PMR: anyone have problems with diarrhea

Posted by gingerraspiller @gingerraspiller, Aug 19, 2023

Diagnosed in June 2022. Have tapered from 40 mg to 3 mg. Taking supplements: multivitamin, magnesium + calcium, vit D, fish oils, turmeric, pycogenol.
Gave up coffee and caffeine a couple years ago because it gave me loose stool/diarrhea. Drinking 1 cup decaf per day but these last few months I’m having problems again - I often take 2 loperamide tablets daily to keep diarrhea under control.
Anyone else have this issue? What did you determine was cause? Could it be supplements? Planning to talk to my doctor but wondering if others with PMR have had this issue. Thx

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PMR diagnosis late July. Tapering now from 30 to 12.5 Prednisone.
Have had loose bowels/diarrhea since I started the medication. 4-5 times a day.No pain. No blood. No mucus. I hate that I’m usually awaken in the night for the first of the day bout.
Have removed all vitamins, calcium, magnesium
Have tried all kinds of diet changes:Keto, low carb, no dairy, low fiber. Over the counter anti-diarrhea meds don’t work.
Pretty much have determined until I’m off Prednisone this is how it will be. I’m now determined to just eat healthy instead of trying another approach.
Rheumatologist says “prednisone doesn’t
cause diarrhea”.


I have IBS-d but not caused by prednisone. Recently gave up gluten and that has helped a lot.


An NP prescribed Benefiber and it has been miraculous for me. The powder certainly works and is cheaper, but now I am using their gummies. It has been such a help! My doctor tells me her patients say they don’t work. Not true! But it could be they only work for loose stools and gas, but not constipation. I don’t know. All I know is they work wonders for diarrhea/loose stools and I take fewer than the recommended 6/day. I just go by what dosage works and change as required, from as low as 2/day and up.

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