test on March 2nd. Who knows what that will or will not show up. I am on hydrocodone for pain but can’t be on that forever. Gradually getting off the prednisone ( at. 6 mg right now) will take 11 more weeks to get completely off. See the originally said my pain was from osteoarthritis in my hips. Then after 18 months of suffering I could no longer walk easily and the diagnosed me with PMR. Now after seven months of prednisone ( the pain came back after I was reduced to 20 mg) now they say they misdiagnosed me again. They think it may be fibromyalgia but I totally disagree as my pain is not all over, just in my legs and hips. That is where they offered me the Cymbalta. No thank you.
I have been seeing a nurse practitioner in a holistic clinic in Burnsville Minnesota. She has been really on top of everything and I think I might be making some headway. She has me on a no sugar, no gluten diet. I am still on dairy for the time being as due to the prednisone I now have substantial thinning of the bone plus osteoarthritis where 18 months ago I only had osteopenia. She changed my thyroid medication from levothyroxine ( T4) to a combination medication of both T4 and T3. I feel a bit more energized. She also gave me a list of supplements which I am slowly incorporating in my diet. Let me know your thoughts about our situation as there must be an answer somewhere for us.

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You at least have someone who looks at the whole picture for you. I see my rheumy soon but he is on thin ice with me as he is so uncommunicative. I have an apt for a new one in May. I see my primary soon also and I am going to try to get her to take over my LDN script and weigh in on all of it. I am taking infusion for bone production since the cancer diagnosis. Was on hormones for migraine prevention up until then so bones are good for my age. But of course, they had to go and I worried about that. But increased my calcium channel blocker and I am ok headache-wise. Boy, aren't these body complicated?! Can't do much with diet as I have Crohn's but went no sugar for 6 weeks and it made no difference. (Except weight loss) I'll let you know.


I am thrilled for you that things are working out. If you have any problems with your eyes, get to your Ophthalmalogist immediately. My best to you.

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Thank you 🙏 ❤️

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