PMR, prednisone and Poor Sleep or Insomnia

Posted by shonnie @shonnie, Feb 20, 2022

I was diagnosed with PMR Jan 3 and I am on 20mg prednisone. I have terrible insomnia that seems to only be helped by Tylenol PM which I don't want to take everyrnight. Last night I tried tea with Valerian and it worked pretty well. I didn't feel groggy at all in the morning. Now I have read that it might not be good to mix with prednisone. Does anyone have an answer on taking it with prednisone. I will ask my doctor but not sure he will know.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

So good to hear someone else with similar experiences. I didn’t spot the anaemia comment as I only joined the dots on that one a couple of weeks ago when I realised I had the underlying tiredness etc long before PMR.


When I have problems sleeping or even getting to sleep I normally take about a half a Benadryl. I learned that from my business travel days when sometimes a new bed or pressures from work might keep me awake. Hope you find a solution that works for you.

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My spouse does this too, he’s a clinical pharma D. Helps get a decent nights sleep with no real side effects, except drier sinuses?


Hello @shonnie, Welcome to Connect. I've had various teas when my PMR was active and I was taking prednisone but I wasn't aware of any drug interactions. The Rheumatoid Arthritis Foundation has some information on the topic here -- What Teas can you have while on Prednisone?: The article does recommend talking with your doctor. Your pharmacist may be the best source for any drug interactions with prednisone. I did a check on and found no interactions but I would still talk with my doctor --,2284-10628

If your doctor doesn't have an answer, can you ask your pharmacist?

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Valerian is an excellent sedative. I don’t use it as it induces night terrors for me. I use Passion flower tea/tinctures. Doesn’t keep me asleep for 8nhours but at least I get a decent 4-5


No problem - In April of 2019 I had an adverse reaction to my second Shringrix vaccination, immediately I had a cascade of health issues which went undiagnosed for close to a year - you guessed it - PMR. I am super sensitive to pharmaceuticals so taking steroids long term is off the table - actually taking them short term is undesirable. I could not embrace the PMR diagnosis because my muscle/joint pain was inconsistent with descriptions found online. Fast forward to today I finally decided to do a deep dive into PMR and became frustrated with the lack of a single medical book covering to topic from A to Z. What I found was pockets of research papers, during my online search efforts I stumbled across this site. I joined recently.
I have had a long list of problems including heart issues for the first time in my life - I'm 77. Orthopedic problems including impingement issues and bursitis, blood issues necessitating a bone marrow test, infectious disease issues, dermatology problems of a foot fungus (never had athletes' foot when a teenager and showering in gang showers), plus other problems way too numerous to mention. I have struggled with symptoms, pain and medical mysteries. I have reluctantly accepted PMR as the diagnosis, but never was the complex of other issues I had mentioned ever listed as possible companion issues. This I believe is selling the problem short. PMR is systemic and not just muscles and joints. Even Mayo Clinic's list of symptoms does not give a nod to the other possible problems like anemia, edema, heart issues, etc - this is what caused me to question the diagnosis in the first place.
Long answer for a simple request. For most of my life I have had to seek OTC and alternate solutions for things others can solve easily with an Rx. I learned the Benadryl trick decades ago while traveling on business. I use pediatric strength as a sleep aide.
Hope this help you understand me just a little better. Thanks for reaching out.

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OMG your story sounds like mine! Also the Shingrix vaccines. Absolutely no doubt. Apparently the adjuvants used to stimulate the immune system can be an issue for some people, like you me and ? I’m on the dreaded P, as I cannot function without it, or something. Trying to taper swiftly led me to GCA (very scary), so back up I went. Just in a relapse now, and at 22 mg. Trying to get below 10 in a few months. It’s been 2 years. I’m resigned, but trying to find alternatives. My doc says not to do herbs… I’ll try acupuncture. Any ideas folks?


Hi folks,

New to PMR and dealing with fatigue and insomnia presumably due to prednisone. I wake up every night between 2 and 3am and then tired through the day.

In poking through the internet I came across the pharmacist in Utah who claims to be deeply knowledgeable about prednisone and has formulated a twice a day (morning and evening) supplement that claims all kinds of relief, not from PMR, but prednisone side effects.

I'm naturally skeptical about the value of any supplement for any reason but wanted to keep an open mind.

Does anyone have any experience with this pharmacist's Nutranize Zone product?


Hi folks,

New to PMR and dealing with fatigue and insomnia presumably due to prednisone. I wake up every night between 2 and 3am and then tired through the day.

In poking through the internet I came across the pharmacist in Utah who claims to be deeply knowledgeable about prednisone and has formulated a twice a day (morning and evening) supplement that claims all kinds of relief, not from PMR, but prednisone side effects.

I'm naturally skeptical about the value of any supplement for any reason but wanted to keep an open mind.

Does anyone have any experience with this pharmacist's Nutranize Zone product?

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Hello @mikeinnp, Welcome to Connect. I don't have any experience with the Nutranize Zone product but hopefully some other members may have some experience to share with you.
You will notice that we moved your post to an existing discussion on the topic here:

-- PMR, prednisone and Poor Sleep or Insomnia:

@shonnie started the discussion asking about Valerian tea and others also have shared other suggestions. Here's an interesting article on topic.

"In some studies, more than 60% of people using prednisone reported insomnia. People who take this medication may find that it takes longer to fall asleep or that they wake frequently during the night. They may also sleep for shorter periods and find that overall sleep quality is lower."
-- Does prednisone cause insomnia? Tips for better sleep:

Have you tried any types of a calming tea before bedtime to see if that helps?


I have experienced 10 months of severe sleep problems due to prednisone I take for my PMR. I week ago I decided to try CBD oil. I am now sleeping, even when I have to get up during the night I’m able to go back to sleep. I feel like a new person, getting 7/8 hrs of sleep a night. I hope this may help others with sleep issues.


For me, the insomia was dose related. Only bothered me at higher levels- like for Crohn's flair. Which, thanks to LDN seem to be a thing of the past. Tried CBD oil briefly and had no effect. Of course, you have to wonder if you got a good one.


Hi folks,

New to PMR and dealing with fatigue and insomnia presumably due to prednisone. I wake up every night between 2 and 3am and then tired through the day.

In poking through the internet I came across the pharmacist in Utah who claims to be deeply knowledgeable about prednisone and has formulated a twice a day (morning and evening) supplement that claims all kinds of relief, not from PMR, but prednisone side effects.

I'm naturally skeptical about the value of any supplement for any reason but wanted to keep an open mind.

Does anyone have any experience with this pharmacist's Nutranize Zone product?

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Hi @mikeinnp, I don't have experience with the supplement. Stay away from anything with melatonin as it stimulates the immune system. (Melatonin comes with a warning not to use if you have an autoimmune disorder). I started on 40 mg of Prednisone for Giant Cell Arteritis, and like you, I would startle awake after a couple of hours of sleep. I used to get up, have herbal tea with lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, and read, sometimes for a couple of hours. I went back to bed when I felt tired and could usually get a couple more hours of sleep. This lasted until my dosage of prednisone was lower - maybe under 10 mg. Now I'm off it and have no trouble sleeping. Take care.


I have experienced 10 months of severe sleep problems due to prednisone I take for my PMR. I week ago I decided to try CBD oil. I am now sleeping, even when I have to get up during the night I’m able to go back to sleep. I feel like a new person, getting 7/8 hrs of sleep a night. I hope this may help others with sleep issues.

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This is the same diagnosis I have with same issues regarding sleep.How much oil do you take and where can I get it?

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