PMR Remission

Posted by christopherc @christopherc, Nov 15, 2023

I’m a 68 year old male with PMR for almost three years now. I’m finishing up my second course of prednisone and I am feeling pretty good but still have the stiffness and pain to a lesser degree.

If anyone has experienced PMR remission did you feel it slowly but surely or did the disease go away more suddenly? And once in “remission “ were you completely symptom free or did you continue to have times or days where you felt like it was rearing its ugly head again?

Thanks for any insights you may have.

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I’m sorry PMR appears to have returned. Do you have any clues to offer as to how you achieved remission and why it may have returned?


remission lasted almost 2 years, then gradually returned. It started subtlety , now is full blown ,
My GP is not convinced its PMR, Will now seek another Rheumatologist
Pain in AM is debilitating, gradually lessens In PM

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So sorry are u taking prednisone? If you start it and symptoms dissipate quickly my rheumatologist says most definitely PMR just a thought.


So sorry are u taking prednisone? If you start it and symptoms dissipate quickly my rheumatologist says most definitely PMR just a thought.

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When I was first diagnosed (absent any blood marker signs that even hinted at inflammation) that is exactly what my GP and Rheumatologist said. If it works... it's PMR. If it doesn't, we have to figure it out.


disappointed with medical profession, they have not been very informative, seems always hesitation to go on prendisone


disappointed with medical profession, they have not been very informative, seems always hesitation to go on prendisone

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Don’t give up. As many have said, everyone is different and can have a different response to various drugs. If you’re not satisfied with your treatment plan tell your doctor or find a new one. Best to you in finding something that works for you.


I had my last dose of Prednisone for my PMR the end of May of 2023. I had tapered slowly and was at 1/2 mg of prednisone when I stopped taking it. All of my pain was gone by then. I had only regular arthritis stiffness after that. I have been in remission since then. I thought it was back a few weeks ago and took 10 mg. of prednisone as a precautionary measure to see it it was it, on the advice of my Rheumatologist. Most of my pain was still there, so I concluded it was not PMR, I have something else going on with my back. I also have degenerative disc disease. I am no seeking treatment for my Cervical spine, but the PMR remains in remission. Thank God!


Thanks. Good for you and good luck.


Thanks for this response about your experience. It is encouraging. I have recently adopted a lower carb less, inflammatory diet and i am hoping it will help and bring remission sooner than otherwise.

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Try Vegan with no oil, gluten, dairy, or anything acidic and inflammatory. I've been doing this for 6 months and have had great success. CRP of 140 down to 8. Pain almost gone. Pred dose from 60 to 7.5, currently.


I began my PMR journey if u will, in Aug. I began prednisone 20 mg and immediately felt much better. Remained on that for one month then went down to 15 for another month, then to 10 mg 4 weeks at which I went to 5 mg. The first 5/6 days I felt a bit achy and tired but it has slowly gotten better. I did see my rheumatologist and had elevated crp blood test 5 days in on 5 mg. I’m a 67 year old female. It’s taken 10 days to feel fairly normal on 5 mg. Having knee replacement on dec 14 so I want to stay at this dose. My orthopedic surgeon is ok with 5 mg. But ultimately I want to wean off totally, yet I don’t want any flares. That’s my story to date lol, as we all know everyone is different and reacts uniquely but it does help me to hear others stories and experiences.

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That sounds very similar to my prednisone dosage story. Once I got down to 5 mg in Sept (started at 20mg in January), I decreased my dosage 1 mg/month, and and now at 2 mg daily. I have stiffness and some pain, mostly in the morning, but am able to exercise (ski, bike, hike), though my stamina is shorter than it was pre-PMR. As we know, everyone is different, but since you started your PMR journey in August, I would say to listen to your body and don't wean too quickly if you experience pain. Best to you!

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